Midterm Jeopardy Flashcards
This is a set of components that interact in such a way as to form a complete behaving or functioning unit.
This type of control system occurs when the output of the system acts to oppose changes to the input of the system.
Negative feedback control
This type of feedback control is sometimes referred to as ‘cumulative causation’ and this is a thermoregulatory response that is an example of this type of control.
- Positive feedback
- Shivering
These terms are used to describe the application of the principles of control systems to biological systems.
cybernetics or control theory
This component in a feedback loop generates a type of signal that gives a thermoregulatory response that is proportional to the size of this type of signal.
- reference selector
- actuating or driving signal
Neurophysiological Basis of Temperature Regulation 100
These two terms are better descriptions of ‘warm-blooded’ and ‘cold blooded’ animals.
- endothermic and ectothermic animals
Neurophysiological Basis of Temperature Regulation 200
This type of heat exchange depends on direct contact of 2 objects as well as the temperature difference, the area of contact and the conductive properties of the 2 objects
conductive heat exchange
Neurophysiological Basis of Temperature Regulation 300
This avenue of heat loss from the surface of body only gives heat loss, depends on surface temperature of the body, water vapor density between the surface & surrounding air as well as resistance to water loss from the surface of the body.
evaporative heat loss
Neurophysiological Basis of Temperature Regulation 400
These two types of responses of ‘thermo-sensitive’ tissues are either during steady state or changing temperatures of these tissues.
the static and the dynamic responses of thermosensitive tissues or thermoreceptors
Neurophysiological Basis of Temperature Regulation 500
This principal structure in the body that is central to thermoregulation has two anatomical areas, one that is involved in control of heat loss and the other that is involved in control of heat production and heat conservation responses.
- hypothalamus
- heat loss: preoptic anterior hypothalamus
- heat production/consevation: dorsomedial posterior hypothalamus
Control of Sweating & Vasodilatation in the Heat 100
Venous occlusion plethysmography measures this dimension of the body and is used to assess changes in cutaneous vasodilatation in the heat.
- limb circumference
Control of Sweating & Vasodilatation in the Heat 200
With body warming or hyperthermia these are two components of the cutaneous vasodilatation response to systemic or whole body increases in core temperature.
-vasodilatation or release of sympathetic tone and active cutaneous vasodilatation
Control of Sweating & Vasodilatation in the Heat 300
The efferent neural pathway for the control of eccrine sweating includes this part of the autonomic nervous system, passes through these bilateral chains of ganglia and releases this neurotransmitter?
the SNS, paravertebral ganglia and acetylcholine
Control of Sweating & Vasodilatation in the Heat 400
These are 3 types of sweating disorders evident in humans.
hyperhidrosis, anihidrosis and congential absence of sweating, e.g. anhidrotic ectodermal displasia
Control of Sweating & Vasodilatation in the Heat 500
These are three types of heat injuries.
Heat Syncope, Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke