Midterm I Flashcards
Protestant Reformation
Religious movement started by Martin Luther in 1517 that led to disposal of Roman Catholic Church in parts of northern and central Europe
Theory that God knew, even before creating the world, who would be saved and who would be damned.
Huguenots (Calvinists)
French Protestants who followed John Calvin
Belief that the survival of the state took precedence over religious differences
Early French Explorers
France started in Canada. After harsh winters there, they gave up. They moved to Havana near Spanish colonies in Florida. Spain attacked because of religion.
Coureur De Bois
French phrase meaning a roamer of the woods, French colonists who participated in the fur trade with the Indians and lived part of the year with them
Missions and Furs
Chaplain and New France became friends with the Huguenots in Canada. He had to fight with them against the Iroquois five nations. They were trying to win Indians to Christ. Jesuits converted many, but lost fur trade.
Portion of one’s income (usually a tenth), owed to the church
New France under Louis XIV
Louis and Colbert took charge after 1663, Colbert wanted the population to increase. Grew from 3K to 14K and most people were in Quebec, Montreal, and Three-Rivers. Many French settlers did not want to be in Canada, but in the Caribbean.
States General
Legislative assembly of the Netherlands
East and West India Companies
Dutch depended on profit for expansion. They put more profit into Hudson than anything. Dutch traded much with Indians
New Netherland/Pluralistic Society
New Netherland brought diversity to North America. Emphasis shifted from piety to trade in 1631. Population grew in New Netherland
Dutch word for New Englanders that meant land pirate
English Encroachments
English were getting close to the Dutch by Long Island. Kieft welcomed them at first, but then tensions grew
Member of the established Church of England
English religious group that followed the teachings of John Calvin and wanted to purify the Church of England from Catholic ceremonies and vestments
Extreme English Protestant group that followed John Calvin. They began to separate from the Church of England and form their own congregations
England’s first permanent colony in New England, founded by Separatists in 1620
English Reformation
King Henry had 6 wives and became the leader of the Church of England. Elizabeth, Mary, and Edward were siblings. Edward (Protestant) dies as a teen, Mary (Catholic) seeks to take Elizabeth’s place and is captured, but Elizabeth turns nation Protestant
Hawkins and Drake
England’s population was growing and so was wool. Fishing was key port in America. Hawkins and Drake made three voyages to New Spain, each trip got worse. They wanted to take Spain down, Hawkins and Drake are rewarded knighthood from Elizabeth
Gilbert, Ireland, and America
England tried to influence the Irish, but they wouldn’t allow it and go even further Catholic. Gilbert was brutal in Irish wars, but he wanted to travel to America. He went to Newfoundland, and his ship went under in a storm
Sir Walter Ralegh
Elizabethan courtier who in the 1580’s, tried/failed to establish an English colony on Roanoke Island in North Carolina
First English settlement in North America (1607), and Virginia’s Capitol for most of 17th century
Ralegh, Roanoke, and War with Spain
Ralegh sent two expeditions to America, first went under, second was a war with Spain and Roanoke
Swarming of the English
700,000 people crossed to Atlantic from England to North America and Caribbean. Those who settled in the Hudson and Delaware were most fortunate
Captain John Smith
Member of Virginia Council whose leadership from 1607 to 1609 saved the colony from collapse
The Jamestown Disaster
There was a fever in Jamestown. Then a war broke out between the English and Indians. Leaving a disaster in Jamestown
Joint-Stock Company
Business organization that resembled a modern corporation where people invested in the company for shares , although each stockholder had one vote no matter how many shares
House of Burgesses
Assembly of early Virginia elected by settlers that met with the governor and his council and enacted local laws, first met in 1619
Practice where a colonist received 50 acres of land for every person whose passage to America he financed
Reorganization, Reform, and Crisis
The economic diversification program was brought about. It failed except for tobacco. Food was scarce and many died over the winter
Royal Colony
Colony controlled by English monarch
Tobacco, Servants, and Survival
Tobacco financed for indentured servants. Tobacco prices fell and profit came through the richest settlers
Maryland came as second colony formed from George Calvert and Cecilius. Cecilius attempted to unite Catholics and Protestants, but never worked.
Proprietary Colony
Colony owned by a person who had vast discretionary powers
Indentured Servants
People who had their passage paid to America by a master or ship captain. Agreeing to work for their master for a term of years in exchange for cost of passage, bed and board, and small freedom dues when their terms were up
Society dominated by a few people or families
Chesapeake Family Life
Life expectancy grew, but still lower than England’s. Many men did not marry, women died before men usually
West Indies and Transition to Slavery
Sugar and tobacco were the plants in Barbados. More Buccaneers than slaves. Slaves were dying numerously from being worked to death. Brought in much wealth for English
The Rise of Slavery in North America
Some slaves won freedom, but most were slaves for life. All white slaves still had authority over black slaves.
Separatist settlers who sailed on the Mayflower in 1620 and founded Plymouth Colony
The Pilgrims and Plymouth
Mayflower went off course to Cape Cod. They had a harsh first winter, but found Massachusetts. Squanto helped them and they had thanksgiving with the Wampanoags
Covenant Theology
God made two covenants with humans: covenant of works, and covenant of grace
The Elect
Those selected by God for salvation
Official who enforced the law. Or justice of peace and judge in a higher court
Puritan Family Life
People were starting to have longer life expectancy. English were thriving in the land, and they tried to avoid slavery due to religion
Massachusetts Bay Company
Joint-stock company by Charles I in 1629. Controlled by non-separatists who took the charter with them to New England and converted it to a written constitution for the colony
English Puritans who knew they were faithful members of the Church of England while demanding that it purge itself of its surviving Catholic rituals and vestments
Anne Hutchinson
Religious radical who had many follow her in Massachusetts. She warned that ministers were preaching only covenant of works, not covenant of grace. Convicted of heresy, she and most loyal followers were banished to Rhode Island in 1638
Bicameral Legislature
Legislature with two houses or chambers
Half-Way Covenant
Puritan practice where parents who were baptized but who were not yet converted, could bring their children before the church to get baptized
Indian people who could speak some of Algonquian language
Mourning War
Indian war initiated by a widow or bereaved relative who insisted that her male relatives provide captives to compensate for her loss
Iroquois League
Confederation of five Indian nations centered around Mohawk valley and active in their fur trade
Covenant Chain of Peace
Agreement by Gov. Edmund Andros in 1677, that linked the colony of New York to Iroquois Five Nations was later expanded to include other colonies and Indian people
Tribal prophets or medicine men. Later used to describe ceremonies
Metacom’s War (King Phillip’s War)
War that devastated much of southern New England in 1675-1676. It began as a conflict between Metacom’s Wampanoags and Plymouth Colony but soon engulfed all of the New England colonies and most of the regions Indian nations
Bacon’s Rebellion
Challenge to Royal authority in the English mainland colonies prior to 1675. It erupted in Virginia in 1676 after the governor and Nathaniel Bacon could not agree how to wage war on the Indians
Study of history as a social science
4 Historians
- Political
- Social
- Ideological
- Cultural
Group of people promoting a common interest to guard and defend
When father dies, first born will get the bulk of the money, but is also divided among the siblings
Planter Class
Democratic system starting with a group of rich men in Virginia
40 shillings for a free hole to their own land
Nathaniel Bacon
1647-1676; destroys Jamestown and dies from a fever
Martin Luther
Thought Catholic Church had wrong practices; paying for sin but no repentance. He did not intend to start another denomination
- King/Emporer
- Nobles
- People
British People
Scots, Irish, Welsh, Cornish, Breton, Manx; only Scots and Irish are Gaelic
Upper South
Consists of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina.
Middle Colonies
Consists of New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.
New England Colonies
Consists of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Masschusetts, and New Hampshire.
James I
1566-1625; openly gay but married for the sake of the kingdom.
Elements of union (bread/wine); being God’s flesh and blood
John Winthrop
1588-1649; founder of Massachusetts Bay Colony and frequently its governor
Hugh Peter
1598-1660; radical who fled to Holland in 1629, also pastor of Salem Church, tortured at end of his life
Edward Winslow
1595-1655; pilgrim who returned to England to serve in the civil war, but died in the West Indies
Evangelical Sects