Midterm Exam Flashcards
sWhat are the 2 types of revelation?
- natural/general revelation
2. supernatural/special revelation
What is natural/general revelation?
insufficient but lehfhfuaves men inexcusable
1. light of nature/conscience
Romans 2; written on hearts
2. works of creation and providence
What were the 3 means of special revelation?
- dreams (less mature)
- visions (more mature)
- mouth to mouth (verbal)
Beattie on Scripture as special revelation
supernatural, dynamic (organic), plenary, verbal inspiration
What are the 3 elements of the sufficiency of Scripture?
- scope
- perspicuity
- finality
What is the scope of the sufficiency of Scripture?
- what is explicitly stated
2. what is inferred by “good and necessary consequence”
What is meant by the “perspicuity” of Scripture?
the central truths of Scripture (eg. the Apostle’s creed) can be understood by any standard reader
What is meant by the “finality” of Scripture?
“authentical” - true copies of the original Biblical texts (though not the original)
Larger Catechism #6: What do the Scriptures make known of God?
The Scriptures make known
- what God is,
- the persons in the Godhead,
- His decrees, and
- the execution of His decreesp
Westminster Confession of Faith
2.1 and 2.2 outline
WCF 2.1: Who God is in Himself
WCF 2.2 Who God is to us
God’s incommunicable attributes (WCF 2:1)
attributes unable to be imaged in man:
- absolute/ one
- infinite in being: immeasurable
- without parts: indivisible characteristics (God’s simplicity)
- without passions: impassible, without emotions like man’s (In that a reaction is a change wrought by something else, God does not react, nor is he emotionally driven.)
- eternal: no beginning or end, and does not experience succession in time
- immense: both fills spaces and is outside space
- incomprehensible: beyond human logic
God’s communicable attributes (WCF 2.1)
attributes able to be imaged in man:
- loving
- gracious
- merciful
- long-suffering
- goodness
- truth
Westminster Confession of Faith 2.2 notes
- in and of himself: the aseity of God (God is self-existent)
- self-sufficient
- source and end of all things
- sovereign over all things
- deserves all worship
OT allusions and NT references to the Trinity (WCF 2.3)
OT Allusions:
- Gen 1:2 and 1:26
- Gen 11:5-7
- Gen 32:24
- Ex 23:20-25
- Is 7:14
- Ps 51:11
- 1 Sam 16:13-14
NT References
- Mt 28:19
- 2 Cor 13:14
- Mt 3:16-17
- John 1:1-14
- John 8:48-59
- John 14:26
- John 15:26-27
- John 16:7-11
4 elements of proving the full deity of the Son and the Holy Spirit
- names
- attributes
- works
- worship
Scriptural example(s) that prove the deity of the Son: names
Is 6:3, 5, 8 interpreted in John 12:41
Scriptural example(s) that prove the deity of the Son: attributes
- John 1:1
- Is 9:6
- Matt 11:25-27
Scriptural example(s) that prove the deity of the Son: works
- John 1:2-3, 5
- Col 1:16
Scriptural example(s) that prove the deity of the Son: worship
Matt 28:19
Scriptural example(s) that prove the deity of the Spirit: names
Acts 5:3-4
Scriptural example(s) that prove the deity of the Spirit: attributes
1 Cor 2:10-11
Scriptural example(s) that prove the deity of the Spirit: works
Gen 1:2
Scriptural example(s) that prove the deity of the Spirit: worship
2 Cor 13:14
Westminster Shorter Catechism 3.1: attributes of God’s decree
- eternal
- unchangeable
- all-comprehending
- unconditional
pastoral application of God’s eternal decree (WCF 3)
Romans 8:28: And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
soteriological applications of God’s eternal decree (WCF 3)
election, predestination, and reprobation
What are angels? (What is their function?)
- agents of Providence
- our protectors
Calvin I.XIV.5, 6, 9
- intermediary Messengers by which God Manifests himself to us
- Dispensers and administrators of God’s beneficence towards us
- Direct our ways
- fight against the Devil
- Keep vigil for our safety
- take Care that harm does not befall us
- taKe up our defense
- Carry out God’s vengeance
Explain the election of angels and why fallen angels can’t be saved as men are.
- Angels were elected outside of salvation through Christ.
- Angels are a host and were created individually.
- Men are a race and are under a Head.
- Angels are not under a federal head as Man is.
What are the ordained means of election? (WCF 3.6)
- redemption by Christ (repeated @ end)
- effectual calling
- justified, adopted, sanctified, & kept (the golden chain)
Explain the double predestination of the reprobate (WCF 3.7).
- preterition: God decrees to pass them by
2. condemnation: God decrees/ordains them for wrath for their sin
What should be our response/ disposition towards the doctrine of predestination?
- respond experientially: “Why me, Lord?!”
- Pipa quote: “All true converts believe in the election of God; Arminianism must be taught.”
What is the guiding principle behind God’s works of creation and providence?
“BY FAITH” – Heb 11:3: By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.
How is creation a work of the Triune God? (WCF 4.1)
- Father decreed
- Son worked (the 8 sayings in Gen 1 = the Son)
- Holy Spirit perfected
- all 3 are paralleled in redemption*
What are the Scripture proofs for creation being a work of the Triune God?
- Rom 11:36: (For from Him and…)
- 1 Cor 8:6: (yet for us there is but one God…)
- Heb 1:2 (in these last days…)
- John 1:2-3 (He was with God in the…)
- Gen 1:2 (The earth was…)
- Job 33:4 (The Spirit of God has…)
When, how and why did God create? (WCF 4.1)
When: in the beginning (contrasts eternity and time)
How: made of nothing/ex nihilo (made all building materials)
Why: for His own glory!
Give the Devil’s primary role and explain the difference between demon possession and demon oppression.
Devil’s primary role: temptation and destruction of the Church
demon possession: an involuntary, permanent, wholesale taking-over of a person’s personality (last example Acts 16) in order to mimic the true Incarnation
demon oppression: always voluntary, non-permanent, and unable to be cast-out (still exists today)
What was Adam made from the ground and Eve made from Adam?
To establish
- covenant headship
- the order of the created sphere
In what 3 areas were God’s image in man lost by the Fall? (WCF 4.2)
- knowledge
- righteousness
- holiness
How does Dr. Pipa explain the relationship of man’s dominion to the imago Dei?
dominion is a result of the imago Dei
Are there laws of creation?
There are principles, “habits of the Creator,” that we can observe and base our lives on.
e. g. the relationship between the following:
- Psalm 104:30 You send forth Your Spirit, they are created; And You renew the face of the ground.
- Psalm 135:6 Whatever the LORD pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps.
What is foreknowledge and what is it not? (WCF 5.1)
Foreknowledge is not God knowing beforehand what man will chose, but rather God knowing all possibilities and choosing the best one beforehand.
In what three ways do the second causes of nature occur? (WCF 5.2)
- necessarily: laws of creation
- feely: free choices of men (desire vs. autonomy)
- contingently: unforeseen circumstances of life (“accidents”)
In what three ways is God free to work outside ordinary means? (WCF 5.3)
- without: no means
- above: means are used above and beyond normal measure (e.g. turning water to wine)
- contrary: agains means (eg. walking on water)
Under what covenant did the Fall take place?
Under the covenant of works (aka covenant of life)
What was Adam’s responsibility under the covenant of works?
Perfect obedience to all of the Law and to the prohibition
In what three ways did Man die as result of the Fall?
- spiritually
- physically
- judicially
In what way does Adam’s headship implicate all of mankind?
Adam is both the federal and physical head of mankind.
Through what covenant is salvation made possible?
Through the covenant of grace
How is the covenant of grace established and administered?
The covenant of grace is established from the beginning of time, in Christ, for His elect, and is administered in time in administrations/dispensations.* 1. Adamic covenant 2. Noahic covenant 3. Abramic covenant 4. Mosaic covenant 5. Davidic covenant NEW Covenant
*In contrast to Dispensationalism, the covenants are not independent of one another, but rather each covenant includes and builds upon the previous covenant(s).
Define a free will vs. an autonomous will.
A free will has the freedom to choose according to its nature, whereas an autonomous will is free to choose between right and wrong.
Why is a Mediator necessary to man?
Because man is alienated from God.
How do Christ’s three offices correspond to what Man lost in the fall (imago Dei)?
- Adam forsook the office of Prophet in that he became blind through his loss of knowledge
- Adam forsook the office of Priest in that he became guilty through his loss of righteousness
- Adam forsook the office of King in that he became unholy through his loss of holiness
What are the three functions of Christ? (WCF 8.1)
- Head and Savior of the Church (Guarantor of our salvation)
- Heir of all things (Authority)
- Judge of the world
What is Christ’s purpose in relation to His people? (WCF 8.1)
To redeem, call, justify, sanctify and glorify
Prove the deity of Christ as the 2nd person of the Trinity using John 1.
- names: God (v. 1), Light (vv. 4-5, 8-9)
- attributes: eternal (v. 1)
- works: Creator (v. 3)
- worship: those who believe in His name (v. 12)
Explain how and when Christ the Son of God became man. (WCF 8.2)
How: “in the womb of the virgin Mary” – Jesus was made of her substance and got his human nature from Mary’s DNA
When: “the fullness of time” (Gal 4:4)
Was Jesus the creation of a human being?
No. God did not create a new human being, but rather the 2nd person of the Trinity took a human nature.
What is meant by “hypostatic union?”
the union of Christ’s two natures: 1 person, 2 natures, 2 wills
What 3 errors are refuted in WCF 8.2?
- joined: Apollinarianism (logos replaces human soul)
- without conversion: Pistorianism (2 persons, dominant is human and is converted through obedience)
- without composition: Eutychianism (2 natures combined to make a new nature)
How does Dr. Pipa describe the Savior as the God-man?
Christ is both a suitable savior & a sufficient savior
How does Dr. Pipa phrase Christ’s humiliation?
“The steps down into exaltation”
What are the two theories regarding the creation of the human soul? Where does Pipa stand on this?
- creationism: a completely new soul is created.
- Traducianism: the soul is passed on through procreation.
Pipa’s stance is in between: God takes the soul from the parents and creates from them a new soul. (This is why personality traits are passed on from parents to children.)