FInal Flashcards
What the premise of Murray’s arguments for infant baptism?
Premise: Baptism is the sign and seal of membership in Christ’s body, the church. The NT economy is the unfolding and fulfillment of the covenant made with Abraham and that the necessary implication is the unity and continuity of the church.
What is Murray’s first arguement for infant baptism?
- The covenant made with Abraham included the infant offspring of Abraham.
- Circumcision was the sign and seal of the old covenant
- It is in terms of this covenant that the blessing of Abraham comes upon the gentiles. “I will
be your God, and you will be my people, and I will dwell among you.”
- the meaning of circumcision and is identical in principle with the leading notion in the
meaning of baptism, namely, union and communion with the Lord.
- Circumcision, signifying what in principle is identical with that signified by baptism,
was administered to infants who were born within the covenant relation and privilege.
What is Murray’s second arguement for infant baptism?
- The New Testament gospel is the unfolding and extension of the blessing conveyed by the
covenant with Abraham. They who are of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.
- The command to administer the sign to infants was not revoked, so it is still in effect
What is Murray’s third arguement?
- Divine institution governs its administration. That is the ground. And that is what constitutes
for us the obligation to comply.
- Baptism is the divinely instituted sign of the covenant of grace, administered to those who
have made a credible profession of faith and their seed by command of God.
- It is not presumptive of election or future graces, nor resulting from mere external graces.
- It is a sign of membership in the Church of Christ by virtue their parents’ covenant
What is Murray’s 4th aruguement?
Mathew 19:13,14 - Jesus teaches that children belong to the kingdom of God and are to welcomed in his name. This means that they are part of the church. By good and necessary consequence then…
- Little children belong to the Kingdom of God
- They are members of the kingdom and have therefor been regenerated
- THey are to be received as belonging to Christ
What is Murray’s 5th arguement?
Paul, in Ephesians 6 and Colossians 3 includes children as a class of bleiever to be instructed along with wives, husbands, fathers, servants and masters and therefore are reckoned as saints.
What Murray’s 6th arguement?
In 1 Cor 7, children of one or more believing parents are called holy.
What is Murray’s 7th arguement?
Evidence in Acts and the epistles indicate that household baptism was a common practice in the apostolic church and there were infants in these families.
Murray’s 8th arguement
Acts 2:39 - “The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to himself.”
Peter is connecting the work of the Spirit at pentecost and the response of faith to the promise made to Abraham in Gen 17:7.
What 6 principals did Witherow identify as belonging to the apostolic church?
- Office bearers were chosen by the people
- The office of bishop and elder were identical
- There was a plurality of elders in the church
- Ordination was the act of a presbytery
- There was a privilege of appeal to the assembly of elders
- The only head of the church is the Lord Jesus Christ
Principle 1: Office bearers were chosen by the people
Acts 1: 13-26 - they chose men from among them with qualifications
Acts 14 - Paul went through all the churches electing elders
Acts 6: Men were brought forward as candidates for Deacon and then the people elected by the congregation
Principle 2: The office of elder and bishop are identical
- Philipians refers to bishops and deacons, but never mentions elders
- James tells the saints to call for the elders to pray over the sick but never mentions bishops
- Paul’s letter to Titus switches one for the other in versus 5-7 using the word “for” and equating the appointment of elders to the requirement for an overseer.
Acts 20: 17 and28 - Paul called to him the elders of the church and then charged them with oversight of the flock to which they had been appointed overseers
Principle 3: plurality of elders
Acts 15:23 - They appointed elders in every church
Acts 20:17 - He called to him the elders of the church
Philipians 1 - “To the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons”
Principle 4: Ordination was an act of presbytery
- 1 Timothy 4:14 - “laying on of hands by the presbytery
- Acts 13:1-3 - ordination by laying on of hands by the men present
- Acts 6:6 - ordination of deacons, even with apostles there and present, they had the ordination conducted by a plurality
Principle 5: Prvilege of appeal to the assembly of elders
Acts 15: Jerusalem Council
1. A dispute arose regarding circumcision in the church in Antioch that could not be resolved
2. The matter was taken to Jerusalem by a contigent representing both sides and heard by a contingent of apostles and elders
3. The council heard the dispute and delivered a decision
4. That decision was then delivered back to the churches
5. The churches yeilded submission to the decision