Midterm exam Flashcards
-Were a white PARAMILITARY organization -formed to GET REPUBLICANS OUT OF OFFICE in the south and to dissuade AA from voting.
White Man’s League
-1883 By President Arthur -formed BIPARTISAN Civil Service Commission. -Forbade the levying of political assessments for office holders. -enforced competetive hiring system for some federal jobs.
The Pendelton Act
-Act passed by Ben Harrison -Allowed congress to reserve remaining public lands and prevent them from being acquired from various public land laws.
Land Revision Act of 1891
-Signed into law by President Ben Harrison 1890. -Provided pensions for all veterans who had served at least 90 days for the UNION army or naval forces, who had been discharged honorably and could not perform manual labor.
Dependent and Disability Pension Act
The Farmer’s Revolt
Land Revision Act of 1891
-Act passed by Ben Harrison -Allowed congress to reserve remaining public lands and prevent them from being acquired from various public land laws.
Dependent and Disability Pension Act
-Signed into law by President Ben Harrison 1890. -Provided pensions for all veterans who had served at least 90 days for the UNION army or naval forces, who had been discharged honorably and could not perform manual labor.
Wade-Davis Bill
-Was a counter to Lincoln’s 10% plan. -Proposed by Radical Republicans. -Required majority of electorate to take loyalty oath but excluded former confedarate from participating. -was pocket vetoed by lincoln because it was too harsh.
Chester A. Arthur
-VP to Garfield. -Was a Stalwart. -Assumed presidency upon assassination of Garf. -pushed for CIVIL SERVICE REFORM via the PENDLETON ACT OF 1883. -passed first FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAWS. -Tried lowering TARIFFS.
-1887 -The federal government had decided to parcel up Indian territories. -told Natives that they wou;ld be rewarded citizenry if they left the tribe.
Dawes Act
-The period following the end of the Civil War that attempted to rebuild the devastation of the south. -Ended with the Great Compromise of 1877 with Hayes assuming presidency and pulling military from south.
Yukon Gold Rush
The Lodge Bill
-1890 -Was an attempt by Republicans and endorsed by Harrison to provide more federal oversight during elections to make them more fair. -it was also designed to help African American voters in the south who were largely republican but faced mandates that disenfranchised them. -it ultimately failed to be passed in the senate.
-1890 -Was an attempt by Republicans and endorsed by Harrison to provide more federal oversight during elections to make them more fair. -it was also designed to help African American voters in the south who were largely republican but faced mandates that disenfranchised them. -it ultimately failed to be passed in the senate.
The Lodge Bill
Dawes Act
-1887 -The federal government had decided to parcel up Indian territories. -told Natives that they wou;ld be rewarded citizenry if they left the tribe.
-A SOCIAL DARWINIST -Believed strongly that the government should remain out of business.
William Graham Sumner
-The period following the end of the Civil War that attempted to rebuild the devastation of the south. -Ended with the Great Compromise of 1877 with Hayes assuming presidency and pulling military from south.
Is the idea that the government should have a hands off approach to the economy, let the chips fall where they may
Lassaiz Faire Economics
-Were reform minded Republicans, who saw MORALITY as a big deal. -Found it difficult to support Republican nominee Blaine. -Ended up supporting Cleveland. -Party dissolved immediately after election/.
White Man’s League
-Were a white PARAMILITARY organization -formed to GET REPUBLICANS OUT OF OFFICE in the south and to dissuade AA from voting.
Henry W. Grady
-Proponent to the idea of INDUSTRIALIZING THE SOUTH. tried to promote it through writing. -Sought to put poor freedmen to work through industrialized south. -
William Graham Sumner
-A SOCIAL DARWINIST -Believed strongly that the government should remain out of business.
The Pendelton Act
-1883 By President Arthur -formed BIPARTISAN Civil Service Commission. -Forbade the levying of political assessments for office holders. -enforced competetive hiring system for some federal jobs.
-During the ELECTION OF 1888 HARRISON VS CLEVELAND. -A letter from a supposed british ex patriate was published and suggesteed that British support Cleveland. -The letter was a lie and is credited as being the reason Cleveland lost the reelection because the IRISH hated pro-british things.
The Murchison Letter
Black Codes
-Were a series of laws and madates passed following reconstruction that sought to mandate and regulate the lives of African Americans. -Ultimately served to maintain a RACIAL CASTE SYSTEM
Lassaiz Faire Economics
Is the idea that the government should have a hands off approach to the economy, let the chips fall where they may
-Were reform minded Republicans, who saw MORALITY as a big deal. -Found it difficult to support Republican nominee Blaine. -Ended up supporting Cleveland. -Party dissolved immediately after election/.
The Murchison Letter
-During the ELECTION OF 1888 HARRISON VS CLEVELAND. -A letter from a supposed british ex patriate was published and suggesteed that British support Cleveland. -The letter was a lie and is credited as being the reason Cleveland lost the reelection because the IRISH hated pro-british things.
-President Garfield was one. -Argued that the Republican party should push for less corruption and favoritism in federal hiring. -faced off against Stalwarts.
Reform-minded Republicans
The Mulligan Letters
-Letters that indicated that Republican Presidential hopeful JAMES G BLAINE had acquired federal land grants for a couple railroad companies. -Election of 1884
Reform-minded Republicans
-President Garfield was one. -Argued that the Republican party should push for less corruption and favoritism in federal hiring. -faced off against Stalwarts.
-Established by the War Department in 1865 to help freed African Americans and impoverished whites in the South following the war. (included Washington DC)
Freedman’s Bureau
-Was a plan to restore the Union by only requiring 10% of the voting population of the South to take a loyalty oath in order to be readmitted. -was wildly unpopular by radical republicans who wanted harsher reforms and ultimately failed to be passed.
Lincoln’s 10% plan
-Proponent to the idea of INDUSTRIALIZING THE SOUTH. tried to promote it through writing. -Sought to put poor freedmen to work through industrialized south. -
Henry W. Grady
Grand Army of the Republic
-Was a program developed by CLeveland for CIVIL WAR UNION VETS. (union vets only). -initially was awesome, but Cleveland started denying pension requests by many of the members because he feared fraud. -Cleveland lost support from GAOTR because of this.
Freedman’s Bureau
-Established by the War Department in 1865 to help freed African Americans and impoverished whites in the South following the war. (included Washington DC)
-Was a program developed by CLeveland for CIVIL WAR UNION VETS. (union vets only). -initially was awesome, but Cleveland started denying pension requests by many of the members because he feared fraud. -Cleveland lost support from GAOTR because of this.
Grand Army of the Republic
Lincoln’s 10% plan
-Was a plan to restore the Union by only requiring 10% of the voting population of the South to take a loyalty oath in order to be readmitted. -was wildly unpopular by radical republicans who wanted harsher reforms and ultimately failed to be passed.
-Were a series of laws and madates passed following reconstruction that sought to mandate and regulate the lives of African Americans. -Ultimately served to maintain a RACIAL CASTE SYSTEM
Black Codes
-AKA the OLD GUARD. -Were the result of FRACTURING within the REPUBLICAN PARTY in the 1880s. -They were LOYAL to the republican party and wanted NO CHANGE. - they faced off against REFORM minded repubs. -Chester a. Arthur was one.
-VP to Garfield. -Was a Stalwart. -Assumed presidency upon assassination of Garf. -pushed for CIVIL SERVICE REFORM via the PENDLETON ACT OF 1883. -passed first FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAWS. -Tried lowering TARIFFS.
Chester A. Arthur
-Was a counter to Lincoln’s 10% plan. -Proposed by Radical Republicans. -Required majority of electorate to take loyalty oath but excluded former confedarate from participating. -was pocket vetoed by lincoln because it was too harsh.
Wade-Davis Bill