Midterm Exam Flashcards
is the description, understanding, and prediction of phenomena through
the use and generation of verifiable theories, laws, and principles
Science has 4 meanings
Is the use of scientific knowledge and/or empirical knowhow for the
production, improvement, and distribution of goods and services, as well as the satisfaction of other material needs
Defined science in 3 ways in his book The Nature of Technology: What it is and how it evolves?
W. Brian Arthur
Is a group of persons joined together for a common purpose or by a
common interest. They come to learn and perform behavior expected of them.
Four characteristics that categorize something as science include
Focuses on the natural world
Goes through experiments
Relies on evidence
Passes through scientific community
strongly opposes the view that technology is “a means to an end” or “a human activity
Martin Heidegger
Are means for an end
Technological objects
Highlighted six relationships between science and technology
Would not exist without the society
Science and technology
refers to studies of phenomena such as the general nature and interrelationship of science and technology, the social structures and reward systems of the professions of science and engineering, and social aspects of everyday scientific and technological activity.
further derive four main purposes of the STS approach,
Harms and Yager
3500 B.C- 500 AD
Ancient period
CA 750,000 it was used by Homo erectus
CA 45,000 it was used in Europe
Stone headed spears
CA 20,000 used in Spain and Saharan Africa.
Wooden bow and arrow
CA 2000 build palaces in Crete
CA 1000__ is introduced in Greece
CA 1000 __ makes false teeth from gold
Etruscan craftsmen
Ca 8,500 make stone arrowheads
North Americans
Ca 8,000 __ people living on the eastern side of the Poe’s mountains develop sophisticated tools
Ca 6,000 __ is made in South Africa
Ca 2500 ___ makes flirt tools
People in the Arctic
CA 1750 ___ build a long canal to irrigate their cops
CA 1200 ___in Peru makes rafts and boats from reeds
CA 1200__ carve figurines and giant human heads
Olmec sculptors
CA 11,000 __ made in Japan
Earliest known day pots
5,200 People in ___ make wine