Midterm - Chapter 1-5 Flashcards
The processes by which knowledge is acquired or manipulated. Cognition is a reflection of the mind, it is not directly observable
changes in structure or function overtime
Object Permanence
The knowledge that objects have an existence in time and space independent of one’s own perception or action on those objects
6 Truths of Cognitive Development - internal and external
factors produce cognitive development
6 Truths of Cognitive Development - CD is ______ within a ______ ________
constructed within a social context
6 Truths of Cognitive Development - CD involve both _____& _____ overtime
stability and plasticity
6 Truths of Cognitive Development - CD affects how __________ is represented
6 Truths of Cognitive Development - Children develop increasing intentional control over their _________ & __________
behavior and cognition
6 Truths of Cognitive Development - CD involves changes in both ___________ & _________ abilities
domain-general and domain-specific
Describe the relationship between structure and function
structure and function are bi-directional
What is Nativism?
Human intellectual abilities are biological
What is Empiricism?
Cognition arises as a result of environment
What are Executive Functions?
control processes that regulate behavior
What is Inhibition?
Resisting prepotent responses
What is Task Switching?
Ability to switch between different tasks or rules
What is Updating?
Continuously updating the content of memory while performing a task
Where does Executive Functions stem from?
pre-frontal cortex in the brain
What is Evolutionary Developmental Psychology?
How adaptive changes in behavior lead to adaptive changes in cognition
What are biologically primary abilities?
Have undergone selection pressure and evolved to deal with problems faced by our ancestors
What are biologically secondary abilitites?
Do not have an evolutionary history but are built on biologically primary abilities
What is Neuroconstructivism?
Babies are born with abilities to seek knowledge and experience
What is Developmental Systems Approach?
development occurs within a system of interacting levels
What is Epigenesis?
Development involves:
1. Action of genes
2. Action of RNA
3. Action of ribosomes and proteins
4. Action of neurotransmitters and neurons
All interact with the environment - How biology influences development
What are the stages of Neuronal Development? - Proliferation
Proliferation - production of new neurons through mitosis. Hits its peak during prenatal stage.
What are the stages of Neuronal Development? - Migration
Migration - The newly formed cells migrate to their permanent position
What are the stages of Neural Development - Differentiation?
Differentiation - The neurons extend and multiply to form more complex and dense structures
What did Vygotsky say about adult-child interactions?
Development occurs largely when adult facilitates development and assist child with problem solving
What are the types of development according to Vygotsky? 1
Ontogenic Development - Development of the individual over the course of their lifetime
What are the types of development according to Vygotsky? 2
Microgenetic Development - Changes that occur over brief periods of time. Example - problem solving skills over a month
What are the types of development according to Vygotsky? 3
Phylogenetic Development - Large-scaled changes over evolutionary time
How does culture affect cognition?
Culture shapes cognition
Why did Vygotsky believe that it is better to observe children in their own environment?
The child is able to give a true representation of their behavior because they are in a familiar place that they trust
What is Zone of Proximal Development ZPD?
The distance of what a child can do unsupported and what they can do with someone with more knowledge and support..AKA Scaffolding
What is Implicit Measures?
Used to measure behaviors that are unconscious and cannot be expressed directly/verbally. Most common used on babies.
What is Explicit Measures?
Direct measures of how one perceives their own cognition
What is Habituation?
Decrease in response as a result of repeated presentation of a stimulus
What are Representations?
Formal, Concrete, Pre-Operational and Sensorimotor
What is Dual-Encoding?
Childs lack of executive function development. Child cannot focus on more than one attribute at a time. Ex: child cant sort by color and sort by size at the same time
What are Piaget’s assumptions?
Development occurs in stages. Abrupt changes in thinking overtime. Domain-general development and Children are intrinsically active
What are Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development? 0-2 years
Sensorimotor - infant explores the world through direct sensory and motor contact
What are Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development? 2-6 years
Preoperational - the child uses symbols to represent objects but does not reason logically
What are Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development? 7-12 years
Concrete Operational - The child can think logically about concrete objects and thus add and subtract
What are Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development? 12 years-Adult
Formal Operational - The adolescent can reason abstractly and think in hypothetical terms