Midterm (Arch) Flashcards
Earliest stone tools Approx. 2.6 MYA (Lower Paleolithic) Associated with H. habilis Pebble tools, choppers, and flakes Uniform across space and time
Approx. 1.8 MYA - 200 KYA (Lower Paleolithic)
Associated with H. erectus
Handaxes (Symmetrical and bifacially worked)
Approx. 200 KYA-30 KYA (Middle Paleolithic)
Associated with H. neanderthalis
Levallois cores and flakes, side scrapers, backed knives
Flake attributes
Bulb of percussion
Core attributes
Flake scar
Upper Paleolithic tools
Approx. 50 KYA-10 KYA Associated with H. sapiens Blades, blade cores, points and scrapers Composite tools Bone tools
Ohallo II
Paleolithic era (20 KYA) settlement in Israel
Semi-sedentary hunter-gatherers
Shows that sedentism could precede agriculture
Near East culture (15-11 KYA) Focus on wild grasses Halfted crescent-shaped blades and grinding stones Semi-or-full-sedentism Controlled burns Gazelle hunting Circular houses Sub-floor burials Storage of grain
Göbekli Tepe
Western Turkey site (19-11.5 KYA)
Built by people living off wild plants and animals
Gathering locations for lineages / Lineage-owned houses
Variety in the Natufian landscape
Linear Band Keramic (LBK)
Early Central European farming culture (7200 - 6500 YA)
Known for pottery with linear lines
Farming with plants and animals brought from the Middle East
Rectangular longhouses
Settled on floodplains
Conflict between farmers over land near the end (Talheim massacre)
Cucuteni-Trypillia culture (another Central European farming culture)
Large farming settlement in the Ukraine of 10K+ people (5850-5700 YA)
Known for distinctive pottery/wall art
Burned to the ground and built anew somewhere else every 60-80 years
Example of semi-sedentism
First pottery
China, 20 KYA
Begins in the Eurasian-steppe (5000 KYA+) with the Sintashta culture
Brought into China and Europe from there
Bronze pots made in China for ritual purposes (“boiling culture”), facilitates connection to the gods and thereby social hierarchy
Sintashta culture
First culture to work with bronze (metallurgy) and domesticate horses (horse and chariot travel)
Used bronze without social inequality
Peopling of Australia
50-60 KYA (Late Pleistocene)
Likely arrived via marine travel
Time of Sahul supercontinent
Landscape management
Controlled burns for creating patchwork landscapes, cultivating habitats, and reducing bushfires
Fish weirs
Mound building
Peopling of the Americas
Clovis-first hypothesis: Civilizations that made fluted points called clovises for hunting big game are first peoples in Americas (13 KYA), arrived through ice-free corridor in the Bering land bridge
Monte Verde: Site in Chile that predates Clovis (14.5 KYA)
Coastal migration hypothesis: Coastally adapted people arrived via boat, facilitated by kelp highway and glacial refugia
Maize domestication
First domesticated in Highland Mexico (Oaxaca) at least 6 KYA, genetics suggest maybe even 8-9 KYA
Tougher rachis, softer glume, more rows of corn, developed husk (compared to Teosinte)
Spreads into South America in semi-domesticated form 8 KYA
First Mesoamerican culture (3 KYA)
Settlement hierarchy emerges with regal-ritual centres where resources are controlled and traded
“Mother culture” of Mesoamerica
Poverty Point
Southern Louisiana (3600 YA) Brought together people from across the region to build and maintain Unclear in its purpose–likely multipurpose
Chaco Canyon
Urban centre in New Mexico (1050 AD) Construction of great houses; giant buildings for storage Housed elite families Had plazas for rituals and feasts Mexican influence
Urban centre in Ohio of 10-15K people (1050 AD)
Established colonies/missions
Centre of Mississippian world
The first ever cities, emerged around the Tigris and Euphrates
Process of urbanization begins 7 KYA with the construction of temple centres showing region-wide belief system
No real settlement hierarchy until city states emerge 6 KYA, the first being Uruk
Indus Valley
Civilization in Pakistan (2600-1900 BC)
Trading partner to Mesopotamia via the Indian Ocean
Different political organization, however:
Elites with no kingship