Midterm Flashcards
What does it mean to love God with our minds?
Matt 22:36-40
Loving God with all thy mind–intellectually give yourself to him
Structural similarities and differences between the Book of Mormon and Bible
Book Of Mormon:
Human in authorship, Divine in textual transmission, Narrator Centered approach
Appears to be divine in authorship, Human in textual transmission, Not Narrator Centered Approach
Who wrote it, why they wrote it, when they wrote it, etc.
source criticism:
Identifying the sources used and cited in a text.
Science of Interpretation, especially regarding the scriptures.
what did it mean to them back them, original meaning to original audience
interpretation from readers perspective (reading into it-taking for our day)
textual criticism
the earliest test
What language were the earliest manuscripts of the New Testament written in
The six stages of the transmission of the New Testament (and some of the key points discussed in class):
Stage 1= Jesus speaks to his disciples in Aramaic
stage 2 = disciples share stories about Jesus
Stage 3 = gospel-lengthy narratives written in greek
Stage 4 = copies and collections, sharing and collecting and copying
Sharing and collecting and copying
Oldest manuscript: 4th Century AD
Oldest fragment 150 AD
Difficult to translate as words were written without spaces
Ex.) Writtenlikethis
Stage 5 = canonization
–“Rod or stick for measuring”
–Figuring out what to include within scriptures.
Stage 6 = translation
-St Jerome (Greek–Latin) 347 - 420 AD
–Parent of all translations into the modern languages of Western History
–Skull on desk to remind him of the urgency of his work
-John Wycliffe (Latin–English)
–Black death inspired his spirituality
–Ashes scattered in ocean
William Tyndale
Henry VIII
-1539 in April appeared the first edition of the Great Bible for the common people.
King James Version
-Approx 90% is Tyndale’s version
TRANSMISSION not translation is the primary cause for mistakes in the bible.
Johannes Gutenburg
–Contributed the Printing Press
How did early Christians decide which books to include in the Canon?
Apostolicity: If it was traditionally written by an apostle
Popularity: If it was read by churches
Orthodoxy: Taught what Christians believe.
Be familiar with the key players in the translation history of the New Testament leading up to the KJV
St Jerome (Greek–Latin) 347 - 420 AD, John Wycliffe (Latin–English), William Tyndale, Henry VIII, King James Version , Johannes Gutenburg
St Jerome (Greek–Latin) 347 - 420 AD
- Parent of all translations into the modern languages of Western History
- Skull to remind him of the urgency of his work
John Wycliffe (Latin–English)
Black death inspired his spirituality
Ashes scattered in ocean
William Tyndale