Midterm Flashcards
development economic growth and material satisfaction
Wilson’s 14 points
The Fourteen Points speech was a statement given to Congress on January 8, 1918 by President Woodrow Wilson declaring that WW1 was being fought for a moral cause and calling for peace in Europe.
No to the government in the development of the country- government shouldn’t be in charge of developing should be private
Development is about the free movement of goods, resources, and enterprises to find cheaper resources
The goal is efficiency in transactions for maximizing of profits. Creating efficiency and maximizing benefits. All about freedom
The skeptical thesis draws on divergence
Footloose industry is a general term for an industry that can be placed and located at any location without effect from factors of Production such as:
Resources, Land, Labour, Capital and Enterprise. … Diamonds, computer chips and Mobile Manufacturing are some examples of footloose industries.
Globalization goes in all different directions
Globalization must be understood in terms of its directions
Directions are unpredictable
Must see who are the agents of globalization, who are the winners, and are the looser
Washington Consensus
John Williamson (1989) Washington Consensus Fiscal Discipline Reordering Public Expenditure Priorities Tax Reform Liberalizing Interest Rates
Globalization can thus be defined as the intensification of worldwide social relations which
1) links distant localities
2) in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away, and
3) vice versa
Regan Margaret thatcher Global is occurring and positive Characterized by economic growth and democratic increase Cut state spending Expanding privatization Pro capitalist Reduces taxes More competition
Basic human needs
Maslow 1954 Physical Safety Belonging Self acualiaion Beyond econ growth Dev. is based on state of country at the time social/cultural/political Critiques: Unrealistic Hard for countries to go through the process
Dependency theory
Andre Gunder Frank
Systemic, structural, historical analysis of underdevelopment
A country’s position in international system is the key factor in its development
Countries are located either core or periphery
Countries reliant on others are underdeveloped
Harry Truman
President of the USA
“I believe that we should make available to the peace loving peoples the benefits of our store of technical knowledge in order to help them realize their aspirations for a better life and in cooperation with other nations we should foster capital investment in areas needing development”
Modernization theory
Walt Whitman Rostow (1960)
All countries must follow a similar path to economic development
Western bias
world system theory
Dependency is not caused by destruction
The mind of the people have been captured and colonized
Dependency must be seen by how the people think
Semi periphery
Washington Consensus
John Williamson (1989) Washington Consensus Fiscal Discipline Reordering Public Expenditure Priorities Tax Reform Liberalizing Interest Rates
regulization theory
Dependency justified by regularization of social norms
is the end-state of globalization
hypothetical condition in which the process of globalization is complete or nearly
barriers have fallen, and “a new global reality” is emerging
Five stages of modernization theory
Five stages:
- Modernization is the key in development
- Infrastructure installed by foreign investments (water, roads, etc)
- Necessary condition for economic growth
- Constant (self sustaining) economic growth
- High mass consumption