Midterm Flashcards
the idea that mind and body
are fundamentally different substances
or processes
Monism or Materialism:
universe is made of only one kind of
physical material (“atoms”)
de la Mettrie (1748)
“L’homme Machine”
People are machines with mechanical
systems plumbing, ventilation,
temperature control, etc.
Darwin (ca. 1850) :
all biological structures are “devices” that are adapted to serve the survival of the organism • -> The mind is a machine
What is a “machine?”
A machine is a process consisting entirely of
physical, material elements that affect each
other causally—that is, via physical processes. we reduce things we DON’T
understand to combinations of things we DO
mechanistic theory
every element is understood in terms of the
combination of simpler, stupider, elements.
an imaginary “man
inside the head”
a chain of reasoning which the conclusion follows from the premises with logical certainty
George Boole:
An Investigation of the Laws of
Thought (1854)
•In algebra, we can make statements about numbers
that are true regardless of the specific values of the
x + x = 2x
•Boole proposed to do the same thing with propositions
instead of numbers.
Propositions are statements that are true or false.
Boolean algebra
a way of “calculating” with ideas instead
of with numbers, also called Propositional Calculus
logical connectives
how we put propositions together
A∧B “A is true AND B is true”
A∨B “A is true OR B is true (or both)”
~A, “not A” = “A is not true”
A → B, “If A is true then B is true”.
(Equivalent to ~(A∧~B), which is equivalent to ~A∨B ….
not really a separate connective)
Charles Babbage
1830 - Analytical Engine
Alan Turing
Wrote the basis for modern computing, he described a hypothetical computer called a Turing machine.
A Turing machine
A Turing machine gets input symbols on an infinite paper tape, and
writes output symbols on the same tape
It can:
• Read symbols to the tape
• Write symbols to the tape
• Move the tape left or right
• Make (logical) conditional decisions about which of the above to do.
a concrete procedure to solve a particular problem
that is, give a particular output for each input
A universal Turing machine
is a Turing machine that can be given the encoding of
another Turing machine and “simulate” it
Turing test
Can a machine “think”?
or a better yet:
What observable behavior would count as thinking?
Church-Turing thesis
Anything that can be computed by any system can be computed by a
computer (a Turing machine)
Any process you can create an algorithm for can be carried out on a
Any process you can’t create an algorithm for — you don’t fully
Logic gates
Same as connectives,
but as a piece of a circuit
Neuron integrates excitation and inhibition to get total net activation;
If activation is above threshold, it “spikes” (sends an action potential down the axon)
After firing, the neuron resets (~2 or
). If it is still being stimulated over threshold, it fires again. Hence the firing rate indicates the
level of activation.
McCulloch & Pitts:
Logical circuits and
artificial neural networks are equivalent
• You can make logic gates out of neurons
• You can make neurons out of logic gates
• Neural networks are computationally
equivalent to computers/Turing machines
• The brain is a giant computing device
(nurture) based on experience Blank slate/ Tabula Rasa Associationism Behaviorism General learning mechanism
(nature) based on reason innate knowledge Nativism Cognitivism domain-specific innate modules
Watson: Behaviorism
B. F. Skinner
Stimuli / Response All learning is conditioned responses to stimuli
Mind starts as a blank slate
- Learn associations between behaviors and reinforcement
(reward) — i.e. stimulus and response
- Do more of the behaviors that are reinforced (Law of
Effect - Thorndike)
- Only mechanism of learning is modification of S-R pairings
• Implications of both behaviorism/empiricism
All knowledge comes from experience
- One general learning mechanism shared among all
domains of learning, all species, all ages - rats, children,…
Chomsky (1959)
argued that S-R reinforcement was mathematically
insufficient to explain behavior that involves an infinite number of
possible “responses”
Occipital lobe
Temporal lobe
audition etc
Parietal lobe
attention etc
Frontal lobe
executive function, decision making
Broca’s area
responsible for speech, left hemisphere
A split-brain patient
Left hemisphere sees the RIGHT visual hemifield and controls the RIGHT arm Right hemisphere sees the LEFT visual hemifield and controls the LEFT arm
opposite side
same side
brain scans
positron emission tomography
function magnetic resonance imaging
BOLD signal
Blood Oxygen
Level Dependent; shows where the blood
is going
(true) representation
A constancy is an apparent invariance of some property of the world despite enormous variation in the corresponding property in the visual image
shape constancy
Apparent shape
remains constant
despite changes in
3D pose