Midterm Flashcards
Ailments from fright and shock.
Panic attacks.
Ailments from being in cold wind, esp. cold dry wind.
Early stages of inflammation.
Fear of death, predicts the time of death.
Great restlessness and anxiety.
Ailments from or history of being abused. Two wills, antagonism with self, good and evil, strong duality. Extremely low confidence, compensated by toughness. Indecisive. Poor memory, test anxiety. Fear of failure Unfeeling, hard-hearted, cruelty. No moral values. Cursing Depression Fighting, can be violent, cruel. Alcohol and drug use Better eating Blunt plug or band sensation
Swelling, allergies, restlessness, jealousy. Inflammations. Affects mucus and serous membranes.
Very sensitive to touch.
Task oriented, busy.
Hot, worse heat, and thirstless.
Better cool air, cold bath,
Desires exercise which ameliorates.
Hormonal remedy. Hot flashes, menopause, PMS.
Angioneurotic edema in allergic crises
Rt. sided ovarian cysts. Cystic swelling anywhere in body.
Awkwardness, drops things.
Impulsive: to jump from height. Foolish impulses
Suggestible. Sympathetic. Tend to be extroverts.
Anticipatory anxiety
Many fears: claustrophobia, heights, bridges, fear being late, airplanes, accidents
Anxiety about health. Fear diseases
Anxiety alone, better in company
Warm blooded, aggravated by heat
Better cold and cold applications
Periodic severe weakness, esp. during menses
Worse eating sweets (#1 remedy)
Huge craving for sweets, salt. Craves cheese, fat.
Conjunctivial irritation, redness.
Splinter-like pain in throat
Palpitations, violent, with sensation heart will jump out of chest
Loud eructations
Very gassy and distended. Rumbling, flatulent.
Diarrhea from anticipation
Impotence in men, worse thinking of the problem
Argentum nitricum
Effects of trauma, recent or remote. Says he is well when very ill.
Sore, bruised feeling. Black and blue spots. Averse or fear of being approached. Averse touch.
Complaints of pregnancy.
Hemorrhagic tendency. Stroke, a bleeding remedy.
Concussion of brain.
Flu: aching, bed feels too hard, weakness, prostration, ecchymosis.
Insecurity, anxiety, restlessness, pacing. Fear death
Fastidious, perfectionist, compulsive disorders.
Fear disease.
Burning pains better heat. Very chilly,
Arsenicum album
Syphilis and psora.
Generals: Worse night, severe pains in bones, heart, sinus.
Pathologies: palpitations, heart disease, cancer (esp. of bones, uterus, testicles), hypertension.
Depression, desires death, suicidal (jumping) , pain drives her to suicide, high standards, reproach self, guilt.
Ailments from grief, disappointed love, business failures, mortification.
Anger, vindictive, ambitious. Praying, spiritual seekers, anxiety about salvation. Serious. Music ameliorates. Worse night but better evenings. Insomnia, moaning in sleep. Fear failure, heights, heart disease.
Aurum metallicum
Miasms- 1˚ syphilitic, some sycosis.
Timidity, low confidence, feel inferior, irresolution
Sensitive to ridicule, being teased or laughed at.
Childish, immature
Anxiety, feeling incompetent. Nervous nail biting
Conscientious about trifles,
huge tonsils
Hard swelling of cervical glands Frequent colds, mucus, congestion. May be averse to fruit.
Mostly psora
Baryta carb
Heat, inflammation, redness. Right sided. face hot, cold hands and feet. Eyes glistening, may be red, pupils dilated. Throbbing carotids, Spasms hallucinations Febrile seizures Intense dysmenorrhea. Febrile convulsions.
Worse motion. Dryness (dry mouth, lips, dry cough, dry rectum, constipation).
Stitching pains
Better pressure, > lying on painful side.
Thirst for large quantities
Left sided remedy
Important for sprains and fractures, pleurisy, appendicitis
Worse warmth and warm drinks
Anxious about health, fear high places, disease, doctors, hospitals, insects, narrow places, accidents. may go insane Sensitive to horrible stories. worse cold damp. Worse exertion, esp. ascending. Perspiration head or occiput Craves eggs, sweets, dairy Constipation no urge. Back pain, arthritis. Cold, clammy extremities.
Calcarea carbonica
Miasm: Very psoric.
Family history of cancer, diabetes, alcoholism.
History of suppression or over-responsibility as a child.
Sleeps knee-chest.
Desire to travel.
Love music, dance, nature, thunderstorms.
Sympathetic. Love animals.
Constipation. Insomnia. Moles, nevi.
Averse to consolation.
Very tidy, neat. Responsible, perfectionist.
Cancer miasm
Pathologies: cancer, mononucleosis, insomnia, constipation, allergies, headaches.
Idealistic, Sympathetic, Intolerant of injustices, rebellious. AF grief, punishment.
Better in cloudy and wet weather. Worse cold winds,
Hoarseness. Craves salt, smoked meat.
Urinary incontinence
Gradual paralysis.
Bell’s Palsy, MS
Miasms: Psora, Sycosis, Syphilis, but one of the 3 miasms will be dominant in every Causticum patient.
Crushed finger tips, Injuries to nerves.
Spinal cord injuries, whiplash, concussion, head injuries. Sharp, shooting pains (upward), intense pains. Dullness, forgetfulness, depression after head injuries.
Fright, shock after injuries. Head feels longer, pointed. Sensation of being lifted high up in the air.
Worse cold damp, fog, touch. Better bending head back. Pain after dental procedures. Injuries to coccyx.
Miasm: ????
Miasm: psora
Refined, idealistic. Disappointed. Contradictions. Rapidly changing moods; hysteria.
AF grief, disappointed love, fright. Silent grief. Stormy relationships, offended easily,
Sighing, sobbing, averse consolation.
Worse sweets. Spasms. Emotional tension somatized,
Headache as if a nail in side of head, better lying on it. Perspires face.
Dysmenorrhea. Fear of birds,
Miasm: Psora