MidTerm Flashcards
Movement within Christianity, comes from the Greek word gnosis meaning knowledge; Many different forms
Justin Martyr
Most important second century apologist; Philosophy in defense of Christianity
Wrote against Gnosticism; disciple of Polycarb, who was Johns disciple; Died in Christian Massacre in 202 AD
Tertullian of Carthage
Brought up a pagan in Carthage; Educated in Literature, possible lawyer. Strong defender of Christianity but later became a Montanist
Cyprian of Carthage
Converted at the Age of 46. Gave away much of his wealth to the poor, made a Bishop of Carthage; Executed by Roman Authorities
Monk and theologian; taught double predestination
Gregory the Great
1 of the 4 great Doctors of the Western Church; Seen as last church Father; Affirmed many pagan practices to try and expedite evangelism
Rule of Faith
Synopsis for believers of what the Bible teaches; Outlined Christian story of Redemption
Who said, “ The Blood of the Martyrs is the seed of the Church.”
Who said, “ What has Jerusalem to do with Athens?”
Who said, “ That which is not assumed is not saved.”
Gregory of Nazianzus
Who said, “ There was a time when He was not.”
Who was the best Monophysite theologian?
Severus of Antioch
Zeno’s Henoticson
did not unify the empire, they failed
John Cassian
taught semi-pelagianism
John of Demascus
defended icons
blending of natures
Tertullian wrote against
Did Pelagius believe that God gives grace?
Yes, by giving the law
Who wrote the Hexipla?
What did Augustine write?
City of God and Confessions
Who wrote the most important piece when it came to the doctrine of the trinity?
Justin Martyr
When did the Council of Ephesus take place?
431 A.D.
When did the Council of Calcinean take place?
451 A.D.