Final Exam Flashcards
Who was the pinnacle of scholastic thought?
Duns Scotus
Who is known for Nominalism?
William of Ockham
Bringer of Tours
argued in 1,000’s that Jesus is present spiritually in bread and wine
Monk. He believed he didn’t need to obey the Pope
Meister Eckhart
Marburg Colloquy
Difference over the Lord’s Supper
Who were the main Anabaptists characters?
Balthasar Hubmeier, Michael Sattler, Melchior Hoffmann, Menno Simons, Socinians
Basic Menno Simons Theology
Believe in separation of church and state, against infant baptism
English Reformation Henry VIII
Divorce was the cause
English Reformation Six Articles
Showed Henry is still Catholic
English Reformation Elizabeth
She chose a middle ground
Pope Pius IX
longest serving pope, rejected liberalism
Vatican I
Pope is declared infallible. Never a counsel that reduced the power of the Pope
John Huss
influenced by Wycliff
Karl Rahner
most influential Catholic Theologian
Halfway Covenant
solution to Puritans (children with no conversion experience)
Did not reject free will
Immanuel Kant
Mostly known for the Categorical Imperative
Catholic Counter Reformation
Moves catholic anti-Augustinian
Synod of Dort
Francis Gomarras was the main influence. He affirms calvinism
Thomas Aquinas
most well known scholastic
Which council ruled transubstantiation as official Catholic doctrine?
IV Lateran
T = total depravity U = unconditional election L = limited atonement I = irresistible grace P = perseverance of the saints
- Man is able to initiate his salvation after God gives primary grace
- Election is conditional, based upon God’s foreknowledge
- Christ’s death is sufficient for all, efficient only for believers
- Man can resist God’s saving grace
- Scriptures seem to teach that man can fall away from belief and not persevere