midterm Flashcards
What are the roles of report writing
- record of findings
- medicolegal documentation
- permanent record
- inter- professional communication
- provides important indications and contraindications
- assisting in auditing radiographic quality
- database for retrospective research and data collection
the radiology report is part of the _____
- medical report/ record
reports are the result of a radiographic test
The C’s of a report
- clear
- correct
- confidence
- concise
- complete
name the most common reason for malpractice suits against chiropractors
- failure to communicate results clearly and effectively
- failure to diagnose
what is in the preliminary report information
- letterhead information of the report writer
- date of the report
- name and address of the referring clinician
- patint information
- radiographic exams performed (dates and locations)
- clinical information
- chief complaint
- key clinical findings
- reason for the study- differential dx
what is In the report
- technical factors- kVp, mA,FFD
- radiologic findings - ABC
- Conclusion
- recommendations ( additional imaging
- Signature and qualifications
Film Interpretation
- turn off lights to all unused box spaces
- hot light exam
- cover- up emxam - cover up 1/2 of film
- film tilt - detect scratches
Optimum environments
- suboptimal viewing conditions
- time allocation
- demographic details
How to have clarity of content and report structure
- concise reporting
- correct english
- avoid jargon
- avoid abbreviations
- quantifying terminology
- standardized format
- measurements
- proofreading
When to get a second opinion radiology review
- complicating history - red flags
- abnormal clinical findings
- failure to respond to therapy
- unexplained deterioration of the condition
- confirming the practicionar’s interoperation
- establish a dx
- improving interpratation skill
- interpreting equivocal findings
- use of complex multi modality imaging
- medicolegal support
- Describe how the reporting flow chart should be in order
- orientation and placement of films
- patient identification
- systematic review
- ABCs
- Conclusion/ impression and recommendations
ABCs means what?
- A= alignment
- B= Bone
- C= cartilage
- S = soft tissue
What is recorded in the alignment part of the report
- evaluate spinal curve
- evaluate scoliosis
- evaluate leg length inequality
- evaluate alignment of joints
- use of lines of measurements
What is recorded in the Bone part of the report
- evaluate bone density
- evaluate cortical and cancellous bone for fractures and osseous destruction
- evaluate size, shape and configuration of all osseous structures
What is recorded in the Cartilage in the part of the report
- cartilage is not visualized on x- rays
- this category is about the joints
- evaluate width of joint cavity between opposing articular surfaces
- widening of joints
- loss of mint space
- osteophytes
What is recorded in the soft tissue report
- overall thickness and density of the soft tissues ( retotracheal air spaces)
- evaluate skin , fat pads , deposits, tendons, organs , blood vessels , ligaments
What goes under Impressions of the report
- point by point summary of the most important radiological findings ( conclusion)
- categorize the pathological process ( CATBITES)
C- congenital
A- arthritis
T- trauma
B- blood
I- infection
T- tumor
E- endocrine
S- soft tissue
What goes into the recommendations report
- plan of actions based on impression
- recommend further studies like MRI
- provide specific clinical or therapeutic advice, like chiropractic adjustments
- suggestions to improve radiographic quality