midterm 3 Flashcards
how was it
reflect and think, assess the past
once it is done we
assess - deliberate and analytic - magnitude and quantity - what did you experience - was it a good movie?
how did you do
closer to the truth/biased - go back to the experience and use the feedback to improve
the more familiar we are with someone
the more accurate we are with the prediction of their thoughts
how well did you perform
any kind of achievement situation - if the first was successful youd want to second to be as well
to what do you attribute your performance - deliberately analyze - training/practice
how did we do/did we do well, control over what you do
feedback and self-referent thought
attribution theory - ind appraisal of outcomes of achievement situation - exam, date, game
locus of causality
does the cause of the performance outcome reside within oneself
- pattern rather than ind statements -
is the cause variable over tme
is the cause controlled by the ind. or other ppl
how do you predict performance and attribution
why is effort unstable
sometimes we connect with the topic
reflect an aspect of yourself - manageable by you, permanent, and you can regulate
i did it
internal and controllable
I ran up the field and smoked the other team
internal- over time you get stability
when athletes engage in meaningful competitions
strive to understand the outcomes of those events
- understand what you did
- analyze your reviews and performance
- details give you better performances
higher we get in performance levels
greater interest we have to make things happen
elite athletes
finer details, little diff and changes,
attribution process
benefits from phenomenological research methodology
- interpretation of what you think, how you see i, athletes should give the first opinion
self efficacy
the belief that one can successfully execute a course of action to produce an certain outcome
previous success /failure attribution will
facilitate or undermine the development of self efficacy
reciprocal determinants of causal attribution
efficacy cognition - intimately related as process variables
as a coach
How should your athlete attribute their performance - luck or you - circumstantial - they believe theyre the reason
thinking positive
has positive effects
do we reflect on the skills that we just pick up
abilities are
internal and controllable
think positive so you can
so you can move ahead and pursue the path you want, look for things you can control
attribution patterns are useful for
prediction because they perform/respond similarly
attribution patterns
are we as objective as we think we are
no, we see the world not as it is, but as we are/conditioned to see it (dispositions, histories)
achievement situations
attributions of winners
dispositional internal connections - we did this and this and this happened
attributions of losers
situational attributions - it was the exam, the prof, the ref - takes away the responsibility
what governs ones attributional thinking
preservation of self esteem - ego protecting - the fans would say WE wo, or THEY played lousy today
performance leads to
satisfaction - the way we judge - reflect on it if we have done something well
what is the most important variable in predicting ind
post game rating of one’s own competence
children who lost
may not perceive themselves as having failed, we may not say that because a lot contributes to the outcomes
I thought i played pretty good differs because
situational circumstances - the meaning of being good
are athletes always completely logical in their attributions?
- I have never done this
- i always play well
why may the athletes not realized that hey have failed
until they have been asked because its something that they have thought of
self referent ability thoughts critical for
continued action - they way you make sense of what has happen of what has happened will predict whether or not you will continue
personal beliefs of competence
may lack immediate connection to performance - human development model - long term participation for a main objection - you want developmental procedures to be positive (ongoing support)
self empowering/defeating
what does the kid say about themselves, we listen and observe to help make it a better process
you will encounter
both success and failure situations, directly and indirectly
what to do when athletes fail (2)
emphasize the need to try harder and exert effort
link such attribution to individual to ind goals and capabilities so you can make the adjustments
2 dos for athlete success
attribute success to ability
attribute success to high effort
2 donts for athlete failure
make low ability that signifys a lack of personal improvement is not possible
ability is stable and internal - youre not smart
2 donts for athlete success
attribute success to luck
attribute success to task ease - no because you worked
why focus on causal attribution inquiries
wasnt luck if both teams were of equally match qualities
You can speak the same language but
not be on the same wavelength and different communication - vocab and perspective
understanding the communication process
how they perceive/interpret the msg that you were trying to convey
2 types of communication
inter vs intrapersonal -
3 types of communication
non verbal, paraverbal (sarcasm), verbal
purpose of communication
get the msg across
sources of observation (5)
the body, sounds, comments, behaviours, actions
how to observe the body
sweating of facial changes or colors
old ppl and HR?
no because of drugs and pacemakesrs
sounds and comments
grunts and noises, laughing, enjoyable, crying
behaviours and actions
attention drifts, reaction time, deterioation
how do you adjust your program
read them, then interpret, then adjust then administer
7 contents of observation
pain seriousness frustration accomplishment - emotion enjoyment practicing responsiveness
How do you catch your athletes before they drop out
serious when they are serious about wanting to do things
sweating after
when is communication effective
depends on what effective is - leads to an outcomes
effective communicator
good communicator - doesnt always mean its a good msg
whats the most importatnt when you communicate non selection
be able to make sense of why
using a parent for coaches
a way to avoid conflict
what about the way that a person talk will set you off?
body language
why was the body image study primarily done with females?
social media focuses on how females dress
why should the study be done on males as well?
not gender specific - we communicate to others about what they are and how they portray
do males train only for body image?
no performance always comes first - be aware as coaches
amount of muscle tone and bulk
depend on the sport