Midterm 3 Flashcards
Survive man
Pamphlets, Almarcegui
Pamplets showing inner cities wastelands. Address the mining industry specifically amplifying human’s consumption vs Earth’s recovery of its materials
Agras Volcano, Almarcegui
Acquired mineral rights of the Agras volcano, a volcano that had all of its minerals exhausted. Was made into an educated site that taught the volcano’s history, and mining laws. T
The privatization of minerals
Soil Erg, Pentecost
An art show based on the privatized soil and how it can’t be sustained due to the earth taking 100s of years to form and has a tendency to die
DRAWINGS: Pictures of ecologist of tried to offer alternatives to soils
GOLDBARS: The unsustainability as soil as a currency, due to soil dying easily. They kill it by taking the seeds, genetically modified seeds, and put fertilizers in them. Soil is also hard to transport and breaks apart thus the gold bars packed into soil break apart easily due to its fragility
CABINET OF CURIOSITIES: A diorama of mining in the 1900s and was used to teach about the extraction industry. Pentecost made a similar one that was a compost that had a lists of land grabbing
Soil Not to Be Exhaustive, Cooking Section
Climavore is a diet designed to address climate change and the drastic changes in the seasons, and even employed a lawyer to create a document that protects the soil from the industry. Ukraine used to have extremely fertile soil but was continuously mined and extracted. There was a famine that occurred in Ukraine that killed millions.
Different Kinds of Air, Emily Parson-Lord
A bar that offered different air/atmosphere throughout different periods and even offered artificial air to buy. This gets people more sensitive to the taste of air so they can notice how the air changes around them.
Negative feedback because it never addressed the reason why the air has changed and privatized air
Pollution Pods, Pinsky
Five domes are connected to form a ring. Within each dome the air quality of five global cities is recreated. Norway had the healthiest air.
Negative because it never addresses why the air quality is decreasing in urban areas
This is the Public Domain, Amy Balkin
Balkin acquired land and tried to make it commons. She was unable to do so but did reveal and amplify how commons and how complicated legal processes work and are suited for corporations
Public Smog, Balkan
Balkin bought some of the atmosphere with credits or CO2 emissions, a common practice for corporations, and portrayed the atmosphere she had rights to as white cubes showing the absurdity of the concept of owning the atmosphere.
A positive feedback because it is amplifying an acute situation and the culprit but not a loop because it doesn’t offer an solution.
Invisible 5, Balkan
Audio tours of 23 sites that contain communities that are/or have become sacrifice zones (often impoverished/minorities communities)
245m3, Santiago Sierra
An art installation in a synagogue that used tubes attached to running car tailpipes to symbolize gas chambers. Visitors wearing masks experienced a glimpse into the Holocaust victims’ harrowing ordeals. This is a comment on how Automobbile corporations are doing to people by causing the 6th mass extinction. The reaction to it was not positive and was taken down showing as the work was no longer just representational and thus being contaminated.
Earth Summit/Minus Environment (Mobbile), Gustav Metzger
A car’s pump exhaust is pumped into a glass cube with plants.
A positive feedback because it calls out the Mobbile industry is killing us with C02 and we try to celebrate Cars as self expression
Beyond the Golden Umbrella, Yes men
Beyond the Golden Umbrella, Yes men
Posing as World Trade Representatives they speak at a conference where they provide the solution of the “leisure suit” where management can survey foreign employees as capitalism evolves into a Precariat. A hyperbole work identity correction.
Halliburton Website (Survival Ball), Yes men
A hyperbole work, the survival ball which is supposed to be self-sufficient (similar in appearance of microbes environments) and protect people from the effects of climate change. Criticisms of providing techno solutions despite being the cause originally and how we will eventually depend on technology to survive as the environment dies.
AI Meltdown Exposes Toyota Greenwashing, Yes men
A tough love deepfake where they pretended to be representative of Toyota. They reveal their new “AI” Electra claiming it’s environmentally conscious. Electra calls them out and the representative tries to shut Electra down, but Electra “shut downs” the representative (they faint)
Do we Really Need a New Anti-Imperialism, Schleuser.net
A display in an elevator with the intention of changing the portrayal and perception of immigrants and grant them rights by changing within, as Anti-imperialism is resistant from the outside.