Midterm 3 Flashcards
What is Social Psychology (presence of others)?
Social Psych seeks to understand, explain, and predict how people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others
What is Social Cognition (perceive & interpret)?
The way in which people perceive and interpret themselves and others in their social world
What is the ABC model of attitudes?
A model proposing that attributes have three components affective component,
behavior component, and
cognitive component
What are the 3 components of attributes in the ABC model?
Affective: how we FEEL about an object (ie what we think of it)
Behavioral: How we BEHAVE toward an object (ie if were nice or rude to it etc)
Cognitive: What we BELIEVE about an object (what we know about it to be true)
What is cognitive Dissonance (2 contradictory beliefs)?
A state of emotional discomfort people experience when they hold 2 contradictory beliefs or hold a belief that contradicts their behaviour ie we dont enjoy a job but we tell others we did because we are uncomfortable thinking about it negatively
What is self-perception theory (observing behaviour)?
A theory suggesting that when people are uncertain of their attitudes, they infer what the attitudes are by observing their own behaviour
ie I wont know if im mad till something angers me and I lash out
Opposing theory to explain attitudes to cognitive dissonance
What is the Social desirability factor?
attitudes are social desirable rather than accurate ex. If someones racist and fearful of an ethnic group in social situations they will hide this attitude for fear of being judged
What are implicit attitudes (your unaware of)?
Attitudes of which the person is unaware ex. Employers may say people of all ethnic backgrounds have a fair shot and mean it but when it comes to hiring they subconsciously tend to hire people that share their background
What are stereotypes?
Fixed overgeneralized and oversimplified beliefs about a person or a group of people based on assumption ex. All homeless people are drug addicts and rapists
What is prejudice?
Negative and unjust feelings about individuals based on their inclusion in a particular group ex. I have a bad experience with an Indian man, in future may treat an Indian person more harshly because of it
What is Social identity theory (identify as a member of group)?
A theory that emphesizes social cognitive factors in the onset of prejudice ie in social situation people are more likely to identify as a member of a group
What are the 3 factors in Social identity (hint one the name)
Social categorization: people affiliate with particular groups as a way of figuring out how to act and react to the world
Social Identity: people form an identity within the group
Social comparison: group members compare the group favorably with other groups a way of looking upon ones self in some superior way
ex. I am a cunucks fan (catagory), so i must Love certain players and hate others (identity) and any fans of other teams suck ass and must all be killed (comparison)
What is attributions (casual explanation)?
A Casual explanations of behaviour
What is Fundamental attribution error (dispositional attribution to reckless driver)?
The tendency to use dispositional attributions to explain the behaviour of other people
ex. When were almost hit by a car we assume the driver was being reckless but she couldve been on the way to the hospital to save her daughter
What is actor-observer effect (disposition, situation)?
The discrepancy between how we as the observer explain other peoples behaviour (dispositionally) and how we as the actor explain our own behaviour (situationally)
Ie when explaining others as the observer we focus on personality “he goes to the bar alot must be an alcoholic”
When explaining ourselves as the actor we focus on external factors “people keep picking up my drink whenever I put it down”
What is self-serving bias (teammates suck)?
Tendency to attribute success to internal causes and failures to external ones ex “im cracked at this game” when you win “my teammates are dogshit” when you lose
What are Norms?
Social rules about how members of a society are expected to act
What are Social roles (set of norms)?
Set of norms ascribed to a persons social position ie fathers need to be the heads of the family and bring home money
What is social facilitation (enhanced confident around friends)?
An effect in which the presence of others enhance performance ie feeling confident around friends
What is Social Loafing (what I do in group assignments)?
Phenomenon in which people exert less effort on a collective task than they would on a comparable individual task; also known as free riding
What is group polarization (group inclinations)?
The intensification of an initial tendency of individual group members brought about by group discussion ie the inclinations of the group are already in place and become more intense as they interact
What is groupthink (strive for unanimity)?
Faulty group decision making that occurs because group members strive for unanimity and dont speak up
What are the 8 aspects of groupthink (Inv, Una, Self Cen, Dir Pre, Ste Out, Inh Mor, Col Rat, Min Gua)?
Illusion of invulnerability: idea that the group is great so members dont think that they could ever be wrong
Illusion of unanimity: normative social influence, noone looks for problems if everyones in agreement
Self-censorship: dont rock the boat, keep your mouth shut since i dont want to lose my job, if im not sure of an answer im going to stay quiet
Direct pressure on dissenters: pressures to unanimous decisions, direct pressure on people who decent so that the group members dont step out of line
Stereotype out-group: that the group is always right compared to outside opinions or the outgroup
Belief of inherent mortality: belief that what were doing is right were right everyone else is wrong and dangerous based on percieved value
Collective rationalization: when the group makes a decision dont rock the boat it cant go wrong were all here for a reason, overestimation of group
Mind guards: unique status, self-appointed individuals that feel the need to hold the group opinion together, not appointed, more interested in social cohesion rather than the goal, shit disturber, creates illusion of unanimity but shutting everyone up