Midterm 2 Readings Flashcards
Who is Tina Fontaine and what happened to her?
-Indigenous girl
Define mission creep
-organizations take on extra duties
Define front-line officers
-occupy front-line positions
-no executive authority
Define stand-alone police services
-small and not part of larger organization
Define the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary
-police force claims to be Canada’s oldest
Define over-policed
-members of social group are over-policed
Define political interference
-inappropriate use of political authority to influence police
According to Marquis, what did Peel introduce?
-centralized command, beat system, crime prevention and uniform
-father of modern policing
Define the Royal Irish Constabulary
-police force emphasized mounted patrols and early model for police
When did the NWMP become the RCMP?
-RNWMP in 1904
Why were the NWMP created?
-temporary force for the Red Rebellion and Cypress Hills Massacre
What is patchwork policing?
-little consistency in policing
Define cronyism
-friends of authority people appointed jobs without regards to their qualifications
Define nepotism
-preferential hiring to family members
What was introduced to reduce cronyism and nepotism?
-civil service rules
Define street justice
-suspected offender does unauthorized physical punishment (like push-ups) to not get speeding ticket
Define lip service
-more time spent talking about something than actually implementing approach
Who is the largest police service in Canada?
Define police strength
-ratio of police to civilians
What are the national Academics of Sciences four proactive approaches to crime?
- Focusing on hot spots
- Problem-oriented
- Targeting individuals with high crime rate
- Using community strengths
Define random preventative patrol
-visible police presence in community
Define carding
-controversial practice where people stopped at random and questioned
Define street checks
-individuals who’re suspicious questioned by police
What is a cornerstone of modern policing?
Define order maintenance
-managing minor offences
-anything that disturbs public
Define public order policing
-using police during mass demonstrations to balance rights of individual and government
According to the Ontario’s Police Services Act what are the six main functions for police agencies?
- Crime prevention
- Law Enforcement
- Maintaining the public peace
- Emergency response
- Assistance to victims
- Any others
Why are Peel’s principles of policing still relevant today?
-they outline the ideal community-police relationship
What was consolidation?
-small police agencies were joined together to form a larger agency
-result of regionalization
Define police subculture
-informal rules and expectations for police
According to Cordner, what are the three main operational police roles?
- Operations
- Administration
- Aux Services
Define sworn officers
-legal authority to arrest and use force
What are the operational activities Cordner discusses?
-criminal investigations
-drug suppression
-organized crime
-specialized operations
-crime prevention
-youth services
-community policing
What is considered the backbone of policing?
What does research in Canada reveal about traffic officers?
-they save lives and reduce serious collisions
What percentage are detectives?
Define executive protection
-protection provided by police to the Prime Minister and other political officials
What were Wilsons three most important research findings?
Police departments should balance three functions:
-law enforcement (legalistic)
-order maintenance (watchman)
-providing needed services (service)
What is legalistic style?
-professionalism and formal relationships with public
-strict enforcement of law
-high arrest rates and traffic tickets
-less discretion
What is watchman style?
-reducing antisocial behaviour
-more involved with community than legalistic
-effects of wrongdoing, not so much wrongdoers
-less formal
-more discretion
-few arrests for minor infractions
What is service style?
-public satisfaction
-responsive to community needs
-close to ideal of community policing
What were the top 5 allegations against the RCMP?
- Neglect of duty
- Improper attitude
- Improper use of force
- Irregularity in procedure
- Improper arrest
Define civilianization
-employment of civilians in police
What did the study by Murphy and McKenna reveal about the factors that form a police subculture?
-conservative outlook
-prejudicial attitudes