Midterm 2 - Income from Business or Property Flashcards
Identify and explain the starting points in s. 9 of the Income Tax Act for the determination of income from business or property.
1) income for TP is PROFIT for the taxation year -> determining “profit” therefore central to taxation of income from bus. or prop.
2) “profit” not defined in Act -> determined by COMMON LAW (heavily dependent on ACCOUNTING principles)
The rest of subdivision b of Division B of Part I (ss. 9-37) further modify and reinforce concept of “profit”
Explain the context in which the question of whether income is from a business or property source has normally arisen.
Characterization important b/c if not from source, not taxable (s.3(a)) -> characterization also affects tax treatment
Common disputes:
1) employment vs business income - important for deductions available
2) income vs. capital gain - capital gain only taxed half
3) income from business vs income from property - NOT AS IMPORTANT b/c generally NO distinction in ITA (but CAN have different treatment/deductions)
Discuss the Income Tax Act statutory meaning of “business” and “property”.
- INCLUDES profession, calling, trade, manufacture or undertaking and adventure or concern in nature of trade
- but does NOT INCLUDE office or employment
- i.e. NON-EXHAUSTIVE -> look at ORDINARY MEANING; generally profit-motivated activities
- “adventure in nature of trade” = usually isolated, speculative transaction
- property of ANY KIND (whether real, personal, corporeal or incorporeal)
- includes a) right of any kind, share, chose in action and b) money, unless contrary intention is evident
Discuss the common law meaning of “business” and “property”
Business - Smith v Anderson (adopted by SCC in STEWART)
- “anything which occupies time and attention and labour of a person IN THE PURSUIT OF PROFIT”
Property - Manrell (2003 SCC)
- property = legally enforceable right to EXCLUDE OTHERS (i.e. needs to EXCLUDE others –> non-compete doesn’t count b/c can’t exclude others)
Give an example of a tax shelter scheme and explain two tax advantages such a scheme can provide.
STEWART case + in-class example
- TP buys properties (mostly on loan, with high interest rate) to create annual LOSS to offset against present income
- TP sells years later -> only pays tax on CAPITAL GAIN
advantages: 1) defer tax by sheltering profits until disposal of property, 2) reduce tax by producing loss against other sources of income then replacing with capital gain (only half taxable)
Describe the test used prior to the Stewart case to determine whether an activity carried on by a taxpayer was a business or a hobby
Reasonable expectation of profit (“REOP” ) test –> note: overruled by SCC in STEWART
- under REOP, would only be considered “business” activity if TP had REOP
- based on several factors (SCC kept as non-exhaustive list in Stewart)
1) profit and loss experience
2) TP’s training
3) TP’s intend’d course of action
4) capacity of venture to prof’t
5) time spent on activity
Describe the approach in the Stewart case to determining whether an activity carried on by a taxpayer is a business or property source
Is endeavour clearly commercial?
If YES –> Business or Property
If NO –> predominant intention of profit? Test: SUBJECTIVE intent against OBJECTIVE factors incl. REOP factors (from Moldowan)
1) profit and loss experience
2) TP’s training
3) TP’s intend’d course of action
4) capacity of venture to prof’t
5) time spent on activity
Predominant intention to profit INCLUDES potential capital gains –> Stewart tax shelter scheme = OK according to SCC
Discuss the response to the Stewart case the Minister of Finance proposed in October of 2003.
PROPOSED addition to Act in 2003
1) limit on loss - only count loss if reasonable to expect TP will realize cumulative profit from business or property
2) for limit on loss, profit determined WITHOUT REFERENCE TO CAPITAL GAINS OR CAPITAL LOSSES
- would have restored REOP test prior to Stewart
- > policy concern: could lead to legitimate businesses with losses not being able to claim losses despite decrease in ability to pay
- NOT enacted
Discuss the revenue, equity and neutrality concerns with respect to taxpayers claiming a deduction for losses from hobby activities on the basis that they are losses from business or property.
Revenue - deductions = costly to revenue
- some TPs could claim expenses (e.g. oil painter) but others wouldn’t be able to (e.g. flier) –> horizontal inequity
- other TPs effectively supporting the TP’s hobby –> vertical inequity
- incentive for hobbyists to incorporate
- different tax treatment for different hobbies/activities
Identify and briefly explain eight differential treatments of “income from property” and “income from business” under the Income Tax Act.
MOSTLY the same
Some distinctions:
1) ATTRIBUTION rules - only apply to income from PROPERTY
2) NON-RESIDENT INCOME from BUSINESS = taxable; non-resident income from PROPERTY -> subject to Part XIII withholding tax
3) PROVINCIAL TAX - Income from PROPERTY taxed based on province where owner resident at end of tax year; Income from BUSINESS taxed in province of permanent establishment
4) FAPI (foreign accrual property income) - definition excludes ACTIVE BUSINESS income
5) Capital cost allowance (CCA) -not allowed for RENTAL PROPERTY
6) Cumulative ELIGIBLE CAPITAL DEDUCTIONS - only available for business income
7) SMALL BUSINESS DEDUCTION and INVESTMENT INCOME REFUND - SBD only available for business income; Investment income refund available for “aggregate investment income” which excludes active business income
8) Inclusion of amount received for goods NOT DELIVERED or services NOT RENDERED is just for business income
Explain the level of activity test for distinguishing income from business and income from property.
- level of activity = main distinction btwn business and property
- Income merely from OWNERSHIP (i.e. passive) = property
- Income primarily from EFFORTS of owner/employees (i.e. active) = business
Be able to describe the concept of profit.
Profit is a NET concept (i.e. revenue MINUS expenses incurred to generate it)
consistent w/ policy re income as accretion to wealth
Profit is a question of LAW
Explain how, in very general terms, “profit” been defined by the Supreme Court of Canada.
Profit def’d in 3 SCC cases (all involving “tenant inducement payments”)
1) question of law,
2) profit = revenues net expenses incurred to earn that revenue,
Describe the method the taxpayer must use in determining “profit” from a business or property.
TP can use ANY method that provides an accurate picture of profit that is not contrary to well accepted business principles, accounting principles, case principles, or legislation
Explain where generally accepted accounting principles fit in the determination of “profit” from business or property (a) according to the courts; and (b) practically speaking.
According to COURTS
- courts avoided saying to rely on GAAP -> use “well-accepted” principles instead
- Accepted business and accounting principles INCLUDE “Generally Accepted Accounting Principles” (GAAP)
- businesses use GAAP to prepare financial statements and then ADJUST them to statements for tax purposes making adjustments specifically required by the Act/case law