Midterm 2 Deck Flashcards
Aid in studying for the Second midterm
• By age 3 children are exploring themselves and others through games like
Mother/ father, Playing Doctor, Playing house
define a sexual script
cultural scripts for how to act sexually and in relationships
Madonna/Whore belief
I want to marry the good girl but be sexual with the bad girl either during marital relations and/or before settling down
•True or False Infants learn about how they should feel about their bodies from their society
What is ‘normal’ sexually during infancy and childhood?
The games can be between the same sex or opposite sex either way is still healthy Over sexuality during this age games is unsafe, Being asexual during this age is perfectly healthy though
define autoeroticism and what does it incompass
sexual activities that involve only the self - incompasses sexual fantasies, erotic dreams, and self- mastrubation
Define pleasuring and who suggested this
nongenital touching and caressing, neither partner has to try to sexually stimulate the other. Masters and Johnstoon
Choose the correct answers: Most child molesters are (homo/hetero) sexual men and (are/ are not) often known before the molestation by their victims.
hetero, are
Define the missionary postion
Man is on top of the women in sexual intercourse
“A gentleman is a man who keeps 2/3 of his weight on his elbows”refers to what?
The missionary postion
-done because they don’t know how to connect with others -mental disorder characterized by recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges or sexual behaviors lasting at least 6 months involving nonhuman objects, the suffering or humiliating oneself or one’s partner, or children or other nonconsenting people
What paraphilias are defined as noncoercive?
fetishism, and transvestism feishism
What paraphilias are defined as coercive?
zoophilia,voyeurism,exhibitionism,telephone scatologia,frotteurism,necrophilia,pedophilia,sexual sadism and sexual masochism
What form of sexual masochism links strangulation with masturbation?
autoerotic asphyxia
What is believed to be the the cause of paraphilias?
social, environmental, psychological and biological factors
Domintion and submission is consentual and used to be called ————– that is a term no longer used psychiatry and psychology.
Define bondage and discipline
fairly common practice in which a person is bound with scarves,leather straps, underwear, handcuffs,moderate discipline activities such as spanking or whipping.
Define a dominatrix
a women who is disciplining a person in bondage and discipline, the partner being disciplined is called a slave
if intercourse occurs during ovulation the chance of ovulation is —-%
Over a year sexually active couples who do not use contraception have a —-% chance of conception.
True/ False The pill is disactivated by, failing to take dosage twice in the month.
True/ false the pill, the ring and other birth control will protect you from STI’s.
False, only a barrier like a condom can protect you from STI’s
Define puberty
a biological process that changes a persons life marked by maturing of the gonads
Define disposable women
They had to give birth every year from when they were married until they died, sole purpose procreation thereby easy to dispose and gather more women for the job when the body broke down from repeated stress of childbith
What are some examples of the Double Standard of gender?
-a slut vs. a stud -Renaissance for men a oppression for disposable women
Define Adolescence
from the beginning of puberty to adulthood, not a child not a adult fully either
Define menarche
first period, female sign of start of puberty
Define spermanche
first ejaculation, often a nocturnal immersion, boy’s mark of the start of puberty
How many years does it take for the body to heal from a pregnancy?
2 years
List the different types of Sex Education
comprehensive Abstinence based Abstinence-only Abstinence-only-until-marriage
Which types of sex education discuss information about sexual behaviour, contraception, and disease prevention methods?
comprehensive and abstinence based
What is not included in an abstinence-only or abstinence-only-until-marriage based programs?
information about sexual behaviours, contraception, disease prevention
Sally has gotten all of her information on Sexual behaviours from her church and it’s school outreach programs. What type of sexual education has she been exposed to?
If a child is raised with the comprehensive sexual education system they will have less STI’s and births due to more access to………and……… ……….. and more information on ……. choices while being sexual.
contraception,birth control, safe
abstinence - only based education leads to more ………and ………. due to lack of information.
STI’s and Pregnancies
Open ended: How are Traditional gender roles linked to inequality?
possible answers: women expected to give birth and raise kids–> barriers them from certain jobs due to having to budjet time more than men Men expected to be unemotional–> barried from jobs that require use of emotions or highly criticized when they do enter them (exampes- design, nursing,teaching)
List some Reasons to want a teen pregnancy
“Pregnancy to keep couple together” “rebelling against parents” “We have a stable place, job, ect. We are ready for a child”
Why is the belief that “Pregnancy to keep couple together” flawed and what does teenage pregnancy this way often lead to?
A reationship that is feeling that they need something else to keep themselfs together is NOT ready to ‘go steady’ let alone raise a child. The teen coupe often breaks up over this due ti unresolved issues dating back before the child was born.
Why is prenatal care so important during pregnancy and where can an expecting mother get help?
Prenatal care makes sure the expecting baby will not be poisoned by the mothers dietary and exercise plans. An expecting mother can go to a place like planned parenthood or a general clinic until they find a doctor specializing in prenatal care so they don’t hurt their baby acciedenty by smoking, drinking, not taking vitamins and failing to exercise.
Comprehensive Sex education different that abstinence based education because it teaches the child ……………………………. vs. all at one time.
gradually from kindergarden to 12 grade
In ‘It takes a village to fight ancient practice’ what ancient practice is being talked about?
female gentile circumcision/ mutilation Known in Senegal as “ cleaning”
How did Sall snap girls back from passing out?
slapping the girl’s face and call out prayers
What is exhibitionism?
a non-coehersive paraphilia in which a person flashes thier genitals at unconsenting and random other persons.
Define nymphomania
the word used for a women with “abornormal or excessive sexual desire,usually implied to a sexually active women
Define satyriasis
abnormal ans ‘uncontrollable” sexual desire in in men, less commonly used than nyphomania deue to social norms for men.
Are nymphomania and satyriasis considered clinical conditions by the APA?
no they are not.
Define fetishism
sexual attraction to objects where the object is usually needed or preferred for sexual arousal
Define frotteurism
toughing or rubbing against non-consenting person for the purpose of sexual arousal
Define pedophilia
sexual arousal and contact with children aged 13 and younger by adults.there must be at least a 5 year year age gap between the child and adult and the adult must be at least 16 to be called a pedophile.
Both nymphomania and satyriasis are psydoscience words meaning they are….
words that were used clinically despite not being based in science. In the case of nymphomania and satyriasis the root of ‘fact’ being religious teaching.
Define voyeurism
The paraphilia associated with a person who peeks in on people’s intimate moments without consent to get sexual arousal, a peeping tom basically
Define transvestic freterism
cross-dressing for sexual arousal, often in the clothes of their partner
Define sexual sadism
a person with intense, recurring sexual urges or fantasies involving physical or psychological harm of another for sexual desire over 6 mouths by real inflection o pain
Define sexual masochism
a person who has had recurring sexual urges or desires to be humiliated, beaten bound or otherwise made to suffer literally physically not stimulated, can range from wanted to be restrained, blindfolded,paddled,spanked, whipped,beaten,shocked,cut,pinned and pierced, or even to be treated like a dog or like an infant forced to wear diapers (infantilism)
Autoerotic aspehyxia is an extreme variant of which paraphilia and what exactly is it?
an extreme variant of sexual masochism in which the person gets sexually aroused by suffocation of self.
Define tanic sex
sexual intermacy based on eastern religious beliefs beginning in India around 500 B.C. Belief that sexual intercourse should be of sharing “energies” and rhythmically build up with minimal trusting first.
Define telephone sectologia
the paraphilia involving random calling to get sexual pleasure.Main reason seems to be that people feel like it is easier to get attention from a stranger.
Define anal eroticism
sexual activities that involve the anus including analingus and anal intercourse
define analingus
licking of anus region , known as ‘rimming’ or “tossing salad”
define anal intercourse
penile anal intercourse
define coitus
penile vaginal intercourse
define interfermoral intercourse
rubbing of penis between thighs of partner
What are the two types of oral- genital sex?
Cunnilingus and Fellatio
What is cunnilingus?
Women’s genitals are stimulated by partner’s tongue.
What is fellatio?
when a man’s penis is taken into a partners mouth with licking of penis and scrotum
What is auto fellatio and in how many % actually achieve orgasm this way?
when a man takes his own penis into his mouth hoping to achieve orgasm though stimulation. only 1% of those who tried seemed to achieve orgasm
Define tribidism
pressing off bodies with gentile thrusting, known as “dry humping”
Define Erotophilia
any positive emotional response to sexuality, the positive part off sexual desire
Define Erotophobia
the negative emotional responses to sexuality
What’s the difference between birth control and contraception?
birth control is any means of preventing birth from taking place while contraception prevents the sperm from egg from ever meeting.
What symtomes of the pill make the acronym ACHES?
Abdominal pain Chest pain Headaches Eye problems Severe leg pain
What are the 10 rules for avoiding intimacy?
1- Don’t talk- I forced to talk don’t discuss anything meaningful 2-Never show your feelings, best to remain emotionless 3-Always be friendly- keep smiling by hiding negative emotions fool everyone that everything is perfect 4-Always win- compromise is admitting you care for partner and dangerous step to intimacy 5- Always keep busy.- avoid partner with work making them feel unimportant in comparison to your work.No talking required. 6- Always be right-admitting being right leads to being human and capable for emotion, and therefore intimate 7-Never argue- it can lead to talking about feelings and therefore intimacy 8-Make your partner quess what you want- so you can say they don’t understand and love you because they can’t please you… intimacy breaker& drives partner crazy 9-Always look out or number one-your the only one breaking their back,all relationships are for your own benefit. 10-Always keep the television on-avoid talking without arousing suspicion from partner
What caused Sall to think twice about her business as a female cutter?When does she actually stop cutting female’s completely?
concerns from women in education classes by the U.S. Humanitarian agency named Tosten (break out). She at forst thought they were jelous of the money she was making and went to a religious teacher for reassurance, what she got was instead was being told it was not required by Islamic law.
Open ended question- How does the article “10 ways to avoid intimacy” reflect how the values society views as normal?
possible answers: It shows how the stereotypical hard work script can be used as a way to avoid intimacy. It shows what society has become, a person in front of a screen The rules seem to overlap with the traditional masculine script which makes great workers but not so healthy adults.
Beore Sall stopped cutting girl’s genitals, how many ‘operstions did she do on a slow day, productive day?
2-3, 15-20
According to UNICEF how many girls are cut each year in 28 African and Middle Eastern countries?
about 3 million
If a man marries a women from a country who doesn’t preform female circumcisions how is the wife treated?
They are shunned, no one sits near them, talk to them,eat their food, drink the water they fetch, walk away when they approach of claim they have a bad smell.
The day the practice of cutting female’s gentiles was outlawed Sall cut 15 girls because…..
she knew the law was a joke, no one was going to stop sending thieir daughters to her house for the surgery and she was not going to tell.
Originally Imam Demba Diawara thought of female circumcision as a scared tradition and prerequisite for marriage. How did he change his mind?
While trying to learn to read and write though the classes from Tousen he heard of how the symptoms that he had being trying to stop was caused by the circumcision he had advocated. The complications happened during childbirth due to the operation creating tears in the path of the birth canal.
Diawara persuaded …… villages to abandon the practice of female circumcision.
Out of 5,000 Senegalese villages that practiced female genital extraction that Trostan has been working with how many villages have stopped the practice?
What are the goals of Early Adulthood?
- learning how to connect sex and love -how to make long turn commitments
What is Cohabitaion?
When two non family members live in the same house together.
What are some benefits of cohabitation?
Keeps the partners equal which can dissapear in marriage due to social roles can find out if you can get along with them before marriage (test drive) Alternative to facing fear of marriage due to the divorce rate. more socially accepted now
What does one finally realize in middle age?
That death is inevitable.
What is the effect of divorce on children?
trust issues
What are the types of sexual behaviours are common during Late adulthood?
-foreplay -lots of sexual expression -lots o cohabitation but not married
Define Premenopause
couple of years before menopause where the ovulation gradually shuts down
True/ False Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)- did not prevent what it needed to and caused cancer
Define the 4 stages of relationships
1- Co-dependent stage: fantastic attraction and sex, lots of positive ( lasts 3 months to 2 years) projections- desire to merge- message is “ I NEED you” ( the revival of our inner infant) I’m half a whole then I need to find my other half to be whole. (belief ½ + ½= 1 reality ½ * ½ = ¼ – the half self will attract a person with equal amount of issues to develop 2- Counter- Dependent stage:Disillusioned, Argue, Fight, I try to control you to make you go back to what I thought you were (The inner toddler) 3.Independent Stage- I finally realize that I have a part in what has gone wrong and I work on my own growth ( Replay of adolescence) 4. Interdependence Stage- “I WANT you” Awareness, Appreciation, Accountability(acting like an adult now (1*1= 1)
Explian the Big Brother effect of sexuality
the more boys you have the more likely the youngest to be homosexual. Every male sibling over than you increases the younger brother’s chances by 33%
Define Serial monogamy
Keep changing partner’s but loyal to the partner during marriage
What are the three types of negotiation?
Agreement as a Gift Bargaining Coexistence
Explain a secure attachment
I feel the world is a safe place. Is formed by getting what I need in the first year of life.
When someone didn’t get what they need as an infant they will…….
Protest Depression/Despair Dettach
Insecure Anxious/ Ambivalent attachment
I want you but don’t trust you with my wants and needs, comes from feeling like I’m not getting everything I need as a infant pasing the points of protest and despair.
Insecure anxious aviodent attachment
Don’t know how to deal with long term intimacy due to not getting the intimacy and needs meet as a infant (Protest, depression and Detachment stages all passed)
Define internalized homophobia
internalized feelings we have against ourselves because of our own homosexuality
What makes up communication?
noticing body actions, tones of voice, distances, eye contact, touching as well as what is being said Self-disclosure is also apart of communication
What are the six basic styles of love according to John Lee?
Eros Mania Ludus Storge Agape Pragma
What is the passionate stage of love?
Co-dependent- pseudo love Attachment styles of love very much like my first year of life reaction, can be changed if recognized (the everything is perfect stage)
What are the three types of attachment in the attachment theory of love?
Secure Insecrure Anxious/ Ambivalant Insecure Anxious aviodent
Draw Sternberg’s triangle theory of love.

Is erotic attraction the same as love?
Due to the stages of relationships one should date —- to —-months before making a sexual decision.
What are some homosexuality myths?
homosexuals are child molesters
homosexual couples make homosexual children
homosexuals are homosexuals because they aren’t able to get a hetro partner
All gay men are effenminate, all leisbans are butch
Homosexuals can change if they wanted to
homosexuals recruit hetrosexuals to become homosexuals
homosexually can be ‘caught’ or ‘taught’
An estimate of —- ——- women and girls are cut in sub-suharan, egypt and Sudan before their 14th birthday per year.
2 million
The practice of removing all or part of girl’s external genital organsis believed to presevere a girl’s ———– by curbing her sexual drive and celebrates a girl’s comming of age.
Both practices of foot binding and genital extraction are for keeping women…………… and ………..
subjgated and mangable. It’s a form of oppression.
Instead of abandoning the practice of female circumcion some parents take thier daughters to whom?
trained medical profesionals for the operation
(chose the right word) The age of female circumcision is getting younger/ older due to parents taking thier daughters to trained medical professionals for the operation.
What messages do female teenagers get that can lead them to believe they aren’t pregnant according to Sandy Banks in the denial handout?
When you go to collage you gain wieght so this sudden wieght gain is normal
I’m just streesed being in a new place and/or situation
This can never happen to me
What profile of women is likely to deny pregnancy?
- high achiever
- close to family
- good girl who plays sports and does well in school
- this can’t happen, I’ll lose my scholership
Young people’s denial seems to follow what line of thought?
“I couldn’t possibly be/ act that way therfore I am not”
According to Sandy Banks what usually ends denial?
acceptance of reality
In Sandy Banks essay on brutality what was the news event she is discussing?
For two hours outside Richmad high’s prom 6 teenage boys group raped one girl. There where twenty watchers and the crime was not reported by any the watchers but by the girlfriend of one o the watchers ather the boyfriend called her. The suspects ranged in age ffrom 15 to 21 years old. The victim was in hospital for 4 days.
What reasons do people give for the students who did not step in to help the girl who was gang raped? What does this article have to say about how people act in comparison about how they think they act?
- not learning how to deal with such a situation in school
- thought she asked for it or deserved it not knowing her well
- media, music and video games being so violent and creating a degrading view of women
- people can say they will act one way in theory but act completly diffrent in the heat of the moment
What question is Sandy Banks questioning by talking about the group rape of the gitl in her article on brutality?
How can someone stand by and just watch something so brutal and not stop the injustice they see before them.