Midterm 2 Flashcards
Jacob 1
The people began to indulge themselves in pride and sexual sin
Jacob takes Nephis place as spiritual leader
Jacob gathered everyone to the temple, after ‘obtaining his errand from the lord’
Jacob 2
Pride and Sexual sin
-‘one being is as precious in God’s sight as another’
‘before you seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God’
Holland quote on sexuality
“The body is an essential part of the soul…In exploiting the body of another-which means exploiting his or her soul-one desecrates the Atonement of Christ, which saved that soul.”
Jacob 3
Lamanite skin; doesn’t mean black skin is evil, in fact racism is for pigs. just no
Jacob speaks like lehi, ‘shake yourselves that ye may awake from the slumber of death’
Jacob 4
The story of Abraham and Isaac is a similitude of God and his only begotten son
be reconciled to God through the atonement of Christ
Jacob 5 summery
allegory of the olive tree-heavenly father grieves when he loses his children
allegory is a declaration of divine love-holland
Zenos, appeared here not in OT
Jacob 5 1-14
Israel falls into apostasy
‘take away many of the young tender branches’
‘graft’ in the branches of the wild olive tree’
Jacob 5 15-28
scattering of israel
‘wild olive branches begin to bear fruit’
you can overcome ‘poor soil’
25- branch planted in ‘good spot of ground’/ ‘part of tree’ is good, ‘other part of the tree’ wild
jacob 5 29-51
Great apostasy
30- ‘all sorts of fruits’ ‘none which is good’ no church on earth can provide ‘eternal life’
44- nephites came after jaredites had been destroyed
49-50- justice; burn it/ mercy; spare it longer
Jacob 5 52-77
Restoration/ Gathering
take the scattered branches back to ‘whence they came’
61 ‘go to and call servants’ 70 ‘they were few’
72 lord labors with them
Bednar on Jacob 5
“We were foreordained in the premortal existence and born into mortality to fulfill the covenant and promise God made to Abraham.”
ETB on Jacob 5
“For nearly six thousand years, God has held you in reserve to make your appearance in the final days before the Second Coming of the Lord… All through the ages the prophets have looked down through the corridors of the time of day.”
Jacob 6
How blessed are they who have labored diligently in his vineyard.
Jacob 7
Jacob v Sherem
‘he had hope to shake me from the faith’ ‘i could not be shaken’
-labored diligently, used his education and ‘his perfect knowledge of language’ to flatter
- there should be no christ; no man can tell of things to come
ETB quote Jacob 7
”The Book of Mormon exposes the enemies of Christ… It fortifies the humble followers of Christ against the evil designs, strategies, and doctrines of the devil in our day… God, with his infinite foreknowledge, so molded the Book of Mormon that we might know how to combat false educational, political, religious, and philosophical concepts of our time.”
My soul hungered, my soul did rest
Two lines of kings
-zenif. - Mosiah
Noah Benjamin
Lemhi Mosiah 2
Amaleki: King Mosiah and Nephites fled the land of Nephi; discovered Mulekites in Zarahemla; Mosiah’s son Benjamin became King
• Mulekites have a record of a man named Coriantumr who lived with them when their forefathers first arrived from Israel
• Amaleki: Large group attempted to return to the land of Nephi; a conflict ensued & 50 returned; they regrouped and left again.
Word of Mormon
385 AD Mormon writes as if the reader has already heard from him. (maybe introduced in the book of lehi)
Mormon abridging lg plates when he found sm plates he decided to include them in the record and explains
How do we hear Mormons voice through the end of the book?
- Short editorial interruptions (Summaries, Explanatory details, Moral Generalizations, etc.)
- Long extended comment sections- become more frequent towards the end
- Personal letters and sermons inserted by Moroni after Mormon’s death
Mormon as a narrator
Mormon has a different style, difference concerns, and a different
purpose than Nephi and Jacob
• Mormon sometimes embeds primary sources word for word
• He may have reconstructed sermons and conversations
• Mormon’s writings are intricate and careful. We may want to rethink
the assumption that this was a hurried compose-as-you-go work; it’s likely that he transmitted to the plates a text he wrote before hand
Mosiah 1
Benjamin tells his sons they can search the scriptures and ‘profit’ from them
Mosiah 2
king benjamin
pitched tents around the temple
when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your god’
‘consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of god
Mosiah 3
the atonement
Angel appears to teach Benjamin
new information about christ
suffer and bleed from every pore
called jesus christ, he will be crucified
‘and the infant perisheth not that dieth in his infancy’
the natural man must yield to the holy spirit and become a saint through the atonement of Christ
HBE Quote Holy ghost
“When the Holy Ghost is your companion, you can have confidence in the Atonement is working in your life.”
Mosiah 4
retain a remission of your sins from day to day
the people pray that they can ‘apply the atoning blood of Christ that we may be purified’
spirit of the lord came upon them and they were filled with joy and a ‘remission of your sins’
believe in god, believe that he is and he created all things…
Mosiah 5
Benjamin’s people; ‘the spirit has wrought a mighty change in us, we have nor more disposition to do evil’
Mosiah 7
King mosiah sends group (ammon) to find land of Nephi
Ammon and group arrested. Limhi son of Noah rejoices to hear ammon is from zarahemla. Tells of grandfather Zenif, wickedness, and slain prophet
Mosiah 8
Ammon teaches limhi’s people the sermon of King Benjamin
Limhi’s group didnt find zarahemla but found plates
Ammon teaches of Mosiah the seer. ‘“A seer is a revelator and a prophet also; can know of things which are past and things which are to come; A seer is a “great benefit to his fellow beings.”
Mosiah 9-22
Flashback 80 years
Zeniff’s story, mormon starts with quote directly from him
this is essential to understand Alma and where book of ether comes from
Mosiah 11
King Noah after Zeniff
‘walks after the desires of his own heart’
Abinadi comes to warn and preach repentance
King noah was raised in wickedness, could have been much better if not for the decision of father
Mosiah 12-13
After 2 years abinadi comes again
abinadi brought before the king for questioning
‘are ye not priests?’
a teaches 10 commandments
Mosiah 14-15
A quotes Isaiah 53 and then interprets
christ is both the father and the son
‘those who hearken to the prophets and believe the lord will redeem them’
Mosiah 16
A speaks of the resurrection
‘the grave hath no victory… he is the light and life of the world’
Mosiah 17
Alma pleads of the life of A and is cast out
Noah wants to release A but is pressured by priests
A is martyred, sealing the truth of his words by his death
Mosiah 18
Alma repents and teaches at waters of mormon
Baptismal covenant. Morn with those that morn comfort those etc
Alma baptizes himself and Helam, 204 baptised
‘how beautiful are they to the eyes of them who ther came to a knowlege of their redeemer’
J. Wirthlin: “How marvelous that the Book of Mormon…should bear the name of this hallowed place.”
Mosiah 19-22
Noah killed by own men
Limhi is king
Nephites bondage to the lamanites
ammon helps Limhi’s people escape Lamanite slavery
Mosiah 23-24
Lamanites go after Limhi’s people and get lost in the wilderness; they discover the priests of King Noah with their daughters and unite with them; they discover Alma and his people in the land
of Helam; Alma and his people are put into slavery by Amulon (chief of the wicked priests)
Alma and his people are strengthened and bear their burdens with ease; they “submit cheerfully and with patience” to all the will of the Lord.
Alma and his people go to Zarahemla
Mosiah 25-26
King Mosiah authorizes Alma to start church
a youth group is decieving members
alma tries to get mosiah to help
alma turns to the lord
institutes new policy of repentance or having name ‘blotted out’
Mosiah 27
Alma the younger conversion
alma repents
He teaches all men and women “must be
born again” in order to “inherit the kingdom of God.” •
Mosiah 28-29
Kings and judges explained
Alma and the sons of Mosiah were “the very vilest of sinners” but
the Lord’s “infinite mercy” spared them.
• Mosiah translates the records obtained by Limhi’s search party; he learns of the Jaredites (the Book of Ether); he institutes a governmental change from kings to judges.
• Alma the Younger becomes both chief judge and high priest