Midterm 2 Flashcards
What are factors that increase to cancer? Order of prevalence
- Obesity increases risk
- Diet: Change in eating habits, more than double proper size portion and more regular processed/fast-food/restaurant food that contain carcinogen to attract you to keep eating
- Viruses that contain oncogenes
- Excess alcohol
- Lack of exercise
- Exposure to uv light
- Environmental exposure - man made
- Environmental exposure - natural sources (Tobacco)
- Genetics
- Radiation from medical procedures
Obesity increases your risk for ____
What are the changes in eating habits from the 1950s?
Regular eating out, processed food/fast food/ junk food/ and size portions are doubled
Viruses responsible for about __ of cancer death
High risk viruses causing cancer target ____
p53 (tumour protein)
Vaccine for HPV induced cervical cancer
What is used for HPV induced cervical cancer?
Excess ____ increases risk for cancer/
Why is alcohol a carcinogen?
Ethyl alcohol is oxidized by alcohol dehydrogenase into acetaldehyde which is oxidized by acetaldehyde dehydrogenase into acetic acid
Yew bark extract was found to be ______
What is the strategy for cancer chemotherapy?
To kill the cancer faster than you kill the patient (human cells). Has 100% guaranteed and severe side effects.
Side affects in chemotherapy include
- Death
- Cancer
- Extreme nausea/vomiting
- Hair loss
- Immune suppression
- Sterility
What was used in WW1 and what does it do?
Nitrogen mustards destroy tissue
When was nitrogen mustards used?
In WW1
Was nitrogen mustards actively used in WW2?
No, but it was brought on an American navel ship to Italy which was going to be stored in case of emergency. The ship ended up being air raided on bari, Italy.
What happened to the soldiers that survived nitrogen mustards exposure?
Survivors had fewer white blood cells
What was the first cancer drug?
Mustine, targets fast dividing cells(tumour cells) AND cancer cells. Its not too reactive thus normal cells can repair DNA damage.
Why do cancer drugs cause death and cancer?
Because cancer drugs are carcinogenic and very toxic that kill of cancer cells and also other normal cells that happen to grow fast.
Difference between normal and cancer cells.
Normal cells have time to repair damage from drugs Cancer cells reproduce before damage repaired
Rapid cell growth provides _______
_______ provides selectivity
Rapid cell growth
Plant dangerous to handle
_____ extract was found to b cytotoxic in ____
Yew bark; 1964
Cisplatin was first synthesized in ____