Midterm 2 Flashcards
Chronological order:
- BOM comes forth
- 1st temple dedicated
- priesthood is restored
- the first vision
- the law of consecration given
- location of Zion is identified
- The first vision
- —Moroni’s visitation and then Joseph rec. plates - The priesthood restored
- –send 1st missionaries - The BOM comes forth
- Law of Consecration is given
- Location of Zion identified
- 1st temple dedicated
- -liberty Jail revelations - war in Missouri - intro. full endowment - Martyrdom
- Beginnings
New York (1820-31)
Key events
- -Hiram Page’s seer stone and location of Zion
- -mission to lamanites
- -convert 200 ppl in Kirtland
- Two church centers
Ohio and Missouri (31-39)
Key events
- -command to gather
- -law of consecration
- -Zion revealed
- -Zion’s camp
- -1st bishop called
- -law of tithing
- -battle of fishing river
- -12 and seventy called
- -WOW
- -vision of plan of salvation
- Nauvoo
Key events
- -break off RLDS/community of Christ
- –Joseph and Hyrum Smith martyred
major section
membership - 34,000
- Church in the west
1847 - 98
Key events
- -Brigham Young launches several efforts to live Law of Consecration
- -Pearl of Great price added to canon
- -WOW is comm.
major sections
1, 1 Official declaration
Membership - 270,000
- Expansion
1899 - 1950
key events
- -command to gather where you are
- -church welfare system during great depression
- -stakes organized
- -WOW is req. for temple recommend
church moves from the West and spreads East U.S.
section 1
membership - 1,100,000
- Worldwide church
1951 - present
Key events
- -JST made available I scriptures
- -Papyrus scrolls of Book of Abraham discovered
1 official declaration
membership - 15,000,000 +
Key revelations
D&C 37, 42, 93, 20
–gather to Ohio - stop translation
–The Law of consecration
–How and what we worshippers
–The Articles and Covenants of the Church of Christ
Key revelations 2
D&C 76, 88, 89
- -the vision (three kingdoms)
- -sons of perdition
- -while reading John 5:29
- -The Olive Leaf
- -saints rec. comforter
- -light of Christ in everything
- -school of prophets
–The Word of Wisdom
- -location of Zion revealed
- -saints called to special roles in Zion
Gatherings 2 church centerperiod
Gathering officially begins in the Beginnings period (told where new Jerusalem will be located)
- -cont. to 2 church centers period - missionary work on Indian reservation in Missouri (forced to leave and convert over 200 in Ohio - becomes two church center in Missouri and Ohio)
- -Nauvoo period - large numbers of members I Britain are converted and move to America
- -Church in wets - joining church meant also giving up home to travel to physically gather together - had to gather to temple
- -worldwide church - now each member lives no more than 300 miles from nearest temple
1830 - early Sept. JS rec. rev. addressing rev. rec. by Hiram Page that also gives location of New Jerusalem
Oct. - Oliver Cowdery LEADS mission to Lamanites with goal of preaching in unorganized Indian territories near borders of Missouri
Lamanite missionaries convert more than 100 individual. - including Sidney Rigdon and Edward Partridge near Kirtland, Ohio
Church in the West - gather to Ohio
Gather to Ohio - rev. in 1830 -becomes D&C 37 Church members comm. to gather in Ohio and rest of 19th century…standard practice for church members gather near church HQ
–church members promised if they gather they will rec. endowment of power and Lord will reveal His Law (DC 38!!)
- -church members encouraged not to gather to church HQ but remain in their own nations to build up church there
- -church builds its first 2 temples outside continental US in Canada and Hawaii
today church members gather to stakes in own lands - over 150 temples across world
Hiram Page
1800, Vermond
–married: Catherine Whitmer (oldest Whitmer daughter)
–one of 8 witnesses to BOM
–early resident if Independence, MO - doctor/farmer
–excommunicated in Far
Whitmer Family had many seer stones
- -Hiram began rec. revelations through a stone “concerning the upbuilding of Zion he order of church and so forth, but which were at variance w/ order of Gods house and scriptures”
- -he claimed to have rec. about gov. of church through stone and made roles of paper full of rev. - Even Oliver and Whitmer family believed him..although revelations contradicted the NT and many modern rev.
DID HAVE A SEER STONE - now in possession of the “community of Christ” church. - break off church started by Whitmers
Who has the right to rec. revelation for the church?
Assembled a conference - subject of Hiram’s seerstone - investigated and members present (including Hiram Page) renounced the stone and rev.
- JS: contrary to economy of God for any member to rec. instruction for those in authority higher than themselves - if get visit from heavenly messenger…must be for his own benefit and instruction
- -fundamental principles of Gov. and doctrine in the church are vested in the keys of the kingdom
Lord tells Oliver to take Hiram aside privately and tell him these are not genuine revelations - he accepted and gave back the stone
Joseph F. Smith on avoiding deception
Many instances of delusive spirits to members of the church - sometimes. bc of transgression…or led away by false spirits that imitate a divine source - Satan himself has transformed himself to be “an angel of light”
–no person has right to induce fellow members to follow claim of divine rec. when it is in opposition to recognized authority
–Lord’s church is a “house of order” - it is NOT governed by indivi. gifts or manifestations, but by order and power of Holy Priesthood as sustained by voice and vote of church in its appointed conferences
What happened to Hiram Page’s seerstone
Bro. Hiram Page dug out of the earth a black stone and put in his pocket - when he got home he saw a sentence on it - wrote on sentence and another came on the stone until he wrote 16 pages
–ppl asked JS if its right…he didn’t know but he prayed and got rev. that the stone was of the devil - then it was broke to powder and the writings burnt “it was a work of the power of darkness”
D&C 28 - missionaries to Lamanites
go to laminates and preach gospel to them - location of Zion is not rev…no man knows where it shall be built but it shall be given after
missionaries to Lamanites:
Parley P. Pratt and Oliver Cowdery
–converts: Sidney Rigdon and Edward Partridge
he tells Oliver that Zion will be near the laminates - go on a mission
Parley. P. Pratt
baptized 1830 (born 1807)
- -converted by the BOM
- -opened it and read title page…read testimony of witnesses then read all day - eating was a burden…no desire for food or sleep
- –served missions to Missouri, Canada, Britain and Chile
- -original member of Quorum of 12
- -converted one future Pres. of the church (John Taylor)
- -Martyred in Arkansas
known as the “Apostle Paul of Mormonism”
he is from Ohio - converts his friend Sidney Rigdon - converts Sidney and his entire congregation of 200 that he leaves
Gather to Ohio
Gather to Ohio
- -250 miles from winter to spring of 1831
- –DC 37 - the command - first commandment concerning a gathering in this dispensation - go and assemble in his - people in Colesville had been partying with much faith
- -DC 38 - the why - a conference at the church - I will give unto you a land of your inheritance if you seek it with all your hearts
38: 32
- -“for this cause I gave unto you the comm. that. ye should go to Ohio - there I will give you my law - and there you shall be endowed with power from on high”
The main object of gathering
main object was to build unto the Lord a house whereby He could reveal unto His people the ordinances of His house and the glories of His kingdom, and teach the people the way of salvation; for there are certain ordinances and principles that, when they are taught and practiced, must be done in a place or house built for that purpose…
–it is for same purpose that God gathers together his ppl in last days - to build unto the Lord a house to prepare them for ordinances and endowments, washings and anointing - JS
rev. on wars
DC 45 - hear of wars in foreign lands..but wars are in your own lands in many years
- -eastern lands - leave and go to western countries, repent and build up churches
- -with one heart and one mind father of riches that ye may purchase an inheritance
DC 87 - rev. on WAR
- -Wars shall come to pass - beg. in rebellion of S Carolina which will terminate in death and misery of many souls - time will come that war will be poured out upon all nations, beg. at his place
- –(87:3) - Southern states be divided against the N states - and call on other nations, even Great Britain -
- -slaves shall rise up against masters - remnants lefts I’m land will marshal themselves and become angry
87:8 - wherefore stand ye in holy places - be not moved until he day of the Lord come
Pres. Hinckley - Perilous times
Are these perilous times? They are. But there is no need to fear. We can have peace in our hearts and peace in our homes. We can be an influence for good in this world, every one of us.”
gathering still occurring in stakes…in temples
- -arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations - that the gathering together upon Zion may be for a defense…for a refuge from the storm
- -These are the STAKES IN ZION we gather at
gather to be Safe - spiritual gathering in the temple
Is gathering still happening?
Gathering in temples and stakes is a refuge from the storm
- -counsel of general authorities today - don’t flock zionword but remain in countries - honor laws of those countries and stay there to help build up Lord’s work there - strengthen hands of elders and missionaries laboring among them
- -used to teach gather in Utah largely bc that was only place in world with a temple - gathering everywhere. Korea is place for Koreans, Brazil for Brazilians… - Kimball
Oaks - With the creation of stakes and the construction of temples in most nations with sizeable populations of the faithful, the current commandment is not to gather to one place but to gather in stakes in our own homelands
D&C reading on the gathering
28, 29, 32, 35, 36
–Hiram Page rev. - Members and Oliver Cowdery deceived - Lord tells Oliver that Comforter can teach individually but only prophet can rec. rev. and comm. for entire church - has Keys
–Plan of Salvation - called to bring to pass gathering of mine elect
–Lord tells parley P. Pratt, Oliver Cowdery and Peter Whitmer to go to wilderness among lamanites - pray always and God will bless them
–Oliver and John Whitmer other calling so Sidney Rigdon called as scribe of JS Bible translations
–rev. to Edward Partridge - lay hand and rec. HF - teach all peaceable things of kingdom
Mission to the laminates article
Rev. before bOM completely translated…lord said plates were preserved ““that lamanites might come to knowledge of their fathers and that they may know the promises of the Lord - to believe Gospel and rely upon merits of Jesus Christ”
“that lamanites might come to knowledge of their fathers and that they may know the promises of the Lord - to believe Gospel and rely upon merits of Jesus Christ”
- –Oliver Cowdery was principal scribe - knew BOM as written primarily to the laminates
- –Oliver was first person instructed by rev, to go unto the laminates and preach gospel
- –others called and missionaries sent from west Indep. MO to Indian territory (Indian removal act)
- -in middle of Journey, stopped at Parley Pratt friends house, Sidney Rigdon - gave copy of BOM and he promised to read - in 2-3 weeks had baptized 127 ppl in Kirtland and became site of first temple
Russel M. Nelson - The gathering of scattered Israel
Abraham covenant - Lord promised to make his posterity a chosen people - BOM teaches that covenant fulfilled in latter days - we are among covenant people of Lord
–Abraham’s descendants…tribes of Israel had access to priesthood authority and blessings
Coming forth of BOM is sign that Lord has began to gather his people - BOM is central tot he work - w/o BOM fathering of Israel would not occur
- -After Kirtland temple dedicated - Heavenly messengers came with priesthood keys - Moses appeared and gave keys of gathering of Israel from 3 parts of earth - prophet Elijah appears 1836
Zion is the “pure in heart” - wherever the righteous saints are
–“spiritual security will always depend on HOW one lives not WHERE one lives”
The law of consecration through history
Two church centers period
- -Law of Consecration revealed to JS (DC 42) - “the law of the church”
- -additional instructions on consecration and attempts to live law cont. through 1830s-40s
church in west
–Brigham Young launches several more efforts to live law of Consecration
Communists? = Isaac Morley contended that in order to restore ancient order in church of Christ - necessary there be a community of goods among brethren…and a number of them removed o his house and farm, build houses and worked and lived together - composed of a “big family” -
What is the laminate mission and its major effect on the church?
- take the gospel to laminates; preach to all
- Helped established a stronghold for church in Kirkland; lots of unexpected converts, lots of influential leaders
- Leads missionaries to independence, MIS
what are 5 reasons the Lord commands his saints to go to gather in Ohio
- Escape destruction of enemy
- Consecration for poor and needy
- Condense as a righteous people
- Give them his law
- To endow them with divine power
Help, care for, become righteous, give law, endow
What are DC 42s more perfect commandments - “the law”
Elders preach gospel Don't kill, steal, lie, cheat, speak bad/hurt neighbor, have a proud heart, be idle Love our spouse with all your heart Consecrate/remember poor Live together in love Do your job Don't take your brother's garment (don't be a free loader) Give your excess to my storehouse Ask for revelation Preach to all nations Govern my church according to law
remember poor - consecrate properties for their support
what are the diff. btw all things common, the united order, and law of consecration
ATC: give everything; deeded back a portion
UO: Church businesses run by church leaders not with church money
LC: We dedicate/donate time, money, talents
what are the celestial principles of consecration
- Stewardship
- -a deed of stewardship - Levi Jackman
- -who determines stewardship? - Brigham Young - rev. given and he was asked to go among churches and find out what surplus property people had - with which to fwd the building of Temple commencing in far west..went from place to place - before started he asked JS “who judges what is surplus property?” - he said “LET THEM BE THE JUDGE THEMSELVES” - Needs and Wants
- -DC 51 - Let Edward Partridge…appoint ppl their portions, every man equal according to his family. According to his circumstances and needs
- -JS to Edward - every man must be his own judge how much he should rec. and how much he should suffer to remain in hands of bishop - Consecrate (all thy property)
- -a deed of consecration - list property of O.M. Allen
- -animals, lot, materials, dent, wife and children, “all at your disposal for building up of the kingdom”
- -to consecrate property is nothing more than feeding hungry, clothing naked, visiting widow and sick - Storehouse
- -51:13 - let bishop appoint a storehouse unto church - all things both in money and meat..which are more than is needful for wants of this people be kept in hands of bishop