FINAL Flashcards
Hyrum Smith
Assistant president of the Church
–dies in Carthage jail
Joseph Smith
First President of the council of the 50
–Organizes the council of the 50 in preparation for his presidential campaign and the trek west
Brigham Young
- -takes over as leader of the council of the 50 after Joseph
- -organizes the trek west
- -receives section 136 - word and will of the Lord
Elijah Abel
First person we know of African descent ordained to the Priesthood - ordained by Joseph Smith
– ordained a 70 - more of a missionary
Spencer W. Kimball
- -kept saying he wouldn’t change the policy of race and the priesthood until rec. a revelation
- -Receives official declaration 2 - which extends the priesthood to all worthy male members
John Taylor
Carthage Jail witness
- -survives Carthage Jail
- -along with Willard Richards
- -eventually becomes President of the church
Sidney Rigdon
tries to become head of the church
–Joseph Smith’s first councilor in the Presidency
Emma Smith
- -opposed to plural marriage
- -but she goes back and forth with it
- -she is head of the relief society movement organized in Nauvoo and becomes the first President
Eliza R. Snow
Organized the Relief Society when it is reformed again in Utah in 1860s
–Organized young womens and primary
David O. McKay
President of the church during period of global expansion
–Wants to change the policy but is open in saying he hasn’t gotten a revelation -considered the practice of refusing to give blacks the priesthood a “policy” but not doctrine - he appointed a committee to study the
scriptures to see if policy was justified - rec. no revelation but considered changing the policy
Joseph F. Smith
Rec. section 138 - vision of the spirit world
John D. Lee
one of the primary instigators of the Mountain meadows massacre
–not the only one but he was on the scene and carries out the massacre - lead the troops
Section 124
The reconstruction of the church
Section 132
Celestial marriage
Section 136
The word and will of the Lord
–Brigham Young
Section 138
Vision of the Spirit world
–Joseph F. Smith
OD #1
The Manifesto
OD #2
The long promised day
Church of councils: disciplinary councils (e purposes)
Three purpose of disciplinary councils (section 102)
- to assist people in repenting - to save the soul of the transgressor
- to protect the innocent
- to protect the good name of the church - the church’s purity, integrity, and good name
- -councils in ancient days - Jerusalem was the seat and Apostle, Peter, was president of the council and held keys of kingdom of God on the earth - appointed by voice of Savior and acknowledged by voice of the church
- -did not plead for and against guilty in ancient courts - each person who spoke rose and spoke with evidence and according to the teaching of the spirit of the Lord - don’t screen the guilty but each person accused before council had right to one half of members of council to plead his cause so he can be fairly presented before President
Church of councils: divine treasuries
section 104
- secular treasury
- -comes from the private investments of the church
- -ex. churches private investments - city creek mall, BYU Hawaii, Jerusalem center (Study abroad) - sacred treasury
- -word the Lord uses with a seal placed upon it to propagate the word of God
- -print his words, fulness of his scriptures and revelations - for the purpose of building up the church and kingdom on earth, prepare people for Lord’s coming
- -ex. gospel library app - something from sacred library bc propagates the word of God
church follows practices taught to members: live within a budget, avoid debt, and save against a time of need
–church lives within its means and prepares to build reserves against a possible rainy day (food and money) - Hinckley
Presiding Councils of the church
Section 107 mentions main councils
- presiding bishopric
- -presides over Aaronic priesthood - administers in temporal things
- -“Judge in Israel, do business of church and sit in judgment upon transgressors” - seven presidents of the 70
- -assist 12 in traveling to build up the kingdom - quorum of the 12 apostles
- -special witnesses of Christ in all the world - build up the church and regulate its affairs in all nations
- -first to Gentiles, then to jews
- -act as a traveling high council - first presidency
- -holds rights of presidency to administer in spiritual things
- -highest council in chruch
- -judges the most diff. cases
- -when Pres. is ill or cannot function…his 2 councilors together comprise the Quorum of the first presidency and carry on the day to day work - but major questions of policy, procedures, doctrine, programs are considered prayerfully by 1st Pres. and 12 together
they are all EQUAL IN AUTHORITY - but also serve under the direction of the elder
- -so if there is a problem in the first presidency…the quorum of the 12 takes over and has authority to lead and then cont. down the chain
- -if first presidency gets in trouble..bc highest group - their disciplinary council is overseen by members of the presiding bishopric - must be HIGH PRIESTS
–if there is an accusation against one of first presidency - case is tried before the presiding bishop and a council of high priests
Kirtland Pentecost
- -Built in TWO CHURCH CENTERS PERIOD (April 1836)
- -Kirtland temple built at immense sacrifice - so unusual spiritual manifestations happen
- -kirtland safety society Jan. 1837 - but closes in Nov. same year
- -angels, voice of the mighty wind (like in Acts 2 when wind filled the pentecost and they were filled with HG and began to speak in tongues - George A Smith began to prophesy and they felt the wind fill the temple and all arose, spoke in tongues and prophesy, saw glorious visions, temple was filled with angels)
- -also a pillar of fire
- -lots of visions in this temple
- Moses:
- -key to gather Israel (more than missionary work, gathering Israel from 4 corners of earth) (vs. 11) - Elias:
- -covenants of gospel of Abraham, eternal marriage and covenant blessings of exaltation (we don’t know who Elias is…just a title…some speculate he is Abraham himself) - brought back authorization to use priesthood to perfect eternal family units - Elijah:
- -power of receive and perform ordinances of exaltation - including binding sealing power - fulness of Melchizedek priesthood - hearts of father to children - the SAVIOR visited (110) (4) - vision of father and the son (1)
- -appears and accepts house as his, declares they have been endowed, promises personal appearances
when JS and Sidney leave Kirtland for Missouri it marks the end of Kirtland as the center of Church activity
three houses in kirtland
- house of the Lord (top floor was church offices, 2nd house of learning, 3rd house of worship
- house for the presidency
- house for the printing of scriptures
Fall of Kirtland - restore of Kirtland society bank
Kirtland was a product of internal and external pressures
- -Kirtland falls bc of INTERNAL problems in the church
- -JS had vision - next day gave sermon that someone in congregation has desire to take JS life - JS called him to repent - this led to great state of apostasy in church…Heber C. Kimball says the church was broken up in Kirtland and there weren’t 20 people on earth that would declare JS was a prophet of God (Oliver, David Whitmer, Martin Harris, Frederick G. Williams all left the church)
- -Missouri falls bc of external problems against the church
- -which leads to “all things will give thee experience”
two reasons Missourians don’t like the church
- They were worried about losing political power (bc church members tend to vote in a block)
- Most members of the church were northerners - abolitionists - don’t like slavery — which would set the law in Missouri
Priesthood and the binding power of liberty jail
Lord safety for priesthood - if using it unrighteously…authority goes away
- -can only use the priesthood through righteous principles
- -can reprove people with sharpness but have to show forth an increase in love afterwards
–Lord shows Joseph that nobody is going to descend further than him when it comes to trials - trials are designed to give experience
redemption of the dead
- -Not a nice place when they get there - swamp - many die of malaria, collar - other diseases which is…
- -one of the things that prompts baptism for the dead
- -starts but then make decisions and details (early days they were rejected bc not witnessed or recorded) - can women be baptized for men? have to have a recorder and 2 witness (section 127/128)
- -lead to other revelations like: when have a temple, have to have a baptismal font inside the temple - this ordinance should take place inside the temple
origins of baptism for the dead - JS read 1 cor. 15 and taught that Gospel of Chris brings glad tidings of great joy - taught that the Apostle was talking to people who understood and practiced baptisms for the dead
“NOTHING that is done in the temple will be accepted of the Lord, except it is properly witnessed and recorded
–vicarious ordinances are at the hart of welding together eternal families, connecting roots to brances
when get to Nauvoo commanded to build two houses
- a temple - house of the Lord
- the Nauvoo house - for everyone who is coming to Nauvoo as a visitor
–124 - house for boarding, strangers can come and stay in
(hotel UTAH SLC)