Midterm 2 Flashcards
In which lamina in spinal cord is Clark’s column located?
6th (very medial)
which nuclei are found in the dorsomedial column of the brainstem?
- Occulomotor
- Trochlear
- Abducens
- Hypoglossal
(- Accessory spinal root)
which nuclei are found in the Ventrolateral column of the brainstem?
- Facial
- Motor trigeminal
- Ambiguous
Which are the nuclei of the Ocuulomotor nerve and what functions do they have?
1) Occulomotor nucleus : Somatomotor
(located in upper midbrain at level of sup. colliculus)
2) Accessory acculomotor (Westphal- Edinger nucleus) :: GVM (parasympathetic)
(Located at same level, dorsally)
where does the occulomotor exit the brain, skull and dura?
Brain: Laterally in Interpeduncular fossa (medial sulcus of crus cerebri)
Dura: lateral wall of cavernus sinus (between anterior and posterior pertroclinoidal folds)
Skull: Sup. Orb. Fissure
In which cistern does the ocuulomotor pass?
- Interpeduncular cistern
Into which branches does the occulomotor nerve divide and where is the bifurcation?
Division occurs in sup. orbital fissure (Runs in medial section of SOF, and lateral to optic n)
Divides into:
1) Superior rami
2) Inf branch of Occulomotor
What does the Superior Rami of occulom otor nerve innervate?
Its the smaller n. pases above Opt. n, gives SM to:
- Superior rectus muscle
- Levator palpebrae superioris muscle
What does the inferior branch of Occulomotor nerve innervate?
Passes below opt. n.
- Medial and inf. rectus muscles (branch to)
- Inf. oblique m. (branch to)
Which branch of occulomotor gives off fibers to ciliary ganglion?
branch to Inferior oblique muscle.
Its the longest branch and it passes between inf and lateral rectus muscles. gives off short ciliary to lower part of ciliary ganglion .
gives fibers from accessory occulomotor nucleus GVM, parasympathetic fibers.
Where does the fibers coming from accessory ocuulomotor nerve go?
occulomotor nerve —> inf branch of 3—–> branch to inferior oblique —> short ciliary root —-> synapse in ciliary gangl. —> (Postsynaptic fibers) short ciliary nerve —> gives parasympht. innervation to sphincter pupillae m. and ciliary body.
What function is the trochlear nucleus and where is it located?
Found in midbrain at level on inf. colliculus, ventral to cerebral aqueduct .
which cistern does the trochlear nerve pass through?
Quadrigeminal cistern (ambient cistern)
Where does the trochlear nerve exit the brain, dura and skull ?
Brain: Dorsally below inf. colliculus on each side of frenulum of sup. medullary velum
( fibers cross in sup medullary velum)
Dura: lateral wall of Cavernus sinus within anterior pertroclinoidal fold.
Skull: SOF
Where in the SOF does the Trochlear nerve travel?
What does it innervate?
enters SOF in lateral segment together with ophtalmic vein and reaches laterally to innervate superior oblique muscle.