midterm 2 Flashcards
exercise technique fundamentals
Establish the proper grip: pronated or supinated
Establish a stable position: base of support; stable position allows lifter maintain proper body alignment during exercise,
move through the entire ROM at the proper velocity: entire ROM allows the value of the exercise to be maximized, and loss of flexibility with RT is lessened
spotting: a spotter is someone who assists the lifter in the execution of an exercise
role is to prevent lifter from injury
bench press
what muscles are used?
triceps brachii (medial and long heads), anterior deltoid, pec major
pec minor: supplies assistance and stabilization for the rotation and adjustment of the shoulder and plays a role in scapular protraction
bench press
Use a spotter. the spotter wil help you take the bar off the rack, will follow your movements and will help you rack the bar at the end of your set
bench press
lie face up on a horizontal bench, with buttocks, upper back/shoulders, head on the bench, and feet flat on the ground. engage your core to maintain a neutral spine
if feet dont reach use a block
body should be positioned so that eyes are under the bar when racked.
grasp the bar with a closed overhand/pronated grip wider than shoulder width
make sure hands are even
bench press
ears stacked over shoulders over hips over knees.
core engaged
bench press
with assistance from the spotter, lift the bar off of the rack and move so that it is over the chest/ lower sternum region
inhale and lower the bar to the chest (nipple height) with a controlled movement. pause for 1 second. upper arm angle should be close to 45 degrees. elbows are flexed beyond 90*’
extend the arms, pushing the bar to the starting position (j curve) exhaling at the end
bench press variations
powerlifting more arch in the back
vary the width of the hands to isolate different parts of the muscle
vary the path of the elbows
raise legs
incline and decline bench press
machine or dumbell press
floor press
muscles used
quadriceps (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis), gluteus medius, gluteus maximus
Use a spotter: where do they spot? torso
use mirrors watch for knees
evenly load the barbell, and use safety clips
watch knee allignment
neutral spine
squat stability
slide under racked barbbell, place on trapzeius a bit higher than posterior deltoid
grasp with hands at comfortable width and the elbows back
squat allignment
look straight ahead
avoid knee valgus (genu valgum) (knock knees) or acum (bow legged)
remove barbell from rack. step back
initiate movement from the hips, maintaining neutral spine (hip hinge)
knees may move in front of feet, but must stay aligned with ankles/feet
when we start to lose neural curve, drive heels into the ground, and extend the hips and knees. at the top of the squat fully extend at the hip and squeeze the glutes
bodyweight/tubing/ dumbbell squats
sumo squats: wider stance
jump squats
what does it work
overall grip
core strength
posteiror chain (upper back to calves)
deadlift step by step
1)step up to the barbell so the bar covers the second shoelace.
use full-sized training plates
2)low yourself to the bar by keeping your chest high while pushing your hips back
do not curve the spine to get down to the bar. sitting to your heels will help you push the hips back
3)as your hips continue back, bend your knees a bit. grasp the barbell with a grip that puts your forearms right up against the sides of yout thighs
eyes up, keep head in neutral position
keep chin down, chest up
4) make sure to hold a breath of air in your stomach (brace) to help stabilize your spine. to iniate the lift, drive the heels into the floor, and push you hips fowards as your knees extend. the hips and knees should extend simultaneously, and the shoulders and hips should rise together. if the back rounds, it will result in the hips shooting ahead of the shoulders.
5) as you reach lock out, imagine pinching a pencil between your butt cheeks at the top to lock the weight out. it pervents you from leaning back to finish the movement and stopping short
at lockout your shoulderblades should be back and down , dont shrug the weight
6) when lowering the weight push the bum back to unlock the hips without losing neutral spine. keep the bar tight to the thighs
7) as the bar is lowered, only bend the knee once the bar has passed them. do not try break at the knees and hips simultaneously as this will result in roundind of the back to pass the bar over the knees.