midterm 2 Flashcards
- While estimates vary, a consensus estimate of deforestation and land degradation’s contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions is what %?
2.5% 5% 15% 35%
- Briefly, explain why reforestation programs are not sufficient responses to the effects of deforestation.
Deforestation happens rapidly and destructivity, while reforestation is slower and longer term.
- What are two other non-GHG related benefits of reducing deforestation and forest degradation?
i. For water system, prevent flooding, helps soil quality
ii. Helps with soil erosion
iii. Protect fishery
iv. Protect biodiversity
v. Preserve culture and communities
- What are the two primary aims REDD+ seeks for developing countries?
i. Better sustainable practices, to expand forest
ii. Reduce emission, by slowing deforestation
- What was the ‘simple strategy’ at the core of REDD+ ambitions?
Rich countries pay poor countries to protect their forest
- T/F. Absent sufficient funding, REDD+ is merely a voluntary set of guidelines that merely encourage countries to craft national plans, set reference levels, and establish effective monitoring programs according to international standards.
- List three of the criticisms discussed in lecture of the REDD+ program.
i. Initial, should be complimentary of Kyoto protocol, non-participation of US, failure of Kyoto protocol
ii. Authenticity of carbon credits
iii. Traditional communities living in forest, who owns the land ? taking over the land from the traditional communities
iv. Insufficient funding, no support, fail as a program. Fail to change the economic dynamics
- What two organizations are now the primary financial mechanisms for REDD+ programs?
i. Green climate fund
ii. World bank
- NDCs are the core of the Paris Climate Agreement. (a) How often are they expected to be reset? And (b) what are the two requirements for the setting of NDCs?
a. 5 years
i. Ambitious
ii. Progressive
- T/F. The standards for reporting on NDCs are ‘universal’, meaning that the same accounting standards are used for everybody and everyone is treated equally in terms of accounting capacities.
- T/F. The Paris Agreement reaffirmed the financial obligations of developed countries to help developing countries to build clean, climate-resilient societies.
- The G_________ C__________ F________ is the central financial institution tasked by the Paris agreement to oversee the allocation of investments, aid, and technology, most especially to the vulnerable developing countries.
Green climate fund
- T/F. The Paris Agreement excluded and thus ended the technology transfer program (the Clean Development Mechanism) set up during the Kyoto Protocols.
- T/F. While often it has had a minimal focus in previous climate agreements, the Paris Agreement articulates a clear commitment to adaptation, even calling for ‘a balance’ between investments oriented towards adaptation and mitigation.
- (a) Which type of countries pushed to include in the Paris Agreement a separate section on loss and damage? (b) Which country most strongly opposed such a section? (c) And what was the final compromise?
a. Least developed countries
b. United states
c. Calls for the fund but no legal liability
- List three of the key differences between the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement.
i. Distinction of developed and developing countries is not as clear
ii. Paris: rich to poor/rich , Kyoto: rich to poor, clarity of tech transfer between rich and poor countries
iii. 5 years of reset is not in Kyoto
iv. Kyoto: treaty, Paris: agreement, Kyoto Treaty is legally binding but Paris Agreement is not
- Which of the following does the lecture list as frequently cited positives of the Paris Agreement.17. Which of the following does the lecture list as frequently cited positives of the Paris Agreement.
Powerful symbol, recognition of the urgent need for ambitious action on climate
Universal agreement that significantly bridged the divide between developed and developing countries
A major breakthrough in US-China bilateral climate relations
Pledged reductions at least (open question on whether they are kept) are sufficient to reduce emissions enough to keep global temperature rise below 2 degrees C
Powerful symbol, recognition of the urgent need for ambitious action on climate
Universal agreement that significantly bridged the divide between developed and developing countries
A major breakthrough in US-China bilateral climate relations
- What are two of the key criticisms of the Paris Climate Agreement listed in lecture?
i. No mechanism, no legally binding
ii. Tracking quality problem, poor accountability
iii. Insufficient funding
iv. Insufficient tech transfer
- What was the key factor to keep the Paris Agreement intact while the US left the Agreement during the Trump administration?
China step up
- T/F. A recent report suggests that the global economy will suffer 2 billion dollars in losses per day by 2030 due to the impacts of climate change enhanced weather events.
- What are two of the significant signs of progress post-Paris Agreement listed in lecture?
i. Tech breakthrough, solar and wind
ii. Electric vehicles, transportation sector more electric vehicles
- Where was COP 28 held? And where is COP 29 held? And what does about both of these countries makes them seemingly odd choices to hold a climate conference?
COP 28: Dubai
COP 29: Azerbaijan
Both of them: petrol states
- What was the major agreement reached at COP 28? And how was it watered down and by whom?
transition away from fossil fuel, water down from phasing out to transition, Russia and Saudi Arabia
- What are two of the criticisms of this year’s COP host?
i. Petrol state
ii. Arthurian government
- COP 29 has been called the “F____________ COP.”
Finance COP
- What are the two top issues COP 29 is expected to focus on?
i. Increase green climate fund
ii. Authenticity of Carbon offsets standards
- Briefly summarize the dispute between developed and developing countries over who should bear the burden of climate financing.
Developing counties believes developed should pay.
Developed countries want some of the developing countries to pay, China to pay too
- (a) What does IEA stand for? And (b) what does it do?
a. International energy agency
b. Provide energy analysis and policies for countries
- T/F. While the IEA provides reports on the state of the fossil fuel industry, it’s annual world energy report so far avoids detailed analysis and policy recommendations related to renewable fuel sources, a consequence of its being funded mostly by large oil producing countries.
- What are the three scenarios in the IEA reports?
i. Net zero by 2050
ii. Announced pledges
iii. Stated polices
- T/F. The IEA has concluded that a pathway to limiting global warming to 1.5 °C is very difficult – but remains open.
- What is the most noteworthy prediction from the IEA’s World Energy Report 2023?
Peak demand for fossil fuel in this decade (2033)
- T/F. According to the report, while coal demand starts to decline by 2030, the demand for oil flattens out, and the demand for natural gas continues to rise by another 40% by 2050.
- T/F. IEA predicts that current pathways of energy consumption put the world on the path of achieving net zero by 2050, in line with Paris Agreement goals.
- Which of the following does the World Energy Report predict as part of their optimistic assessment of the future of renewable energy? (mark all that apply)
More than US$1 billion a day is being spent on solar deployment
Renewables become number one source of new power generation by 2025
Renewable energy becomes 50% of electricity generation by 2030
10 times as many electric cars on the road in 2030 as there are today
More than US$1 billion a day is being spent on solar deployment
Renewables become number one source of new power generation by 2025
Renewable energy becomes 50% of electricity generation by 2030
10 times as many electric cars on the road in 2030 as there are today
- T/F. The World Energy Report predicts that fossil fuels will still provide 70% of energy supply in 2030.
- What are the Net Zero targets for the following countries/organizations.
China EU India US Paris Agreement
China 2060 EU 2050 India 2070
US 2050 Paris Agreement 2050
- T/F. Republican candidates for US president have pledged to eliminate tax breaks in the US which are driving increasing sales of EVs.
- Which of the following does the IEA recommend for the world to reach Net Zero by 2050? (mark all that apply)
Fossil fuel use must decrease by 30% by 2030
Total stop of approval of new coal power plants and oil and gas furnaces to heat buildings
Renewables energy must reach 60% of electricity generation by 2030
EVs must reach 65% of new global sales by 2030
Fossil fuel use must decrease by 30% by 2030
Total stop of approval of new coal power plants and oil and gas furnaces to heat buildings
Renewables energy must reach 60% of electricity generation by 2030
EVs must reach 65% of new global sales by 2030
- T/F. The IEA has become more confident in the use of carbon capture technology in the near future due to recent impressive advances in its research and development.
- T/F. The IEA has repeatedly confirmed that no new oil, gas, or coal fields are compatible with limiting global temperature rise to 1.5ºC.
- T/F. The IEA warns that today’s oil and gas investments are nearly double what is needed in the NZE scenario in 2030.
- Estimates elsewhere have suggested that ___% of existing fossil fuel sources must stay in the ground for the world to have a shot at net zero by 2050.
10% 25% 45% 60%
- T/F. Russia is responsible for over 90% of gas export projects approved since the start of 2022.
- The IEA insists that rich developed countries must commit to a fast P________-O_______ of fossil fuels.
- China is responsible for __% of the world’s coal use.
- What is the ‘bad news is good news’ about China’s economy and the climate?
Slower economic growth in China, decline in fossil fuel demands
- In light of its soon-to-peak fossil fuel demand and impressive expansion of renewables, the IEA says that China, the world’s second largest energy consumer, is nearing a critical “I_____________ P__________.”
Inflection point
- T/F. OPEC sharply disagrees with the IEA’s predictions, arguing that they could cause significant economic chaos if acted on, and instead called for trillions in new investments in oil projects.
- T/F. In contrast to OPEC, US oil and natural gas companies are clearly agreeing with IEA predictions and the US drive towards net zero, halting investments in new oil and gas development and shifting investment patterns towards renewable energy markets.
- T/F. In response to OPEC criticisms, the IEA clarified that even in a net zero scenario oil and gas would be needed for years to come, and economic stability and a smooth energy transition requires their immediate reduction but not elimination.
- What did the executive director of the IEA state was his biggest worry about effective global climate action—adequate technological development or political fragmentation?
Political fragmentation
- What other cause in addition to (and likely compounding) the typhoon has contributed to Myanmar’s refugee and disaster response problem?
Civil war, agriculture damaged by flooded
- What two effects of the typhoon were responsible for most of the over 300 deaths in Vietnam?
i. Flooding
ii. Land slides
- T/F. Around 20 major storms and typhoons batter the Philippines every year.
- What is the nickname of the Amazon, given for its role in the world’s oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle?
Lungs of the planet
- T/F. While the drought in the Amazon is a currently serious issue, its scale and intensity are historically ‘unexceptional’ say scientists, noting the frequency of droughts in the region.
- The Amazon contains what percent of the world’s species?
- Deforestation is undermining what two ways trees naturally help protect against higher temperatures in the Amazon?
i. Amazon produces its own clouds, provide moisture in the area
ii. Trees blocks sunlight from reaching the floor, deforestation lead to More sunlight into the forest bed, raising temperature in the floor
- In a sign of progress, the rate of deforestation has declined during Lula’s presidency, and he has pledged to halt all deforestation in the Amazon by what year?
- T/F. Droughts can effect coffee plants by causing their flowers to not bloom, fail to produce cherries, and produce lower quality beans.
- What is the world’s second largest producer of coffee? And which market for coffee does it dominate?
Vietnam, instant coffee
- How do storms this year affect future coffee production?
Coffee plants takes years to get back from the setback, to get back to their normal level of production
- Increased coffee demand from what region is also contributing to rising world coffee prices?
- What are the two ways that climate change is damaging coffee harvests?
i. Frequent diesters, weather events
ii. Available of land for coffee production has declined
- T/F. Reports on the ground in Portugal suggest recent fires are displaying unprecedented intensity and violence.
- The intensity of the fires is indicated by Portugal achieving its highest ever total what?
Highest total carbon emission
- What does PM stand for? What is its relationship to fires and public health?
Particular mater (PM 2.5), fires produce PM, PM gets into lungs and bloodstream
- T/F. More than 20 years of NASA satellite data showed that severe burns more than doubled in frequency between 2003 and 2023.
- Forest scientists argue that some of the damage from the fires is due to changes in Portugal’s forest management, including a shift in many areas away from a M_____________ landscape towards a M______________.
Mosaic, monoculture
- Give three reasons why Florida’s Big Bend region has become so susceptible to hurricanes.
i. Warming waters, fuels for hurricanes, more warm water more intense hurricanes
ii. continental shelf, easily pick up by the hurricane
iii. Significant sea level rise, 6 inches of rise
iv. Sea grass, acts as natural breaks for hurricane, 50% depleted
- Increases in storm speeds of 35 mph in a 24 hour period are called a R____________ I____________, and more and more large storms are undergoing this process.
Rapid intensification
- While normally storms weaken as they move over land, Helene at times strengthened as it moved over areas already wet from ‘P_______________ R___________’. This is a destructive phenomenon scientists have identified in many large storms in recent years, which they now call the B____________ O______________ E___________.
Precursor rain
Brown ocean effect
- T/F. Luckily, in contrast to many poor countries in which post-disaster response is hampered by areas affected by poverty and lack of development, the US response has not struggled to reach any of the places hit by the storm.
- T/F. The recent shutdown of its last coal-fired power plant makes Britain first among the world’s major, industrialized economies to wean itself off coal.
- T/F. As they had done when surrounding coal mining operations that used to feed the plant were shut down back in the late 80s, local labor unions criticized the decision and wanted the plant to remain open.
- While by 2023 coal had fallen to only 1 percent of Britain’s power source, it had fueled its industrial revolution and even in 1990 it accounted for __% of Britain’s electricity.
- What two countries now consumer the vast majority of the world’s coal?
India and China