Midterm 2 Flashcards
Syngamus lung emphysema
Preadult syngamus worms in lung of chicken
Ancylostoma caninum
( ancy buccal caps lat)
Bunostomum trigonocephalum from sheep male worm
Haemonchus contortus
(Haemonchus spicules barbed end)
Male nematode
Ostertagia male
(Ostertagia male spicules with distal branches)
Hypobiotikus L4 ( preadult trichostrongylida larvae)
( hypobiotic L3 - L4 ostertagia from abomas mucosa)
Male nematode
Trichostrongylus male
( colubriformis)
Female nematode
Trichostrongylus female with eggs
Male nematode
Cooperia male spicules
Amidostomum anseris
Amidostomum anseris cross section
Haemonchus anterior ( name of picture)
( haemonchus contortus on slide)
Not sure think it is slide 9 which is
Trichostrongylus male
Female nematode
Nemantode anterior with lips
Nematode female tail
Nematode male
Embryonal development of nematode
( dictyocanlus lungworm)
First larvae of strongyloides papillosus
( with lungworm larvae)
Strongylus edentatus ( male)
Anterior end
Strongylus edentatus ( male)
Posterior end
Posterior end female
Strongylus edentatus
Strongylus edentatus ( female)
Tail end
Small strongyle ( cylicocylus insigne)
Adult small
L3 larvae of small strongyles, stained red
Larva of strongylus vulgaris in thrombus
L4 of small strongyle in mucosa
( histotropic phase colon wall)
Oesophagostomum (L3-) L4 from intestine
Nodule in wall of intestine
Nodule in wall of intestine
Oesophagostomum dentatum from swine
Check the esophagus, where the entrance of it is
Check the genital opening, mostly in the middle or posteriorly
Oesophagostomum dentatum from swine
Eggs in female
Chabertia ovina
( ovis aries)
Female is bigger than male
Male you can see the spicules
Strongylus vulgaris
Hook worm
Oesophagostomum radiatum head end
Oesophagostomum male and female in copulation
Green: male
Red: female
Blue: copulatory bursa
Embryogenesis of strongyle type of eggs
Thick wall, oval shape, zygote inside
Parascaris equorum
Nematodes egg
(Syngamus trachea egg)
Nemtodirus type of egg?
A bit unsure if it could be strongylosis type of egg?
What is large strongyles and small strongyles
Strongylosis = large strongyles ( extraintestinally)
Cyathostominosis = small strongyle ( mucosa of large intestine)
Strongyloides stercoralis
Host: human, monkey
Larvae are shed
Strongyloides stercoralis var. canis
Host: dogs, cats
Larvae are shed
Strongyloides suis
Host: pigs
Eggs included larva are shed
Strongyloides papillosus
Host: ruminants, rabbit
Eggs included larva are shed
Strongyloides westeri
Host: horses
Eggs included larva are shed
Rhabditiform esophagus
Lifecycle of strongyloides
Can be homogonic( young animals ) & heterogonic (older animals)
Homogenic have parthenogenetic female = make egg alone, cloning
Female adult strongyloides
Strongyle type eggs
Strongyle type eggs
Strongyloidosis Larvae
Adult strongyloidosis
Adult strongyloides in mucosa layer
Infection mainly in young animals
In man: strongyloides stercoralis
Acute haemorrhagic pneumoia, emphysema in the lung parenchyma
( strongyloidosis)
Acute haemorrhagic pneumoia, emphysema in the lung parenchyma
( strongyloidosis)
Acute haemorrhagic pneumoia, emphysema in the lung parenchyma
( strongyloidosis)
Strongyloides stercoralis var. canis in human skin
Inaduquate host, so dont goes into blood stream they just stay there
Strongylidosis infection of horses and donkey
Infection with adults of large and small strongyles
Strongylosis infection of horses and donkey
Infection with extraintestinal migrated larvae of large strongyles
Cyathostomosis, cyathostominosis infeftion of horses and donkey
Infection with small strongyle larvae
Strongylus vulgaris
2 teeth like at bottom of rounded buccal capsule
Large strongyle
32 number of gut cells
Strongylus equinus
4 teeth like at bottom of rounded buccal capsule
Large strongyles
16 number of gut cells
Strongylus edentatus
Large strongyles
20 number of gut cells
Strongylus asini
2 wrinkled teeth like st bottom of rounded buccal capsule
Mention the large strongyles
Strongylus vulgaris
Strongylus equinus
Strongylus edentatus
Mention the small strongyles
Cyathostomum, triodontophorus, cylicocylus ssp
Strongylus vulgaris
Strongylus equinus
Strongylus edentatus
Strongyles species
She didnt know which one it was but she said probably edentatus
Adult large strongyles
Red because they are blood suckers
Strongyles species, attach themself to mucosa layer
Strongyle type eggs, need to use culturing to find out which type it is
Strongyles larva
Vulgaris look at the gut cells it has 32
Strongyles larva
Strongyle larva
Larva of strongylus vulgaris in the thrombus
Larva of strongylus vulgaris in the thrombus
Strongylus vulgaris migrating larva
Embolus in the bigger mesenterial arteriae
Inside with worms
S. Vulgaris
Embolus in the bigger mesenterial arteriae
Inside with worms
S. Vulgaris
Arteria mesenterica cranialis
S. Vulgaris larvae
Arteria mesenterica cranialis
S. Vulgaris larvae
Migrating larvae of s. Equinus and s. Edentatus causing blood filled or whitish ( innflammation) in the liver
S. Vulgaris thromboembolism resulting in infarction
Migrating larvae of s.edentatus causes small haematomes, haemorrhages, peritonitis
Strongyle Type egg
Small strongyle
Red, blood suckers
Small strongyle
Small strongyle,
Shallow buccal capsule
Leaf wreath at mouth opening
Small strongyles
8 gut cells
Cyathostominosis caused by larvae of small strongyles
Cyathostominosis caused by larvae of small strongyles
Larvae in mucosa
Cyathostominosis caused by larvae of small strongyles
Larvae in mucosa
Cyathostominosis caused by larvae of small strongyles
Larvae in mucosa layer
Cyathostominosis caused by larvae of small strongyles
Larvae in mucosa
Cyathostominosis caused by larvae of small strongyles
Larvae in mucosa
Buccal capsule is shallow and the anterior end of the oesophagus is close to the mouth opening
Buccal capsule is shallow and the anterior end of the oesophagus is close to the mouth opening
Slender worms like threads
Oesophagostomosis ( nodular worm disease)
Host of pig, wild boar
Oesophagostomum dentatum, Oesophagostomum quadrispinulatum
Oesophagostomosis ( nodular worm disease)
Host of cattle & buffalo & wild large ruminant
Oesophagostomum radiatum
Oesophagostomosis ( nodular worm disease)
Host of sheep, goat, wild small and large ruminant
Oesophagostomum venulosum
Oesophagostomosis ( nodular worm disease)
Host of sheep, goat,
Oesophagostomum columbianum
Oesophagostomum dentatum
Oesophagostomum spp
Oesophagostomum sspm
Larva with wave cuticle, moves with snake like action
Not so lomg tail
L3 oesophagostomum
L3 oesophagostomum
L3 oesophagostomum
Wavy cuticle
Hypobiotic larvae
Curved in mucosa layer
Hypobiotic larvae
Curved in mucosa layer
Hypobiotic larvae
Curved in mucosa layer
Nodules in large intestine
Nodules from serosa
Nodules from serosa
Nodules from serosa
Hyostrongylus rubidus
Hyostrongilus rubidus
Chabertia ovina
Chabertia ovina ?
Gapeworm disease
Find it in birds
Syngamus trachea
Male and female in permanent copulation
Female= yellow
Male= blue
Syngamus trachea
Bioperculate egg
Syngamus trachea
Bioperculate egg
Syngamus trachea
Live in permanent copulation
Syngamus trachea ( egg)
Two plugs in the end
Syngamus trachea
Larva stage
Syngamus trachea
Have both oesophagus and GI-tract
Syngamus trachea
Female: huge metacapsule without corona radiata
Syngamus trachea
Mouth opening of female
Syngamus trachea
Pseudo diverticulum in trachea
Syngamus trachea
Pseudo diverticulum in trachea
Syngamus trachea
Worms in trachea
Syngamus trachea
Worms in trachea
Syngamus trachea
Worms in trachea
Male & female
Syngamus trachea
Syngamus trachea
Syngamus trachea
Syngamus trachea
Hyperaemia around the bronchi
Syngamus trachea
Syngamus trachea
Cross section of worm
Syngamus trachea
Syngamus trachea
Gaspimg for air
Hookworm disease
Host canine
Ancylostoma caninum
3-3 teeth on the plate at the dorsal part
Hookworm disease feline
Ancylostoma tubaeforme
3-3 teeth on the plate at the dorsal part
Canine & feline
Uncinaria stenocephala
Toothless plate on dorsal part, no tooth on ventraknpart of buccal cavity
Hookworm in cattle
Bunostomum phlebotomum
Toothless plate om dorsal part, 4 teeth in buccal cavity
Hookworm sheep, goat, wild ruminants
Bunostomum trigonocephalum
Toothless plate on dorsal part, 4 teeth in buccal cavity
Hookworm in pigs
Globocephalus urosubulatus
No plate, 2 teeth in buccal cavity
Ancylostomosis species with teeth
Ancylostomosis species with teeth
No teeth
Hook worms
Able to take blood meals
Hook worms
Able to take blood meals
Hookworm cross section
Ancylostoma caninum
Uncinaria stenocephala
Ancylostoma caninum
( ancylostoma tubaeforme)
Ancylostoma caninum
( ancylostoma tubaeforme)
Strongyle type egg in hookworms, hatches in enviroment
Green= ancylostoma
Blue= uncinaria
Only size is different
Both strongyle type eggs
Worms detach and leave bleeding spots at the site of their heads
Worms detach and leave bleeding spots at the site of their heads
Cutaneous larva migrans, hookworm
Uncinaria stenocephala
Uncinaria stenocephala
Uncinaria stenocephala
Uncinaria stenocephala
Bunostomum phlebotomum
Found in cattle
Infected trough their spleen
Bunostomum phlebotomum
Found in cattle
Infected trough their spleen
Bunostomum phlebotomum
Found in cattle
Infected trough their spleen
Moving constantly in intestine
Can cause haemorrhages, oedema anaemia
Bunostomum phlebotomum
Found in cattle
Infected trough their spleen
Strongyle type egg
Bunostomum phlebotomum
Found in cattle
Infected trough their spleen
Strongyle type eggs
Trichostrongylidosis larvae
Trichostrongylidosis can accumuliate in raindrops
Trichostrongylidosis head part
From left : haemonchus headpart , ostertagia headpart, trichostrongylus, cooperia
Trichostrongylidosis: stomach
Hyostrongylus rubidus
Trichostrongylidosis : abomasum
Small ruminant, cattle & horse
Haemonchus contortus - small ruminant
Teladorsagia circumcinta - small ruminant
Trichostrongylus axei - small ruminant, cattle, horse
Ostertagia ostertagi - cattle
Trichostrongylidosis : small intestine
small ruminant & cattle
Cooperia curticei- small ruminant
Nematodirus filicollis - small ruminant
Trichostrongylus colubriformis - small ruminant
Cooperia oncophora - cattle
Cooperia puncata- cattle
Nematodirus helvetianus - cattle
Trichostrongylidosis: rabbit
Small intestine
Trichostrongylus retortaeformis
Stomach worm disease of pig
Hyostrongilus rubidus
(Red stomach worm)
Feeding on blood