Midterm Flashcards
(1) Which origin of the Western honeybee is thought to be correct?
e) The origin still has not been satisfactorily determined.
(2) Wilson (1990) defines success of a taxon as:
c) Longevity of the entire clade through geological time.
(3) Wilson (1990) defines dominance of a taxon as:
c) Having a high abundance, particularly in terms of biomass and its impact on the biota.
(4) Wilson (1990) identifies which of the following to be the key advantage of colonial life:
a) Series-parallel operations.
b) Higher premiums paid to aggressive, dominant behaviour.
c) Superior resource inheritance.
d) More efficient homeostasis.
e)** All of the above.
) Which objection to kin selection based on elevated relatedness for the evolution of eusociality in the
Hymenoptera was initially raised in response to Hamilton’s hypothesis?
a) Multiple foundress associations of females of the same gen
b) Multiple mating by queens occurs in some species of eusocial Hymenoptera.
(6) What is the accepted series of basic steps shown by wasps on the “social ladder”?
b) Prey first; Nest first/single prey; Nest first/multiple prey; Progressive provisioning.
7) In the diagram below, of colony growth in Bombus atratus, two of the colonies grow at a slower rate than
the others. This is because:
d) Diploid males are being produced.
(8) Bumble bee queens emerge from overwintering in the spring. At this time, queens develop their ovaries and
search for a nest site in which to start a colony. Sarro et al. (2022) found that with Bombus vosnesenskii
d) Ovary development and nest-searching occur independently.
(9) An imaginal disc is:
a) A sac-like epithelial structure found inside the larva of insects that undergo
(10) Hilltopping:
b) Occurs in many species of insects.
d) Is when many males congregate on the top of a hill to attract females.
(11) Male bumble bee mating strategies include:
d) patrolling.
The figure below shows the chromosomes of the termite Nasutitermes longipennis in meiosis. The distinctive
ring structure:
is caused by a series of reciprocal translocation involving a number of non-homologous
(13) The ovarian ground plan hypothesis proposes that:
a) that reproductive controls of a solitary ancestor have been co-opted during social evolution,
facilitating the division of labor among social insect workers.
b) was originally proposed by Mary Jane West-Eberhard.
c) assumes phenotypic plasticity.
(14) The modal haploid chromosome number (N) for bumble bees (Bombus spp.) is:
During the exponential growth phase of a social insect colony (bumble bee, for example), in terms of
productivity (calories/day) there is:
b) increasing returns to scale.