Midterm Flashcards
Defined as a “highly-structured, teacher-centered strategy that capitalizes on such behavioural techniques as modelling, feedback, and reinforcement to promote basic skills acquisition”.
Direct Instruction Model
The teacher motivates the students by directing their attention to the lesson.
Anticipatory Set
Use observations, prior experiences, and logic to arrive at as many hypotheses as possible.
Encourage students to formulate hypotheses
Be involved in the data collection process to ensure that students will draw valid and reliable conclusions.
Gather and analyze data
Have students publicly present the inquiry process and their findings.
Determine whether to accept or reject the hypotheses based on the conclusion
The teacher states the purpose and objectives of the lesson so that students will know what they will learn and why it is useful.
Objective and Purpose
The teacher presents the lesson content through lecture, discussion, reading, observing, and other possible means.
The teacher, an invited resource person, or a member of the class demonstrates what all students should possible means.
The teacher asks questions or requests demonstrations from students to ensure that they understood the lesson. (generalization)
Checking for Understanding
Students are asked to perform individual tasks while the teacher roams around the classroom to ensure that they are doing it correctly. (practice exercise 1)
Guided Practice
One all students demonstrate their knowledge, the teacher gives them tasks which they should perform completely without the aid of the teacher. (practice exercise 2)
Independent Practice
Introduced by John Dewey (1920s), this model is one of the most common indirect approaches in social studies instruction and is also used by social scientists in the conduct of historical, anthropological, and sociological research.(student centered approach)
Inquiry Model
Make sure that the question can be answered using data and evidence.
Pose a question for inquiry
a popular instructional approach in which small groups of students work together toward a common learning goal.
Cooperative Learning Model
Come up with challenging and rewarding tasks that will require many skills and discourage the dependence on one or two people
Objectives and tasks
In any case, teachers should make sure that the group is not that large with the tendency to discourage other members from participating in the tasks.
Size of the room and the method of assigning members
Teachers should ensure that members of the group have roles to play.
Groups must be seated near each other to allow ease of communication.
Group materials should also be tended by members of the group to foster accountability and responsibility.
Room arrangement and materials
The teacher enumerates the objectives and presents the lesson through lecture, discussion, or demonstration.
Direct Instruction
The class is divided into heterogeneous small groups.
Members should help one another in understanding the lesson presented by the teacher and ensure each other’s mastery with the help of teacher-made worksheets.
After the group session, students are given individual quizzes.
Scores in the present quiz will be compared to scores in the past exams.
Students with increased scores earn corresponding points for their team.
Individual Progress Score
Teams that reach or go above the set criterion score will receive recognition through awards, certificates, special privileges, or bonus points.
Team Recognition
Two(2) General Formats according to Zarrillo (2007)
▪︎Comprehensive Lesson Plan
▪︎Abbreviated Lesson Plan