Midterm Flashcards
cognitive constructivism
we construct learning on top of our previous knowledge
psychoanalytic therapy
-making unconscious beliefs more conscious & fostering change through different methods
-heal from past experiences/childhood traumas
-still kinda focuses on present
- therapeutic relationship- important not sufficient
- lasts for years
Bandura’s social learning theory
-people learn through imitating, observing, modeling others behavior
-bobo doll- therapist beats up bobo doll, client beats up bobo doll
humanistic therapy
- Carl Rogers
- therapist creates an understanding of clients life
- trying to teach patient is unconditional self regard- reflect ideas back at them
-self actualization- realization of fulfillment in ones talents and potentialities
-relationship is super important / empathetic
-can last for years, new versions are quicker
behavioral therapy
- Skinner-operant conditioning, Pavlov-classical conditioning, Bandura- social learning theory/ observant learning, Watson- little albert- classical conditioning/ stimulus generalization
- behaviors changing and improving
-relatively short - relationship not important
three C’s of behavioral therapy
Contingency Managment- operant, BF Skinner
- rewards/consequences governing our behavior
Counterconditionings- classical, Joseph Wolpe
-changing our behavior to the stimuli
Cognitive Behavioral Modification- donald michenbaum
- cognitive restructuring, stress inoculation, problem solving
Cognitive Therapy
- Ellis (REBT), Beck (CT)
- changing thoughts and behaviors
- decreasing frequency/intensity of IBs / emotional response
-relationship is important, but not sufficient
stimulus control
habits performed in the presence of a specific cue
therapeutic relationship
overall most important factor
therapeutic release of pent up feelings
interpersonal/individuo social conflicts
interpersonal- chronic disgreements- intimacy, sexuality, communication
individuo social- btwn individual/society
set of statements to explain data
Hawthorne Effect
morale, novelty & esteem increases when others are watching them
systematic desensitization
- exposed to progressively more anxiety provoking stimuli
assertiveness training
used for depression, anxiety
- right to express our thoughts, feelings
aversive counterconditioning-
pairs a target behavior/ stimi with a stimuli that naturally evokes an unpleasant response
The Premack Principle
high probability behavior used to reinforce a low probability behavior to increase frequency of low prob. behavior
token economy
structured system in which desired behaviors are rewarded with tokens that can be exchanged for desired items or activities
how long does it take to teach cognitive model
3-5 sessions
cognitive mediation
process through which one individual helps another to perceive and interpret significant social or physical features in his/ her current or past experiences in new ways
process through which individuals think about the thoughts they have or are having and about process of these thoughts
A: Activating event or thought
B: Belief
C: Emotional/ Behavioral Consequences
D: Disputing
E: Effective new philosophy