Midterm Flashcards
The idea in vented by English philosopher Herbert Spencer that people are subject to natural selection, endorsed by John Fisk of Harvard and William Graham Sumner of Yale
Social Darwinism
Extremely rich oil baron, said “God gave me my money”
John D Rockefeller
Occurred in 1886 while workers were protesting for 8 hour workdays
The Haymarket Riot
First major labor organization for workers rights
The Knights of Labor
Labor Leader who led the Knights of Labor
Terence V. Powderly
The American Steelmaster, a rags to riches story
Andrew Carnegie
John D Rockefeller’s trust giving him a monopoly on the oil industry
Standard Oil Trust
Taking pride in one’s own work giving craftsmen the power in production
Craftsmanship Ethic
Author of The Jungle and socialist
Upton Sinclair
When similar companies or industries merge
Horizontal Integration
A hands-off approach to law or government
Laissez Faire
Sci-fi novel about the future of America if it gave up socialism
Looking Backward
Major critic of social Darwinism, promoted compassion to others
Lester Frank Ward
Author of the theory of leisure class, the opposite of social Darwinism
Thorstein Veblen
Economy is controlled for the benefit of all by a natural aristocracy,
Government should confine itself to police activity that protects private property and maintain order,
Slums and poverty are the result of economic struggle, government should not interfere
Gospel of Wealth
The US army pulls out of the south so that Hayes can be president
Compromise of 1877
Promoted working and waiting for blacks
Booker T Washington
Working the same land with no safety net, often ending in debt
Case that ruled in favor of separate but equal
Plessy v. Ferguson
Case that allowed poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses
Williams v. Mississippi
A clause used to allow white people to bypass literacy tests
Grandfather Clause
A tax that had to be paid in order to vote
Poll Taxes
Laws to promote segregation and other racist policies
Jim Crow Laws
A speech by Booker T Washington stating that education for African Americans is more important than political rights
The Atlanta Compromise
Southern Governments run by white people
Redeemer Governments
The amendment allowing women to vote, passed in 1920
The 19th Amendment
One of the activists that helped to organize the Seneca Falls Convention (L)
Lucretia Mott
One of the activists that helped to organize the Seneca Falls Convention (E)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
This industrial disaster killed 146 people, mostly women
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Laws stating that a wife’s property became her husband’s and so did she herself
Convention in 1848 where a petition was signed demanding women get the right to vote
Seneca Falls Convention
Suffragist movement founded in Chicago in 1920
League of Women Voters
Claimed to let black people get their votes, signed at Seneca Falls
Fredrick Douglass
This Amendment gave Blacks the right to vote
The 15th Amendment
Organizer of the WCTU
Francis Willard
Activist organization founded in Evanston Illinois with women throughout the country who supported the HPB
A law that limited the number of immigrants from any country in 1924 that limited immigrants to 2% of the population in 1890
The National Origins Act
Northern politicians that went to the south to gain political office
A terrorist group targeting freed or escaped slaves
The Klu Klux Klan
19th president who agreed to the compromise of 1877, known as Rutherfraud
Rutherford B Hayes