Hist final Flashcards
The Gilded Age
A period from 1870-1901, featuring the industrial revolution. Looks good on the outside but ugly inside
The Omaha Platform
Populist convention feat
Government ownership of railroads
Direct election of US senators (appointed by state legislatures until 1913)
8 hour workday for industrial revolution
Support for the Knights of Labor Union, populists are are class conscious
Championed free coinage of silver and gold at a ratio of 16:1, wanted to print 16X more money
The Wisconsin Idea
Led by Robert M Lafallete centered progressivism, including primary elections, referenda (asking people to decide on big ticket items, including things like Miller Park), and recall (if you don’t like someone who was elected, possible to recall them from office, think Recall Walker)
William Jennings Bryan
Leader of populist party, also argued against evolution
Journalists attacking big industries
Upton Sinclair
Author of The Jungle
The Populist Party
Led by Williams Jenning Bryan, major from 1892 to 1901
L Frank Baum
Author of The Wizard of Oz
The Battle of the Standards
1896 election between democrats and republicans, Bryan v McKinley
the successor to populism, presidents included Teddy Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson
Robert M LaFollette
Governor and Senator of WI, creator of the Wisconsin Idea
William McKinley
1896 election winner and republican president
a symbol of women in the jazz age, but most women were not. A flapper drank all the time, had fun, and was very energetic
Clara Bow
Starred in 46 silent and 11 talking films, before her retirement in 1931, known as the IT Girl
Pink Collar Jobs
Jobs typically held by women, secretary, seamstress, etc
The Jazz Age
Started in the 1920’s, progressive era for minorities
Zelda Fitzgerald
F Scott Fitzgerald’s wife, came up with Mrs Grundy, model progressive
Mary Pickford
Known as America’s Sweetheart or Girl with the Curl, as popular as Charlie Chaplin
National Women’s Party
Wanted equality and the right to vote
1932 president, created the new deal
The Hundred Days
laws instituted by FDR in his first 100 days to correct the depression
Herbert Hoover
Wildly unpopular president before FDR, choked on the depression
The New Deal
FDR’s big thing including Social Security, Unemployment, AAA, NIRA, NRA, PWA, TVA, FDIC, CCC, SEA, WPA
Dr Francis E Townsen
Wanted pensions for retirees
Harry Hopkins
Roosevelt’s secretary of commerce and leader of the WPA
Court Packing Scheme
Proposal by FDR to expand supreme court from 9 to 13, shot down
Works Progress Administration
created 34,000 public works projects costing $6 billion, led by Harry Hopkins
Huey P Long
AKA The Kingfish, 1936 Republican Candidate, thought FDR didn’t go far enough, assassinated in Baton Rouge
Tennessee Valley Authority
Created jobs and power for the south
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Gov subsidy of farms to create scarcity and drive up prices
Brown V Board
Ruled against separate but equal
The National Association for the advancement of colored people
The big man, made I had a Dream Speech
Rosa Parks
Started the Montgomery bus boycott
Freedom Riders
Rode busses around the south, often experiencing beating and bombings
Selma, Alabama
Where MLK wanted to march to Montgomery from, stopped and beaten on bridge
James Meredith
Man who wanted to attend Ole Miss
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Gave equal rights to colored people