Midterm 1: Week 1-6 Flashcards
Calls to Action Health Care
Access to services, cultural competency, education, mental health support.
Acknowledges the current state of individuals health in Canada.
Measures and closes gap in health care
Recognize and address distinct needs
Medical and nursing schools learn about the legacy
More indigenous representation
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Provided those directly and indirectly connected to residential schools an opportunity to share their stories. 94 calls to action from the TRC challenged structures in society to begin reconciliation.
12 Social determinants of health
- Income / social status
- education
- Employment and working conditions
- Social support networks
- Physcial enviorment
- Acess to health services
- Biological / Genetic factors
- gender
- Culture norms
- Living conditions
- Food security
- Child development
Florence Nightingale
- Founder of modern medience ( health is beyond absence of diease)
- Nightingale’s environmental theory of health: water, air, drainage, cleanliness, light
health is the complete physical, emotional, mental well-being. State of wholeness and balance. Can be seen an everyday resource not an objective
WHO’s new definition of Wellness:
“The optimal state of health of individuals and
The realization of the fullest potential of an
The fulfillment of one’s role expectations
WHO Defintion of Health
The optimal state groups and individuals and the realizations of ones fullest potential. The fulfillment of one’s roles and expectations. State of mental, physical, emotional, well being.
The extent to which an individual or group is able, on
the one hand, to realize aspirations and satisfy needs;
and, on the other hand, to change or cope with the
Health is, therefore, seen as a resource for
everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive
concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as
well as physical capabilities”
Ottawa Charter of Health 1986
Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over their health, and its determinants. Prerequetsies for health include: peace, shelter, food, education, income, a stable ecosystem, sustainable resources, social justice
CNA Defines Health
Endorse the WHO Defintion; provides framework of practice for RN’s
RN’s work to enable people to attain highest level of health.
Indigenous Dimensions
Physical, emotional, spiritual, mental , use a holistic model
College of Registered Nurses of Alberta , regulatory body under the Health Professions Act HPA. Mandate is to set regulatory standards for nurses.
Ensures nurses are fit to practice , look out for protection of the public
National council of state Board Nurses , comprised of regualtory bodies
National Council Licensure Examination NCLEX
9 Dimensions of health
- physical
-Developmental - Emotional
- Social
- Spiritual
- Intelleculectal
- Environmental
- Sexual
- Occupational
All holistic
Wellness vs Health
Health is more than the sum of each part as the relation between each part is different. Health is synonymous with wellness, but more of a subjective experience of your health,.
Six Domains of Wellness
– Emotional
– Physical
– Spiritual
– Intellectual
– Social
Social Determinants of Health
- Income and social status (affects all)
The greater the income the more access to health care, education, physical environment. Affects also emotional and physical health. - Social networks: relationships formed, social isolation
- Education/literacy: education results in better employment , ore income, better living conditions.
- Employment/working conditions: working conditions impact health, financial aid
- Physical environments: determines physical health, community planning, air food water qualities.
- Biological : cannot be controlled
- Individual Health practices and coping skills: coping skills that people choose to manage can be negative such as poor nutrition, drugs etc.
- Childhood development: conception through younger years is a crucial period, brain development.
- Health Services: accessibility and quality
- Gender: society determined roles, traits, power
- Culture: challenge with integration, underemployed.
- Social environments: social stability , diversity, safety, etc
Maslow’s Hierarchy
Basic Needs ( safety and physiological)
Physiologucal Needs (esteem and belongingness)
Self-fullfillment Needs ( self-actualization)
The art of the science of teaching children. Teaching is the central power role and the learners will learn what they have been told. Dependent on instructor for information, learn word-word
The art and science of helping adults learn. Teachers are their facilitator and learning is focused on the learners needs. Ulitze own experiences to participate through application, question.
Newer model, instuctors proivide guidance, less control
Self-reflection is encouraged to develop reflective prationers
Adult Learning principles
- Learner’s Need to know (why,
what, how) - Self-Concept of the Learner
- Prior Experience
- Readiness to Learn
- Orientation to Learning
- Motivation to Learn
Physical expression, fight or flight mechanism,
Acute and chronic stress
Stress Response
Begins in the brain , info relayed to amygala. If danger, hypothalmus communicates through ANS.
Acute Stress
Short term response from the sympathetic nervous system.
Lasts few minutes to weeks
Includes responses of increased blood sugar, additional RBC, pulse quickens.
Chronic Stress
occurs due to continuous state of stress , keeps body alert, negative effects on health ( long term).
1. Hypothalamus secretes ACTH through pituitary
2. ACTH stimulates adrenal glands to release cortisol
3. Cortisol levels flow throughout day , stress causes them to raise
4. high stress leads to numerous health issues