Midterm 1 Flashcards
Homo habilis
the first humanoid species appeared 2.8 mya
hold old are homo sapiens?
250 000 ya
describe 3 uses of plants in foraging societies
- edible plants
- poisonous plants for hunting
- medicinal plants
- hallucinogenic plants
- plants for fibres and dyes
- construction materials
the diet of kung bushmen consisted of?
- 2/3 plant based
- 2,355 Kcal/day rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins
what is contemporary forest gardening ?
uses cultivated plants
people in foraging societies were ____________
animisn comes from what?
primeval and universal belief that souls/ spirits inhabit ordinary plants, animals and things governing their existence
what do forgaging societies who practice animism believe?
- the human being is equal to animals, plants and natural forces
- the human being is a part of the nature and not something distinct or above it
- all nature forms must be treated with respect and be on the good side of the spirits through rituals
what is the shaman?
the repository of knowledge that allows him/her to act as an intermediate between the visable world and an invisible spirit world, he/she practices sorcery for purposes of healing, divination and control over natural events
shamanistic traditions have existed since __________ times
axis mundi
world axis
what is the belief of the shaman with the worlds axis?
they can traverse the link between the physical and spiritual world, commune the spirits for assistance in healing, weather control and future telling
what is the mother of corn?
the ritual of feeding grains to plants is practiced in __________ region of ________
malnad Karnataka
what are spirit houses?
minature homes that stand outside mainly thai budhist homes. it is hoped that spirits will live in the houses instead of homes of people
artificial selection
human intervention in plant or animal reproduction to ensure that certain desirable traits are present
similarly to natural selection artifical selection has lead to _________
how is artificial selection different from natural selection?
artificial selection deals with cultivated plants and animals
artificial selection can be used for what 3 different ways?
- increasing divercity of harvested organs
- increasing size of harvested organ
- shape and taste of harvested organ
- increasing size of flowers and number of petals
what is a cultivar?
a plant race that has been selected intentionally and maintained through cultivation
do cultivars exist in nature?
artificial selection also includes parts of plants not interest of men including?
biological traits like resistance to disisease and other ecological factors
reduced genetic divercity increases susceptibility to _________ and ____________
pests and disease
what are germplasm collections?
- native or indigenous varieties of cultivated crop plants used elsewhere in commercial production
- identification and collection of wild relatives of the more commonly cultivated plants
around ____ species of plants are cultivated for food while ___________ are ornamentals
5000, 50 000
who is Nicolai Vavilov?
- He planned to collect all of the useful germplasm that had potential in the Soviet Union, to classify it, and to use it in a national plant breeding effort
- Russian scientist
what are the plants from the near east? ( fertile crescent )
wheat, barley, peas, chickpeas, olives, dates, grapes, flax
what originated in china and east asia?
rice, soybeans, mango, bannanas
What originated in Africa?
coffee, sorghum, millet grains, yams, cotton
plants from south America include?
potato, tomatoe, quinoa, amaranth, strawberries
what are macro nutrients?
- Carbohydrates
- Proteins
- Fats
What are micronutrients?
- Vitamins
2. Minerals
what is the average caloric inatke needed?
Glucose and fructose are classified as ____________
Carbohydrates can include 5 categories including?
- monosacharides
- polysacharides
- disacharides
- starch grains
- dietarty fibre
sucrose is made up of _______ and _______
glucose and fructose
maltose is made up of _______ and__________
glucose and glucose
sucrose and maltose are _______
table sugar is ______ and is refined from sugarcane or sugar beet
where is maltose found?
germinating grains
polysaccharides include ______ of glucose
what is starch?
the form in which glucose is stored in plants, found in seeds, roots underground stems and some fruits
what 4 polysaccharides are associated with the plant cell wall?
cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose, pectin
soluble fiber includes?
hemicellulose, pectin, gums and mucillages
insoluble fibre includes?
cellulose and lignin
cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose, pectin, gums and mucillages are all what?
dietary fibers
a diet with high fiber prevents _____ ______ and _____ ______
colon canver and high cholesterol
whats a better source of fiber, grain cereals or fruits and vegetables?
grain cereals
what are FODMAPS?
short chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine, important for people with IBS
FODMAPS stands for?
fermentable oligo di monosaccharides and polyols
_________________ supply the amino acids that are necessary so that the body can construct human proteins
it is recommended that only ____% of caloric intake should be provided by proteins
out of the 20 amino acids ___ can be synthesized in the human body
the 9 amino acids that cannot be synthesized are known as what?
essential amino acids and must come from diet
plant protein is usually __________ while animal protein is usually_______ meaning
animal protein has all the amino acids while plants lack some
_________ is the main protein of wheat
what is celiac disease?
autoimmune disorder of the small intestine , seems to have a genetic componant
what is a triglyceride?
glycerol plus 3 fatty acids
essential fatty acids include?
linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic acids (present in vegetable oils)
saturated fatty acids have only ________ bonds between carbon atoms?