Midterm 1 Flashcards
Writing Longhand produces what results
Better results
Epistemological Orientation
The beliefs about how research should be conducted and influence research. ex. scientific approach or more sensitive to social world
2 Types
- Postivist
- Interpretivist
Ontological Orientation
Considers the nature of social phenomena ex. is it inert and beyond our influence or are they a product of social interaction
2 types
- Objective
- Constructionist
Advocates scientific method
Knowing something or not
Generate hypothesis that can be tested
Social world can’t be treated the same as the natural world (it moves)
Realism / realist
The natural and social sciences can and should apply the same kinds of approach to the collections of data
Social Phenomena confront us as external facts that are beyond our reach or influence
ex. an organization that exerts pressure on its members
- Does not matter who you are, only environment
- Ontological
Social factors and their meaning are constantly being achieved by actors
- Matters who you are
- Ontological
Measurement Validity
Whether a measure that is devised of a concept reflects the concept being measured
Primarily quantitative (quantitative)
-face validity can be a part of it
Internal Validity
Causality, does A cause B
- independent and dependent variable
- How confident are we that it does
External Validity
Can the study be generalized beyond the specific research context
Ecological Validity
Does the study represent the real world
The money buys happiness study which measures how amount of money contributes to mental health only to a point in people has the strongest type of what kind of validity
Measurement validity
Quantitative research
typically numbers based
deductive-theory to confirmation
Qualitative research
typically observation or words based
inductive- observation to theory
Can you get the same result multiple times
ex. how much variations were there in the telephone interviews and will we get the same answers in the evening
Can someone else achieve this result
-different than reliability
Do findings mean what they say (4 types)
Face Validity
Intuitively, does it measure what it say it does ex. using gpa for intelligence
Concurrent Validity
Does it correlate with another measure in another study
-does absenteeism from work relate to job satisfaction?
Predictive Validity
Does it correctly predict some future event
Research Design
Framework for the collection and analysis of data 5 types -experimental -cross sectional -longitudinal -case study -comparative
Research Strategy
Your ideas about how theory and research and linked.
Your idea about what counts as knowledge (epistemological) and how things exist in the real world (ontological)
Research Method
The technique you use for collecting and analyzing data
Experimental study
High control of setting manipulates independent variable(s) control and test groups always trumps other designs Strong: internal validity Weak: ecological validity and external validity ex amodio & devine study (research design)
Cross-sectional study
Multiple cases (because variation) at a single point in time and establishes quantifiable data
-patterns of association
-typically a survey
Strong: External validity (generalizable)
Weak: Internal Validity
(research design)
Longitudinal study
When a sample is surveyed at least one extra time on a further occasion
panel study- random selection with data collected and not necessarily associated with a group
cohort study- data pulled from a cohort (group of people) randomly selected or otherwise multiple times
needs to be the same group to be longitudinal
Internal validity weaker, but time might improve this
(research design)
Case Study
Detailed analysis of a single case -the case is the unit of analysis critical case-chosen to test theory extreme case-chosendue to atypicality revelatory case- a lucky opportunity to study something longitudinal case- can be studied over time ex case study of "genie" who was locked away until she was 13 -case study trumps longitudinal Strong: internal strongish: ecological weak: external (research design)
Comparative Study
two case studies or two cross sectional studies compared ex 2 hosptials, 2 individuals, 2 couples Strong: external validity Weak: internal validity (research design)
In the money buys happiness study, where emotional well being and evaluation of life were studied, what was the independent variable? and what were the results?
income was the independent variable
Happiness increased to 75k and then leveled off
evaluation of life went up
has measurement validity