Midterm #1 Flashcards
What are the different ways the term “Anti-Christ” can be used
The Greek prefix anti can mean:
- “in opposition to” or
- “in the place of, in replacement of”
The term “Anti-Christ” can mean:
1. Someone who opposes Christ
2. Someone who tries to replace Christ
Korihor opposed Christ as well as tried to replace Christ by telling the people there was no atonement and by trying to be their savior.
Korihor: Which cities he preached in?
Zarahemla, Jerson, Zarahemla, Gideon, Antionum
Korihor: What were his basic teachings?
- No God/Christ
- Can’t know the things you can’t see
- No atonement; whatever you do is right
- No life after death
- Church leaders lie to get rich and enslave members
Korihor: What epistemologies he was relying on when he made his different statements?
Epistemology: The Study of Human Knowledge
- Authoritarianism (rely upon person considered smart): “The devil told me these things”
- Rationalism (use human reason to analyze): “An angel appeared and told me there is no God”
- Empiricism (gain knowledge by 5 senses): “You cannot know anything you cannot see”
- Pragmatism (know what works in a situation): “I taught this, had success, so I believed them”
- Skepticism (attitude of being careful, reject anything without good evidence): “I will not believe, unless I see a sign”
- Conscience (inner feeling of what is generally right & wrong): “I always knew that there was a God”
- Revelation (direct communication from God to humans): “I knew there was a God, but I listened to the devil”
Korihor: What sign he was given?
Struck dumb
Korihor: What his ultimate fate was?
Went to Antionum and was trampled to death
Korihor: What was the main message Mormon wants us to learn from the Korihor story?
the moral of the story is…don’t be evil because if you do, bad things are going to happen to you
“And thus we see the end of him who perverts the ways of the Lord; and thus we see that the devil will not support his children at the last day, but does speedily drag them down to hell”
Be familiar with Alma’s model when he defended the truth against Korihor and be able to recall the phrase Alma used that effectively answered all of Korihor’s accusations
Alma’s Defense
- Attempt to reason/refute (We don’t get rich off the people)
- State the truth/evidence (All things testify of God and Christ)
- Bear personal testimony (I know God exists and Christ will come)
- Leave the rest in God’s hands (God decided to give Korihor)
Alma’s Answer
1. Korihor you know…we don’t profit from our service in the Church, but you say…we glut ourselves on the labor of our people, therefore…you deliberately twist the truth
2. Korihor you know…you cannot prove there is no God, but you say…you believe only what can be proved, therefore…you are not consistent with your own statements
3. Korihor you know…you believe there is a God, but you say…you do not believe in him, therefore…you are lying to yourself and us
4. Korihor you know…there are many signs that prove God lives, but you say…you won’t believe unless you see a sign, therefore…you won’t accept truth when it is given to you
I SAY…you are possessed of a lying spirit
Know what Alma’s strategy was to try to reclaim the Zoramites in the hopes he could prevent them from joining with the enemy and know which enemy he feared they would join with
- Power of the word of God (missionary work) [Alma 31:5]
- (Alma 4:18-19) “…seeing no way that he might reclaim them save it were in bearing down in pure testimony against them”
- Lamanites
Know what the word “Rameumpton” literally means
“the holy stand”
Know the basic Zoramite beliefs and how often they spoke about God
- God is a spirit, only a spirit
- Zoramites predestined to heaven
- All others predestined to hell
- No Christ
Be able to recall what Alma prayed for when he was in the land of Antionum
Alma 31:30-31) strength to overcome
Know what Alma compares to a seed and what that really refers to
- “the word” unto a seed
- (Alma 33:22-23) Christ was going to die and suffer for our sins atone, to bring about the resurrection to all men that we might be back to live with heavenly father, his atonement is what we need to plant in our hearts”
Understand why Alma said the poor Zoramites were blessed
“And now, because ye are compelled to be humble blessed are ye; for a man sometimes, if he is compelled to be humble, seeketh repentance; and now surely, whosoever repenteth shall find mercy; and he that findeth mercy and endureth to the end the same shall be saved.”
Know which prophet Alma is quoting when he reassures the poor Zoramites that they can worship anywhere
Be familiar with Elder Hafen’s explanation of Amulek’s teachings about “that same spirit”
“…the spirit that will possess our souls in the eternal world is either Satan’s or Christ’s”
Understand the ways in which Christ’s atonement is infinite (and understand the difference between “infinite” and “unconditional”)
- The atonement is not limited by space (Christ died for all people, everywhere)
- The atonement is not limited by time (It worked even before it historically took place)
- The atonement was performed by an “infinite being” (Jesus Christ, a divine being, could not be bound or limited by death)
Understand when the Law of Moses was actually fulfilled
At Christ’s death
Be able to recall the three things Amulek says would NOT be a used for the “great and last sacrifice”
Man, beast, any manner of fowl (Alma 34:10)
Know where Amulek was from
Be able to recall why Alma gathers his sons together
-Alma is going to pull them one by one and talk to them, Alma sees the coming of the storm because of the war
“Alma, being grieved for the inquity of his people, yea for the wars, and the bloodsheds,” gathered his sons “separately” to address “things pertaining unto righteousness” (Alma 35:15-16)
Alma’s conversion story is told several times in the Book of Mormon. Know to which of his sons he recited the most elaborate and detailed version of it, and the ancient literary technique he used when reciting it
- Helaman
- chiasmus: reverse parallelism
Know what a “harrow” is and what it does
- plow, something you drag behind a vehicle or animals, have giant spikes, purpose of harrow is to turn hard soil to soft soil
- ex: hard heart to a soft heart
Be able to recall what Alma could “remember no more” when he cried out to the Lord
remember my pains no more, don’t feel the guilt
Be familiar with which items Alma passed on to his son Helaman
- plates of Nephi
- plates of Brass
- 24 Jaredite plates
- Urim and Thumim
- Liahona
Know what the word “Liahona” literally means, and where the spindles pointed (and what we might not know about one of the spindles)
- compass
- “and within the ball were two spindles; and one pointed the way whither we should go into the wilderness.” (1 Nephi 16.10)
- while the other was perhaps fixed on some known, permanent direction (north? Jerusalem?) we don’t know
Corianton: Know whose example Alma wished Corianton had followed
His brothers: Helaman & Shiblon
Corianton: Where he encountered the harlot Isabel
Land of Siron
Corianton: What he was commanded to do concerning the ministry
“thou shouldst have tended to the ministry wherewith thou wast entrusted”
Corianton: What the result of his bad example was
because he messed up, the Zoramites wouldn’t believe Alma’s words, they ended up joining with the Lamanites and to go war with the Nephites
Corianton: Which sins Alma used to emphasize the seriousness of his sin
murder, denying the holy ghost, and sexual immorality
Corianton: What specific concerns Alma said he perceived that Corianton had.
- “I perceive that thy mind is worried concerning the resurrection of the dead…there is no resurrection…until after the coming of Christ” (Alma 40: 1-2)
- he’s concerned of the resurrection & about God’s judgment upon the wicked
Know what it takes to qualify a person to be a “son of perdition”
- to have a sure knowledge of the truth, and turn against it
- “he must receive the holy ghost, have the heavens opened unto him, and know god, and then sin against him” (Joseph Smith)
- “having denied the Holy Spirit after having received it, and having denied the Only Begotten Son of the Father” (D&C 76L31-35)
Concerning the resurrection, know what “proper and perfect frame” means
means limbs are going to be restored like our bodies are now (ex: if we lost an arm, we’re going to have that arm again when resurrected)
Resurrection: Be familiar with the statement from Joseph Smith about how people will resurrect whether they are young or old
Joseph Smith, “all men will come from the grave as they lie down, whether young or old” meaning if you die old you’ll be resurrected old and vice versa
Resurrection: What Elder Melvin Ballard said concerning what a “celestial body”
Elder Melvin Ballard, “a celestial body alone can endure celestial glory”, “Celestial” body means body that can endure “celestial glory” (a perfect body is a celestial body)
Resurrection: Be able to distinguish between the First and Second Phases of the First Resurrection (ie. who will resurrect and when)
First Resurrection is divided into two phases:
- Phase 1: those who died up until the resurrection of Christ (righteous)
- Phase 2: those who died after Christ’s Resurrection, but before the second coming (righteous)
Be familiar with Alma’s teachings concerning our actions as well as our desires
- need to have right desires and right actions
- “And it is requisite (necessary) with the justice of God that men should be judged according to their works; and if their works were good in this life, and the desires of their hearts were good, that they should also, at the last day, be restored unto that which is good”
- “The one raised to happiness according to his desires of happiness, or good according to his desires of good; and the other to evil according to his desires of evil; for as he has desired to do evil all the day long even so shall he have his reward of evil when the night cometh.”
- “And so it is on the other hand. If he hath repented of his sins, and desired righteousness until the end of his days, even so he shall be rewarded unto righteousness.” (Alma 41: 3,5-6)
Know which three things are necessary to reclaim us from the Fall
- Death (part of God’s plan, brings us back to God for judgment, death brings us to God’s presence)
- Atonement (the atonement makes it possible for us to stay there permanently)
- Resurrection (complete joy is only possible by having a resurrected body)
Understand why the Nephites were concerned about the Zoramites going apostate in the land of Antionum
- Antionum is the boarder between the Nephites and Lamanites, try to reconvert them to Nephite belief and proper worship, Nephites came Lamanites
- apostate Nephites put in charge of the armies
- worst enemies to the church and word of God
Remember what scholars have recently determined concerning the Amlicites of Alma 2-3 and the Amalekites of Alma 21-43
-recent research has demonstrated that the Amlicites of Alma 2-3 are the same group as the Amalekites of Alma 21-43
Know the basic story of the battle between Zarahemnah and Moroni, and what happened to Zarahemnah at the River Sidon
Moroni hears about Zarahemnah going to Manti from spies, divided the army and concealed this armies and was prepared to meet Zarahemnah, and circled the Lamanites (they think they’re sneaky, but are surrounded), Zarahemnah feared, and Moroni saw the fear and stopped the battle, gave them a chance to surround and give a covenant of peace, Zarahemnah being stubborn won’t give the oath, he says take our weapons but we won’t give up, so Moroni returns the weapons, and end the conflict
Zarahemnah tries to attack Moroni, but Moroni’s servant scalped him and said an object lesson (Battle of River Sidon)
Know who became the record keeper after Alma
Be able to recall the saying that went abroad concerning Alma’s supposed fate
Alma was going to preach, but he disappeared so everyone assumed he was translated
Know whether or not there are other ancient sources outside of the Book of Mormon that suggest Moses was taken up to heaven without tasting of death
Know who specifically Moroni was responding to when he created the Title of Liberty
Be able to recall the name of man that Amalickiah’s servant poisoned by degrees
Know who it was that paid tribute to Captain Moroni by saying “If all men had been , and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever”
Be familiar with Mormon’s view of war and what its true causes are,
-War was an instrument of divine purpose explained by morality, spirituality, and obedience to God
(If the people are faithful and good, they’re protected and vice versa)
What are the main elements of the Lord’s Law of Defense (see also D&C 98:33-38)
The Lord’s Law of Defense:
1. Don’t go to war unless God commands it
2. Don’t go unless it’s a defensive war
3. Raise a standard of peace (make multiple offers of peace)
Then God will fight your battles for you
Know about Amalickiah (his background, his switched allegiances, and his ultimate goals)
Nephite at birth, large and mighty man, he wanted to be king over the Nephites but no luck, and comes up with plan to come king over Lamanites, first attempt is to raise up against in rebellion to become king (treason), no success with Nephites, goes down to Lamanites(took his people), goes to the king and presents himself and says that he’s an apostate and he’s a sworn enemy and wants to “help” but his ultimate plan is to become king over the Lamanites, hates the Nephites and wants to put them into bondage and have complete authority over them
Know the basic details of the dispute between the city of Lehi and the city of Morianton
two new cities right next to each other, Morianton claims a part of the land of Lehi, therefore there was a contention between the people, and the people of the Morianton took upon them arms to fight each other, the people of Lehi send a message to Moroni saying the people of Morianton are trying to fight us and take our land, and so the people of Morianton take off north and Moroni says that’s not good, so the people of the Morianton met Teancom, Moroni feared that the people would hearken and unite with his people so he feared a two front war
Know the name of the group that tried to overthrow the government and remove Pahoran from the judgment seat
Be able to recall how Amalickiah died
Teancum sneaks into the camp of Amalickiah and put a javelin into his heart (on New Years Eve)
Know who replaced Amalickiah as king of the Lamanites
Be able to recall the strategy that was used to retake the city of Mulek from the Lamanites
Moroni caused that Teancum should take a small number of men and march near the seashore while Moroni and his army marched in the wilderness to the west of the city Mulek, during the next day Lamanite guards noticed Teancum and told Jacob (their leader) and began to chase him, while they did this Moroni and his army marched into the city and took possession of it, and took half of his army to meet the Lamanites that pursued Teancum
Know the definition of the word “stripling”, and know what name the 2000 stripling warriors took upon themselves when they made the covenant to defend their people
- took the name Nephites
- stripling: a youth in state of adolescence, or just passing from boyhood to manhood; a lad (pubescence)
Be able to recall who it was that persuaded the Anti-Nephi-Lehi’s to keep their covenant
Remember the basic details of the prisoner exchange deal that fell apart between Moroni and Ammoron
Ammoron asks Moroni if they want to exchange prisoners, Moroni says only under the condition that you deliver up a man and his wife and his children for each man, and Ammoron says yes but Moroni backs off because he wants Ammoron wants him to withdraw his purpose
Know the basic strategy the Nephites used to retake the city of Gid
get the Lamanite guards drunk, get a spy to send the wine, Laman and his crew play it cool and the Lamanites get drunk, and Moroni sneaks up with his army and throw them weapons on the inside and when the Lamanites wake up they’re surrounded both inside and outside
At the time of the “two-front” war, know generally where Helaman and Captain Moroni were fighting in relation to each other (it’s not explicit in the chapter itself; refer to the map in the lecture slides). Also be familiar with the main north/south axis and where the cities of Nephi and Bountiful are in relation to Zarahemla.
- Moroni is conducting the war in the north/northeast region (Bountiful, Mulek, and Gid from Ammoron and his army)
- Helaman is conducting the war in the south/southwest region (pass that goes between this valley that is between the mountain range)
- Nephi is south of Zarahemla and Bountiful is north of Zarahemla
According to Helaman in his epistle to Moroni, the Lamanites were only keeping some of their Nephite captives alive; know which ones they were.
Chief captains
Know the basic strategy the Nephites used to retake the city of Cumeni
- cut off supplies to the city of Cumeni, from the city of Nephi
- any time any supplies came they would take it and starve the lamanites
Know how Pahoran reacted when Moroni sent an epistle falsely accusing him of being a traitor
-writes him back kindly, sets the record straight: kingmen had overtaken Zarahemla and driven him out to Gideon, rejoices in Moroni’s patriotism and faithfulness
Know the name of the man who was made king by the king-men who drove Pahoran out of Zarahemla and be able to recall where Pahoran fled to and that Moroni marches there to aid him
- Pachus
- land of Gideon
Know how Ammoron died
Teancum in his anger went into the camp of Ammoron and threw a javelin near his heart
Know which sea Hagoth launched his ship into, according to the text
West Sea
Know who “his brother” likely refers to Alma 63:1-2
reference to Corianton