FINAL (BoM) Flashcards
Know what “Zion” means in Hebrew
Be able to recall President Hinckley’s words as to what we must do to build Zion (underlined on lecture slides!)
“…we must set aside our consuming selfishness.”
Know how old Mormon was when: he was told by Ammaron he would get the records
Know how old Mormon was when: he was taken to Zarahemla by his father
Know how old Mormon was when: he first saw the Lord
Know how old Mormon was when: he took command of the Nephite armies
Know how old Mormon was when: when he had his first victory (you might need to do some math here)
Be able to recall the Jaredite name for the Hill Cumorah
Know why Mormon resigned as leader of the Nephite army
because of their wickedness and abominations
- want to go to war, but the lord says only a defensive war
- never swear by the heavens or throne of God
- the lord also told him to be an idle witness
Understand why Mormon changed his mind and decided to lead the Nephite armies once more
-changed his mind that he wouldn’t assist them
but knew they were going to die
-he couldn’t give up, he had to try again,
could not abandon his people, once again tried to lead his people
-had charity for his people
Know what Mormon himself said was the primary purpose of the Book of Mormon (Mormon 5:12-15)
-need to go out to the rest of the world
to fulfill covenant
-to persuade children to bring people unto christ to fulfill covenant
-persuade the Jews that Jesus is the Christ
Know what year the Nephites had their final battle with the Lamanites, where they gathered to, and how many Nephites were killed;
- 384
- Hill Cumorah
- 230,000
Know which plates Mormon hid up in Cumorah, and more importantly, which ones he did not hide there
Mormon put ALL the records except the gold plates in Hill Cumorah
In Mormon 7:9, he said he wrote “this” that ye might believe “that”. Know what “this” and “that” refer to
- “this” refers to the BoM
- “that” refers to the bible
Know who wrote Mormon 8-9
Know which prophet said “Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing”
As discussed in lecture, understand what “destruction” means (and does not mean) when referring to a civilization or group of people such as the Nephites
- not all descendants of Nephi were killed
- when they destroyed the Nephites, they were scattered not annihilated
- destroyed their civilization
Be able to recall how Moroni describes those in the latter-days who profess to believe in Christ;
- proud arrogant
- love money/things
- not help the poor
- ashamed of Jesus Christ
- secret combinations
Know how Mormon died
battle wounds
Be able to recall the three reasons why miracles might cease among the children of men according to the author of this chapter (see v. 20)
they dwindle in unbelief, and depart from the right way, and know not the God in whom they should trust.
Know what script they used to inscribe their language on the plates
reformed egyptian
Understand where Moroni got the information contained in the Book of Ether
plates found by the people of limhi.
Know where (geographically) the Book of Ether narrative begins
tower of babel
Understand what it means that the people were trying to “make for themselves a name”
receive the name of god without making eternal covenants
Know where Joseph Smith said Zion was, geographically
north and south america
Be familiar with how we came to know the name of the brother of Jared (and what clue there might be about his name in this chapter)
While residing at Kirtland, Elder Reynolds Cahoon had a son born to him. One day when President Joseph Smith was passing his door he called the Prophet in and asked him to bless and name the baby. Joseph did so and gave the boy the name of Mahonri Moriancumer. When he had finished the blessing, he laid the child on the bed, and turning to Elder Cahoon he said, the name I have given your son is the name of the Brother of Jared; the Lord has just shown or revealed it to me.”
and they called the name of the place Moriancumer; and they dwelt in tents, and dwelt in tents upon the seashore for the space of four years.” (Ether 2:13)
Know what “deseret” means and why it is a good analogy for Zion
This country, in the beginning, was called Deseret — the honey bee signifying industry. Utah, in the early days, was likened to the hive of bees, in which every bee was busy and was supposed to be able to do something toward building up and strengthening the entire colony. This should be the condition of the people of Zion
Know why the Lord chastened the brother of Jared and for how long (not discussed in lecture)
3 hours for not calling on the Lord, not remembering the lord
(Ether 2-3) Be able to recall how many stones the brother of Jared presented to the Lord, and know how many stones he came down with after speaking with Him (hint – two more than he went up with!) - What were these extra two stones?d
16 stones up and 18 down. Urim and Thummim
Be able to recall the three suggestions that Elder Holland gave concerning what the Lord may have meant when he told the brother of Jared that “never have I showed myself unto man whom I have created”
“[1] Perhaps the Lord never revealed his complete bodily image to any prophet before the brother of Jared… [2] Perhaps this was the first time Jehovah had said to a prophet, ‘…I am Jesus Christ…’ Surely this ‘showed’ Jehovah to be much more than was traditionally understood… [3] Perhaps no prophet before the brother of Jared has ever, by the sheer impact of his faith alone, burst through the veil without invitation. In that sense, the Lord would be saying, ‘Never have I showed myself unto man in this manner.’ ”
Know which other individuals had seen the Lord prior to the brother of Jared (see lecture slides)
Adam and Eve, Enoch, Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch and Methuselah
Know which other prophets had seen the same vision as the brother of Jared, and the different commandments they were given concerning whether or not they should write it, seal it, or publish it (Ether 3-4)
Nephi: don’t write all of it
The Brother of Jared: write it and seal it
*John: write it and don’t seal it
(Ether 5) Know the names of the three that Joseph showed the plates to after reading Moroni’s instructions here
Oliver Cowdry, David Whitmer and Martin Harris
(Ether 6) Know what the people desired of Jared and his brother in their old age and what Jared and his brother’s response was
Annoint one of them as a king over them but surely this leads into captivity
(Ether 6) Know the name of the first Jaredite king
(Ether 6) Be able to recall how long the Jaredites were at sea
344 Days
(Ether 8) Understand why Jared the son of Omer was upset
he did not get the kingdom when he wanted it
(Ether 8) Be able to recall some of the details about what the daughter of Jared the son of Omer did and what her motivation was
Omer (the king), Jared (the son), Daughter
- she says i’m gonna dance with this guy, and he’s gonna want to marry me, and she saying that if he wants to marry me then have Akish kill Omer
- Omer is Akish’s friend
- Akish is willing to kill his friend because of a girl
(Ether 8) Know how Akish got the throne from his father-in-law Jared
Akish’s men killed jared
(Ether 8) Be able to recall how many daughters Orihah begot (from Study Questions/quiz)
As discussed in lecture, know what the “irony of evil” is
punished as much by our sins as we are for our sins, Wicked punished by wicked
Be able to tell me everything the Book of Mormon itself says about cureloms and cumoms
(Ether 9) Know what happened to Omer, son of Shule
- Lord tells Omer that Akish is going to kill him, and Omer flees with his family except Jared
- Lord warns the righteous
Know whether Morianton was a good guy or a bad guy and understand why
- gathers an army, overthrows the government, and establishes himself as king
- he lowers their taxes so the people loved him
- he’s a bad guy cause he commits whoredoms, so he was cut off from the presence of the Lord
(Ether 10) Know what was destroyed in the days of Lib (from Study Questions)
poisonous serpents
Know what Ether prophesied to Coriantumr concerning his ultimate fate
If he would repent and all his house hold, the lord would give unto him his kingdom and spare the people
Know what Moroni’s biggest fear was concerning his record and what the Lord’s response was
The Gentiles would mock the writings…Lord Responded Fools mock but they shall mourn
Be very familiar with Joseph Smith’s quote about faith from the lecture slides
“Faith is the assurance which men have of the existence of things which they have not seen, and the principle of action in all intelligent beings.”
Understand what Moroni taught concerning when the witness of our faith will come
after the trial of our faith
Know who moved the mountain Zerin
Brother of Jared
(Ether 13) Understand the concepts surrounding the New Jerusalem(s) (see Ether 13 and lecture notes)
Another New Jerusalem-City of Enoch will come down at the Second Coming, Independence Missouri
(Ether 15) Be able to recall who offered to give up their kingdom in order to spare the people
Know how Shiz died
Coriantumr cut off his head
(Mormon 2) Understand how the “sorrowing of the damned” differs from “godly sorrow”
Godly sorrow-hope to improve, all you care about is being right with God
Worldly Sorrow-give up, worried about the consequences of what other things, or if you get caught
(Moroni 4-5) Understand the differences between the covenant we make when we partake of the bread and the covenant we make when we partake of the water
With the bread we covenant/witness/promise that we are willing.
With the water we covenant/witness/promise to actually do it!
(Moroni 6) Be able to recall the specific reasons cited why did the church met together often
fast and to pray, speak about the welfare of their souls, partake of the sacrament
(Moroni 7) Know whose words are recorded in Moroni 7-9
(Moroni 7) Know what the word “hope” means in scriptural usage
“anticipation based upon testimony.”
- if you have faith, you should EXPECT to have life eternal through the atonement
- if you really believe him, you can expect this
(Moroni 7) Know what “the pure love of Christ” means, according to Mormon
Christ’s love for us
(Moroni 8) Understand the cause of disputations in Moroni 8 and know what Mormon refers to as “solemn mockery before God”;
How to baptized. Infant baptism
(Moroni 8) Memorize the second half of v. 27!
Behold, the pride of this nation, or the people of the Nephites, hath proven their destruction except they should repent.
(Moroni 8) Know which three nations were specifically mentioned as having been destroyed because the “spirit of the Lord has ceased striving with them” (lecture slides)
Jews, Jaredites and nephites
In Moroni 9, know what the Lamanites did to their Nephite prisoners and what horrible and gruesome things the Nephites did to the Lamanite captives
Lamanites to nephites- sacrificed women and children, fed the flesh of the Fathers to their wives and children
Nephites to Lamanties- Raped women, killed them and then ate their bodies like they were wild beasts
(Moroni 10) Be able to recall how many years passed from the time of the sign of Christ’s coming to the time Moroni sealed up the plates (and how long he had wandered since the final battle at Cumorah; see also Mormon 6)
36 years of wandering, 421 years
Know which three Book of Mormon prophets specifically told us they would meet us at the judgment bar (lecture notes)
Moroni, Nephi, Jacob