midstance Flashcards
during midstance there is a drop in contralateral or ipisilateral pelvis?
what is the maximum extension of the hip during midstance?
true or false: during midstance the trunk has moved over the foot?
what position does the ankle roll into during midstance?
ankle rolls into dorsiflexion (closed chain)
muscles activated during midstance?
iliopsoas eccentrically working
glute med
quad beginning to decrease with extension
gastroc eccentrically working
problems during midstance
trendelenburg sign (weak glute med)
antalgic gait (shortened stance on contralateral side, step length on the affected side will be normal)
Forward trunk bend (contracture)(hip flexors iliopsoas for example you have to compensate for this by leaning forward or by excessive lordosis)
excessive lordosis (contracture)
genu recurvatum (weak quad) (L2/L3 nerve root issues)
flexed knee >10* (contracture of capsule or spasticity of hamstring)
Premature heel off (hypomobile ankle)