Middle East Study Guide Flashcards
What is Zionism?
A political movement that was organized by Theodor Herzl in late 1800s, protecting Jews from Anti-Semitism and is built on the idea that Jews should have their own homeland in Isreal.
In the early 1900’s, Britain made three promises regarding the region of Palestine – who did they promise the land to (three different groups)?
Britain promised Palestine to Arabs (Palestine), Jews, and France/themselves.
What was the United Nations Partition Plan? When was it?
The United Nations partition plan was the plan for when the United Nations split up Israel to give to both the Jews and the Arabs. Jerusalem would be an international city controlled by the UN. It was accepted by the Jews and declined by the Palestinians. It was in 1947.
What happened immediately after Israel was declared a nation? Who takes what?
After Israel becomes a nation, 6 Arab nations attack Israel. In this war, Jordan gains control of the West Bank and Egypt gains control of the Gaza Strip. Israel takes a lot of Palestine and Western Jerusalem. Approx. 750,000 Palestinians fled or were forced to leave and Over 800,000 Jews in Arab countries also fled or were forced to leave for Israel.
What was the nakba?
Nakba means “Catastrophe” and refers to when the Palestinians lost all of their land and were displaced.
What was the 1967 war? Who attacked who? Who takes control of what?
Also known as the 6 day war, Israel attacked Egypt, Syria and Jordan and defeated them within 6 days. Israel takes control of the Golan Heights (Syria), the West Bank (Jordan), the Suez Canal (Egypt), and all of Jerusalem. They also control Sinai (Egypt).
What happened to the West Bank and Gaza Strip after the 1967 war?
After the war, Israel took over and began building settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
What does Israel begin to do in the occupied territories after the 1967 war?
Israel begins building settlements.
What is the PLO? What are they focused on doing?
The PLO is the Palestinian Liberation Organization. The PLO is focused on creating a free state for Palestine.
Who was Yasir Arafat?
He was the chairman of the PLO.
What was agreed to at the Camp David Accords in 1978? Who was it between?
In the Camp David Accords, it was agreed between Egypt and Israel that Israel was a country and Israel gave the Sinai Peninsula back to Egypt. It was the first agreement between Israel and an Arab nation. President Carter organized it with Anwar Sadat and the Israeli Prime Minister.
Who was Anwar Sadat? Why was he assassinated? When?
Anwar Sadat was the president of Egypt and he was assassinated because his people did not believe in the agreement he made with Israel at the Camp David Accords. He was assassinated in 1981 by Muslim extremists.
What was the First Intifada?
The first Intifada was in 1987 and there was a Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation, living conditions, and to demand independence. (Includes Palestinian demonstrations, strikes, boycotts, rock throwing and gasoline bombs).
What was the Second Intifada?
The Second Intifada was in 2000, Israeli political figure Ariel Sharon visits the Temple Mount (Western Wall area and Al Aqsa Mosque area) in Jerusalem. Palestinian violence erupts beginning the Second Intifada. Buses, discos, hotels, fast food restaurants, etc in Israel blown up by Palestinian suicide bombers. Israel responds militarily. From June 2000-2008
What are the current issues preventing peace? hint: there are 5
Views on Jerusalem (Israel sees united Jerusalem as capital//Palestine sees East Jerusalem as it’s capital), Settlements (Israel: For religious, political, and security reasons a large number of Israeli settlements exist in the West Bank and East Jerusalem//Palestine: Israeli settlements go against the idea of a future Palestinian state), Security Barrier (Israel: building barrier between Israel and the West Bank to prevent future suicide attacks//Palestine: barrier is going beyond the border and taking land away), Movement (Israel: does not let Palestinians move without permission to stop terrorist attacks//Palestine: it limits essential things like education and healthcare), Terrorism (Israel: there were many rocket attacks from terrorist groups [Hamas from Gaza Strip and Hezbollah from Lebanon] //Palestine: it’s stereotypical and not all Palestinians are terrorists [most aren’t]).
Why did the US support the Shah of Iran?
The US supports the Shah because he supported Western Oil interests and plans on giving the US oil.
Who did the US remove from power using a covert operation with Great Britain?
The US removes Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeq from power.
Who was Ayatollah Khomeini?
Ayatollah Khomeini was a cleric who took over Iran after they kicked out the Shah. He was a religious leader.
What happened at the US Embassy in Tehran in 1979?
Iranian students armed with sticks overtook the Embassy and took over 60 American hostages (though 13 were soon released).
What were some key events in the Iran Hostage Crisis?
Students from a local university wanted the shah, so they took over the US embassy in Tehran. They took 60 American hostages (though 13 were soon released). America had let the Shah in for cancer treatment, so they wanted the shah to execute. President Carter attempted to retrieve the hostages with Operation Eagle Claw, but this did not work out. Because of this, Carter was not reelected. This satisfied the Iranians, so they let the hostages go after 444 days in captivity, as soon as Regan was inaugurated.
What is the Iran Nuclear Deal?
The deal took place because we wanted to prevent Iran from creating nuclear weapons. We believed they had begun to create these bombs and we wanted to stop them.
Why did America leave the Iran Nuclear Deal?
During Trump’s time as president, we left because we believed they could just be cheating the deal and hiding the nukes so there would be no point in the deal. America can’t trust Iran.
Briefly explain the Persian Gulf War.
Both Kuwait and Iraq are unhappy with their borders so Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990. Saddam Hussein wanted access to the oil reserves and the Persian Gulf. Iraq believed the land was theirs.
What happened on September 11, 2001?
On September 11, 2001, 4 hijacked planes flew into important places/landmarks in America. They flew into the Twin Towers, and the Pentagon. One plane flew into the ground in Pennsylvania when the passengers attacked the hijackers. The hijackers were employed by Al-Qaeda and almost 3,000 people died that day.