Middle East: 1908 to 1956 Flashcards
What year was the Balfour Declaration?
What year was the Biltmore Declaration?
What was the level of Jewish Immigration in Palestine in 1919?
What was the level of Jewish Immigration in Palestine in 1929?
What was the level of Jewish Immigration in Palestine in 1939?
What years were the First Arab-Israeli War?
What year was Israel founded as a nation?
What did the concept of Jewish Nationalism come to be known as?
Who was the leading figure of Zionism?
What did the Balfour Declaration promise?
'’The establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jews.’’
What year was the McMahon-Hussein Letters?
What were the McMahon-Hussein Letters?
A promise by the British to the ruler of Mecca, Sharif Hussein, that he would rule over an Arab Palestine if he revolted against the Ottomans.
What year was the Sykes-Picot Agreement?
What was the Sykes-Picot Agreement?
A secret agreement between the French and British to split up the Arab territories upon the defeat of the Ottoman Empire.
What were the British Mandates?
- Transjordan
- Palestine
- Iraq
What were the French Mandates?
- Syria
- Lebanon
What year was the Suez Crisis?
What is the Suez Crisis also known as?
The Second Arab-Israeli War
When was the British White Paper?
What was the British Government White Paper?
- Independent Palestine to be created within 10 years.
- Limiting of Jewish immigration: A quota of 10000 Jewish immigrants would be allowed for each of the following 5 years.
What years was the Arab Rebellion against Britain?
What was the Haganah?
The Jewish Defence Force, which would form the basis of the Israeli Army.
What decade was the Haganah set up?
What was the Jewish Agency?
The governing body of the Zionist movement in Palestine during the British Mandate.
What was the Arab Higher Committee?
A committee of Palestinian Arab leaders. Formed in an attempt to direct the Arab Rebellion.
What year was the Arab Higher Committee formed?
Who helped to train and organise the Haganah during the Arab Rebellion?
The British
What were the causes of the Arab Rebellion?
- Palestinian Arabs were becoming landless and impoverished due to Zionist settlement expansion.
- Arab Higher Committee called for a general strike by all Arab workers, but Jewish workers replaced them.
What were the 3 reasons for the British to make the Sykes-Picot Agreement?
- WW1 not going well, needed to maintain French alliance.
- Extensive trading links in the Middle East (oil).
- Wanted to protect the Suez Canal.
What year was the UN Partition Plan?
What did the UN Partition Plan call for?
A division of Palestine to set up a Jewish and Arab state.
- Kissing points at the intersections of land.
What was the Arab response to the UN Partition Plan?
Arab Higher Committee rejected it.
What was the Jewish response to the UN Partition Plan?
Jewish Agency officially accepted it despite the exclusion of Jerusalem.
Who was the first leader of Israel?
David Ben-Gurion