Middle Childhood Flashcards
Study middle childhood psychology
Child obesity Physical Patterns
Grow average of 2-3in per year
Gain 5-7 pounds per year
Cephalocaudal pattern has now resulted in head circumference becoming more proportionate w/total body weight
Proximodistal pattern progressed to limbs
Boys gain in gross motor
Girls more advanced in fine motor
Child Obesity Causes
Socioeconomic status (lack of education of healthy behaviors + stress)
Poor behavioral pattern
Less physical activity
Child obesity consequences
Low self esteem
Social exclusion
ADHD Patterns
Person moves constantly *including situations which its not appropriate
Excessive fidgets, taps, talks
Adults: Extreme restlessness or wearing others out w/constant activity
Wanders off task
Lacks persistence
Difficult sustaining sustaining focus
*problems due w/defiance or lack of comprehension
Makes hasty actions that occur in the moment w/o thinking *may have high potential for harm
Desire for immediate rewards
Social/intrusive- interrupt others
ADHD causes
Cigarette smoke, alcohol, drug use during pregnancy
Environmental toxins during pregnancy or at young age
Low birth weight
Brain injury
ADHD Treatment
Psychotherapy/Psychosocial Intervention
Piaget Concrete Operations Benefits/Limitations
Benefits- Conservation, Classification, Seriation, Logical Thinking?
Limits- abstract thought
Categories of Peer Acceptance
Popular (peer acceptance)
- not bullying
- popular bc they’re nice and interact well
-might very liked but they harm/bulky peers
*might be a little bit of both
-some act out and become bullies bc they’ve been bullied
-try to avoid others or mind up their own business
Reasons for rejection
Physical appearance
Have behaviors that call attention to themselves
*antibullying interventions try to stop bully behavior from bully’s standpoint, but allow tries to lift victim up and build social skills
• Weren’t voted as being popular or disliked
• People forgot about them
• Overlooked
• Make school unpleasant
• Long consequences for being neglected aren’t as serious (as rejected) as long a kid has some pride in themselves or some other outlet outside of that school
They might be fine when they get out of school, just might look back & say “I hated high school”
- Have a lot of votes, but have a lot of positive & negative votes
- Seen in mixed ways
- Seen as popular but may be “different enough”
- Might be into a different style of music, off putting to others but the kid is comfortable & carries themselves well so it’s not affected *fine w/themselves
Divorce Stats
- Divorce varies on qualities you may have
- Religious individuals less likely to be divorced
- Individuals who get married after 20 less likely
- Woman more education she has, less likely to be divorced
- Economic stability- less likely
Consequences -divorce
- Financial
- Home stability
- Parental stress
Financial consequence-divorce
drop in income
Home stability consequence-divorce
○ Within 1st 2 years of divorce parent newly single parent starts to change their parenting style
§ Might be more strict or relaxed *never at the sweet spot
Requiring child to listen to you, but also being very warm *lose balance bs there’s so much else going on
Parental stress cosequence-divorce
How well is the adult trying to protect the child from letting the emotional fall out reach them? -refraining from parenting blame game, etc
Key variables in child response-divorce
Father role
Gender variable- divorce
○ Research indicates being in single parent household is more detrimental to boys
§ More typical for mom to have custody
□ No father model
Girls have harder time w/remarriage
Temperament variable-divorce
○ Some kids are more even keeled than others
Effects vary
Age variable- divorce
Children typically have more difficulty w/divorce than adolescents (reverse for remarriage)
• Might not think logically about what happened cognitive develop
• Might be a lot of self blame
Teen would have a better understanding of relationship/situation
Fathers role variable-divorce
Play important role in self esteem & self image with daughter
Last affects -divorce
Children of divorce tend to be very suspicious of marriage & likelyhood at staying in long term relationship
• Shows pattern
Have to work really hard at not falling into those patterns
Moral Development (Kohlberg)
Post Conventional
- Punishment/obedience
- Reciprocity/self interest
- Morality is externally controlled
- Have to use reward for young kids or they’re not going to get it *can’t reason
*piaget would support
• Social Harmony ○ You want to love others & them to love you *reciprocal • Social Order • Justice issues ○ This is fair/not fair • Conformity to social rules More teens fall in this level
• Social Contract
○ Founding fathers/declaration,
§ agreement made between government & people
§ Government is going to provide these services, if you do those services
§ & there is going to be a right & wrong to what both parties can do
○ God/diety? • Universal ethical Principle • Morality determine by abstract principles Regardless as to whether society says this act is just or injust it just is
Kohlberg Controversey
-controversial- bias from males perspective, women will be ranked at lower level
• Focus on relationship rather than justice?
• Secular point of view
-religious individuals at low level, bc argument is often based on punishment
• If they were able to elaborate on what they meant would they be ranked the same *sounds more post conventional