Middle Ages Flashcards
What does Medieval mean?
400’s to 1500’s. Time of transition in Western culture. A period of European development.
What were the Middle Ages?
400’s to 1500’s. Time of transition in Western culture. A period of European development.
Who was Clovis?
Became king of one of the Frankish tribes in 481. An able military leader. Conquered Frankish tribes. Was a Christian. Recieved support from the Christian church. Franks took over Gaul, thus the name of France. Died and divided the kingdom among his sons.
Who were the Merovingians?
Clovis & his successors. With lineage traced back to their ancestor Merovech. These kings after Clovis were generally weak.
Who was Charles Martel?
Son of Pepin II. Became Mayor of the Palace. His cavalry defeated the Spanish Moors in 732 when they invaded France. Died in 741. Had 2 sons.
Who were the Carolingians?
A new line of Frankish rulers starting with Pepin III in 751.
Who was Charlemagne?
The greatest of all the Frankish kings. Pepin III’s son. Ruled from 768 to 814. Spread church teachings and Christian beliefs. United much of Western Europe for the first time in 400 years. Regarded as a successor to the Roman Emporers. His empire was divided into regions, led by counts. Placed a great value on education. Started a school at the palace. Brought scholars together to create a readable Bible and create libraries.
Who was Louis the Pious?
Charlemagnes only surviving son. Proved to be a well educated and religious king but a weak and shortsighted ruler. Kingdom was spilt among his three sons.
Who were the Magyars?
A nomadic group that terrorized Western Europe for 50 years before being defeated.
Who were the Vikings?
The most feared invaders. A Germanic people from Norway, Sweden, & Denmark. Their customs and myths centered on pagan Gods. Ruled by kings and nobles but were democratic. Mostly farmers but raided and looted other civilizations. Took slaves. Savage and cruel. Used large axes and dogs to terrorize. Strong ships. Went to Iceland, Greenland, North America, England, Ireland, and parts of continental Europe. Normandy “Northmen” In France.
What is Feudalism?
Political organization of the small, local, independent leaders. A powerful noble (Lord) grants land (fief) to a lesser noble (vassal). The vassal can use the land and its products, but does not own it. They are contracted with loyalty and military assistance to the Lord. Kings, and even the church were a part of this.
What is a Fief?
The grant of land in the feudal system. Still owned by the Lord, contracts to the vassal. Becomes hereditary over time.
What is a Vassal?
The person who receives the fief from the Lord. Can use the land and its products, but does not own it. Contracted to provide military service and loyalty to the Lord. Could be a Lord.
What is Primogeniture?
The system of inheritance from father to the eldest son.
What is Manorialism?
Shaped the economy of much of Europe during the Middle Ages. A lord and several peasant families shared the land of the manor. Lord got 1/3, his domain, and the peasants worked and farm the rest of the 2/3 of the land. Peasants offered crops and farming the land to the Lord. Lord offered protection.
What are Serfs?
Peasants. In Manorialism, could not leave the manor without the lord’s permission. Very short life span. Lived, worked, and died in the village/manor they were born.
What is Chivalry?
A code of conduct/system of rules that dictated knight’s behavior towards other people. Came by the late 1100’s. Knights were expected to be courageous and far in battle. Tricks and strategy in battle proved them cowards. Loyal, keep his word, be gallant to vanquished foes, and be courteous to women and lesser people were all expectations of knights. Did much to improve the manners of the feudal lords.
What are Sacraments?
Ceremonies where people would recieve Gods direct favor/grace, or to help ward off the consequences of sin. There are: (Parish Priests perform the first 5) Baptism, Holy Communion, Penance, Matrimony, Anointing of the Sick and Dying, (Last 2 performed by Bishops) Confirmation, and Taking of Holy Orders
What is the Curia?
An advisory group of counselors to the Pope. Made up of the highest ranks of the Clergy.