Islam Flashcards
What were Bedouins?
Desert dwellers who herded sheep and camels. Nomads. Were organized into tribes, of which the tribal leaders were called Sheikh.
What is the Hijrah?
The journey of Muhammad from Mecca to Yithrab. Means “flight” or “migration”. From Mecca to Medina (Yithrab). The beginning of the Muslim Calendar.
What is Jihad?
The struggle to defent the faith. If you die in this struglgle, you will be rewarded in heaven.
What are Mosques?
A Muslim worship place. No furnishing, only rugs and mats to pray.
Who was Muhammad?
Born into a poor class in Meccas ruling tribe in AD 570. Made a living as a caravan trader. At 40, it was said he was visited by Jibreel (Gabriel) and was told to be a prophet. Went to Yathrib, or Medina, in AD 622. This is known as the Hijrah. Rededicated the Kaaba to Allah. Converted many of the Bedouin tribes. Spread his religion through wise policies, tolerance, and force. Died in AD 632.
What is Islam?
A religion founded by Muhammad. 1 God - Allah. After Muhammads death, spread across Arabia, Middle East, and North Africa. Kaaba is the Holy Place. Each believer mush obey Gods will. Means “Submission to the will of God” Followers are Muslims.
Who are Muslims?
Followers of the Islamic religion. Millions of them around the world. Memorize and recite the Qur’an in Arabic.
What is the Qur’an?
The Holy Book of Islam. The word fo Allah revealed to Muhammad. A sacred guide. Has rules and instructions for right living. Memorized and recited by Muslims in Arabic.
What is a Caliph?
Sucessor to the Prophet (Muhammad). 1st: Abū Bakr. 2nd: ‘Umar. Led the religion. Splits and wars based on who this was/should be.
Who were the Imams?
Descendants of the Caliph Ali. Should serve as religious and worldy/government decision makers.
What was a Sultan?
Ruled the Turks ands claimed to serve the Caliph. Played an important symbolic role.
Who was Abū Bakr?
Chosen as Muhammads first sucessor in AD 632. One of the earliest converts. Given the title of Caliph, or sucessor to the Prophet. Tried to bring together the Arabic tribes. Began to expand Islam northwards.
Who was ‘Umar?
Succeeded Abū Bakr as Caliph in AD 634. Very strong leader and well ran government. Continued under his rule, the expansion of Islam.
Who are the Sunni?
Those who accepted Mu’āwīyah as Caliph. Majority of Muslims.
Who are the Shi’ah?
Ali’s believers and descendants. Believed that all caliphs should come from Ali’s bloodline, or the Imams.