Middle Ages (1250 - 1500) Flashcards
What were some of the supernatural beliefs of the cause of disease
-Astrological causes (allignment of the planets caused disease, zodiac charts to diagnose)
-Religious beliefs (if someone sinned, god would punish them with illness)
-Witches were causes of disease
-Jewish people were thought to have caused disease
When was Hippocrates alive
What theory did Hippocrates create
the 4 humours theory - unbalance of the 4 humours caused disease
What were the 4 humours
-black bile
-yellow bile
When was Galen alive
What was the importance of Galen
-The church disallowed any-ne from disporivng Galen, so his mistakes (anatomical and blood-related) couldn’t be correxted.
-Miasma theory : bad air caused by sin lead to disease, popular until germ theory in 1861
-Due to the church’s protection, his ideas went unchallenged for more than 1500 years and this was the foundation of medicine at the time
-He advocated Hippocrates’ 4 humours theory
When was the Gutenberg Press invented
What was the importance of the invention of the Gutenberg press
-it allowed for the spread of medical knowledge around the world
When was the black death
Which Irish town’s population was completely wiped out due to the black death
What fraction of the European population was killed
What percentage of Londers died
What were some common treatments for the black death
-Praying (for forgiveness)
-Sweet herbs (to make the air clean - miasma)
-blood-letting and purging (to balance the 4 humours)
-rubbing bread and pigeons on buboes (superstition)
What did people do to prevent the black death
-Flagellation (people whipping themselves for forgiveness from god)
-Kind Edward III ordered for the streets to be cleaned (some idea of public health)
-Rakers cleaned animal waste from the streets
-Butchers were fined for dumping animal waste into the street
What were some common treatments during the middle ages
-Blood-letting and purging
-herbal remedies supplied by wise women and apothecaries
-Physicians were trained on Galen’s beliefs
-Barber surgeons had no surgical experience but still perfomed blood-letting and amputations (there were high death rates)
-Flagellation, praying/repentance, zodiac charts