Midbrain Flashcards
CN 3
Sends GVE pregang para symp to sphincture pupillae and ciliary muscles. They synapse in the ciliary gang.
CN 3
Primarily GSE fibers, innervates muscle
So of the eye.
Exits midbrain in the interpeduncular fossa anteriorly.
CN 4
Exits posterior lay at the level of the inf colliculus. Carries GSE fibers to the sup oblique muscle of the eye.
Superior colliculus
Involved in the conjugation of eye movement, reflex closure of the eye and accomodation by focussing eye at short range.
Sup colliculus tracts
Receives afferent through superior bra him pathway
Axons from retinal ganglion
Corticotectal fibers from the occipital and frontal lobes.
Sup colliculous efferent a
Tectobulbospinal tracts: tectobulbar- to nuclei controlling eye movements reflex eye closure.
Tectospinal- crossed to spinal cord for tracking of objects in the visual field.
Inferior colliculus
Related to auditory pathway, tonotypically organized, coordinates auditory reflexes through connections with sup coll and tectospinal tract. Coordination of auditory, neck and eye movements.
Inf coll
Afferents from the lateral lemniscus which is from the primary cochlear nuclei
Efferent To the geniculate nucleus of the thalamus via inferior brachium.
Red nucleus
Main afferents- from cerebellar nuclei, corticorubral fibers which control motor fnxns
Main efferents-rubrospinal tract, flexor biased projection to the upper limb, major eff also go to the thalamus, cerebellum and olivary complex where they participate in cerebellar fnxns
Substantial nigra
Contains pars compacts and reticulata, c has dopamine and is involved in Parkinson’s payhology while r doesn’t. Though r and c are interconnected.
Ventral tegmental area
Contains dopaminergic neurons and is associated with reward system, found between sub nig and red nucleus
Periaquaductal grey
Appears to be involved in modulating pain, receives a broad range of fibers.
Lateral lemniscus
Ends at the level of the inferior colliculus, lat lemn is a continuation of the cochlear nuclei.
Located rostral to the sup col and contains five nuclei related to visual fnxn
Major area involved in the pupillary light reflex, only large lesions seem to impair this reflex
Vertical gaze center
is located just rostral to the midbrain pretectum. Nuclei communicate through the posterior commissure