Mid Year Practice - Post Jesus Flashcards
What is a messiah?
A great saviour
What was the messengers job?
The messengers job was to prepare people for the messiah.
Who is jesus’ messenger?
It was believed to be John.
What was johns urgent messags?
He wanted people to be pure and rid of sin before the messiah came
Why was john called john the baptist?
Because he baptised people to take away their original sin for the comeing of the messiah
Where did john baptise Jesus?
John baptised Jesus in the Jordan river. Immerse them in water to wash away their sin and past life. Jihm was reluctant to baptise jesus as he wasa man without sin.
When he came up from the water, he heard gods voice and saw a white dove ( the hoky spirit )
What did Jesus’ baptism represent?
Jesus realised he was Gods son the messiah
And also marks Jesus’ ministry
Why do you get baptised?
You get baptised so you a child of God and a member of the catholic church.
What was the story about Jesus’ temptation?
Temptation of jesus was written in Matthews gospel about Satan tempting Jesus who was in the dersert for 40 days and 40 nights
1. Turn stones into bread (we cant live on bread alone)
2. Throw yourself from temple in the holy city / dont test God
3. Kneel down and worship me to get all the kingdomes of the world / only worship God
The angels then came and helped Jesus
Describe the origin of discipleship.
Discipleship means learner, is a follower of jesus christ.
An apostle ‘one who is sent’, a preacher.
Jesus called ordinary men in Lake Galilee to be his disciples. They were fisherman but when Jesus said ‘Follow me’ they left everything behind and followed jesus. Jesus said that he wanted to teach them how to catch people. Jesus needed disciples to set up Gods kingdom and make the world better. In order to do so he needed people to spread the message. He chose ordinary men because he saw potential in them.
What does disciple ‘follow me’ mean?
Be with me
Learn from me
Become like me
Be another me
What does apostle mean?
One who is sent out, preaching the gospel to all the world
Disciple acrostic?
Do what God says
I believe in Lord
Stay with God
Choose the ordinary people
I will listen
Preach to the people
Learn and listen
Exert efforts into followimg the right path
Save peoples souls
What was the apostles mission?
In Marks gospel, jesus sends out his 12 apostles.
The apostles had to stay in a persons house until they left the town.
They would shake dust of their feet if they were not wecome or listened to.
They preached, people repented, they cured peoples illnesses and they drove out demons.
Who were the 12 disciples?
Peter, Simon, james, john, philip,bartholomew, thomas, matthew, james, thaddeus, simon, judas
Beliefs about the holy spirit?
When jesus was being baptised by John the Baptist, he saw a white dove that represented the holy spirit. The holy spirit is the power of god at work on earth, iss god, one of three persons who comprise the holy trinity.