Mid-term readings Flashcards
Hard truth about telecommuting
African American and Technology Use
Nationally 7% point gap between w/b on internet use
Smartphone usage correlated with age
12 point difference w vs b with broadband internet
65+ cell phone ownership is more 77% vs 45% internet use
Young black and connected: FB
Studied online behaviors: communication and broadcasting
– 232 students
Study found:
– Fb ceates social and cultrual identity
younger students spend more time
interpersonal relationships more important than personality traits
We cant all be obama
Media used for politics is cost-effective way
Policing Cyber-Neighborhoods: Tension, Monitoring and Social Media Networks
COSMO– Social media analyzer for gauging rising tensions online
- Uses tiwtter feed to determine rising tensions in order to help police act on sistuation in order to prevent riots formed by SM
- – ranking each tweet on scale 1-3
E-gov research: lit limitations and ways forward
Various definitions of e-gov 5 defined models of e-gov: gov 2 gov, gov 2 citizens, gov to corperations, gov 2 cival society, citizen 2 citizen 5 stages of e-gov: 1. emerging web presence 2. enhanced web presence 3, interactive web presence 4. transactional web presence 5. seamless web presence (al services online)
- no universal def
- -too much belief in system
- -Policy processes ad political nature of e-gov
- define e-gov
INternet and Surveillance
“new surveillance= electronical
Dataveillance = monitroing peoples commication and actions through IT
Internet enables globally network from of surveillance
– global interaction
Internet surveillance = scruntiy of the powerful
Privacy enhancing technologies
– virus protection, encryption, spyware