Mid term exam Flashcards
What is power?
The ability to achieve an objective by influencing the behaviours of others.
What are the 4 different types of power?
Coercive, Persuasion, Leadership and Inducement
What are faces?
Objectives that can be achieve with power
What are the different types of faces? (Ability)
Ability to affect decisions, ability to esnure that issues are not raised, Ability to affect dominant ideas in society
What are the different distrubtion in society?
Concentrated ( Elitist ) and Dispersed (`Pluralist)
What is Authorithy ? What does it allow?
A form of power regarding the right to issue commands and make decisions. It allows more governance and less use of coercive power.
What is legitimacy?
Believe in the rightness of rules.
What are the three types of authority?
Charismatic Authorit ( Leader like Kim Jung Un), Rational-legal authority (Laws) and Traditional Authority. (Kings)
What are the different approach to common good? Explain it
Individualist = Citizens are free to purse their own interest
Collectivist: Seek the interst of others.
What categorise a state?
Monopoly over violence, Self-Governing ( sovereignty) , Territory, Rules, Performs key-functions. Also has a goverment and citizens.
What is a nation? What does it share?
A group of people that share :
A common identity, a desire to self-govern, a common language, religion, values etc.
What is nationalism ? What are the two different types?
Pride in one’s nation. Ethnic nationalism ( Based on race, language) and Civic nationalism ( Political values like Multicularalism and political history like war.)
What is a nation-state?
Overlap of a single nation with a single state.
What is freedom?
Ability to act as one wants, without interference restraints, coercion.
What are the key ideas in modern politics?
1 : Nationalism and self-determination 2 : Ideologies ( Socialism etc) 3: Polical parties